Eternal love of the red dragon

Chapter 242 - Confession

The next morning when Lilith woke up she stretched off and saw Cosmo was not in the bed so she flung up and sighed. 

'I don't need to freak out she is probably right around her somewhere" she said to herself then grabbed her things and placed them on the bed and went out into the balcony. 

"Nothing like fresh morning air," she said. 

'Hey" someone said and the girl jumped then looked and saw Claudia flying with a few dragons and she sighed. 

'Good morning to you too Claudia" she said and Claudia laughed. 

'Good morning, sorry if I scared you" she replied and Lilith sighed. 

'It's fine, you are very energetic this morning" she said and the girl sighed. 

'I am going to train really hard I want to help you guys, thanks to you I got motivated" she replied. 

'In what way did I motivate you exactly?" Lilith asked as the girl leaned in toward her and Lilith pulled back. 

"You are getting a little close don't you think?" Lilith asked and Claudia smiled. 

'Am I really?" she asked and Lilith sighed. 

'Yes you are" she responded and Claudia scoffed. 

'You may be right, but I have made up my mind" she said. 

'About what exactly?" Lilith asked. 

'About you what else?" she asked then flew off and Lilith sighed. 

'Her intentions are a little off anyways, I just hope she doesn't get into fire with Cosmo, that would be catastrophic for me" she said to herself with a sigh then went to freshen up. 

After the girl finished freshening up she came into the room, got changed then left the room heading to the living room. 

'Cosmo" she called out. 

"She is not here," Vivian said and Lilith sighed. 

'Where is she?" Lilith asked. 

'She left a little while ago, I don't know where she went though" Vivian responded and Lilith sighed as she sat on the couch in the living room. 

'Where could she have gone?" Lilith asked herself as she laid back on the couch and Marlene sat on her and she gasped then sighed as the others laughed. 

"I am not a stool, I have feelings," Lilith said and Marlene smiled. 

'I know" she replied. 

'Well please get off of me" she said. 

'Get off of the girl" Jasmine said and Marlene laughed then came off of the girl and Lilith sighed. 

'So where is Cosmo?" Marlene asked. 

'I am wondering the very same thing, she wasn't in bed this morning, she usually is" Lilith said as they stared at her. 

'What?" she asked. 

'It simply means that you love and have gotten sued to her by your side every morning when you wake up" Vivian said and she sighed. 

'Yeah you are probably right I have gotten really used to having her around, it's nice to have her there, to be honest" she said and they smiled. 

'You two are really cute together that is one thing for sure" Ash replied and she smiled. 

"You know this is one thing we never saw coming, you and Cosmo dating I guess the future really is undecided," Jasmine said. 

'Yes, our futures are undecided that I do know" Lilith replied and they smiled.

"Aren't you guys coming to eat breakfast?" Rex asked as he walked into the living room and they looked at him. 

"Have you seen Cosmo?" Lilith asked and Rex sighed. 

'Nope I have not why?" he asked.

'I can't find her, maybe I am just freaking out for no reason at all" she responded and he smiled then patted her on the head as she got up.

'Relax a little I am sure she is fine, come on let's go have breakfast" he said and they all went to the dining hall.

Upon arriving there Lilith sat down and sighed as she took her food and Rex grabbed onto her hand then she looked at him and he smiled. 

'Relax please I am sure she is just fine" he said and she sighed then smiled. 

'Okay i hope so" she replied as they all began eating. 

While they were eating Claudia came in and sat with Lilith then the girl looked at her and touched Lilith on her shoulder. 

"You okay?" Claudia asked and Lilith smiled. 

'Yeah I am fine, by chance, you don't know where Cosmo went do you?" she asked. 

'No I don't I wish I did though, I am sorry what happened?" she asked. 

'Nothing, I am just probably a bit paranoid" she responded then continued eating and Claudia's eyes glowed purple along with all of her body and they all looked at her as the girl saw through the entire city but did not see Cosmo anywhere. 

'I can't find here anywhere in the city either, have great tracking sense I would have if she was there" Claudia said as her body stopped glowing and Lilith sighed. 

'I am sure she is right around here somewhere, thanks let's est" Lilith said and they continued eating. 

"Cosmo I hope you are okay, you never leave without telling anyone," Lilith said to herself then poured herself a glass of juice and drank it.

"She is getting really tensed sitting there, I can sense it," Rex said to himself as he looked at Lilith then sighed and held onto her hand. 

"What is it?" she asked and he smiled. 

"Cool it, I can sense how frustrated you are getting that's not good for you right now" he responded and she smiled. 

"Yeah you are right, sorry I just freak out sometimes for no reason at all," she said and he smiled. 

'It's understandable, she usually never leaves without saying anything so I understand" he replied. 

After they finished eating Lilith went out into the balcony and looked at all the different creatures flying in the air and she frowned as she waited for Cosmo to return. 

"How long are you going to be out here without doing anything?" Claudia asked as she came to Lilith and the girl sighed then looked at Claudia. 

"I am just worried about her" she responded and the girl patted her on the shoulder. 

"I know you are Lilith after all you love her but you cannot just be out here all alone doing nothing," Claudia said and Lilith smiled as Claudia flew up in the air and Lilith looked at her. 

'What are you waiting for? take out your wings and get up here" Claudia said. 

'You are stubborn" Lilith said and the girl smiled as Lilith took out her wings and flew up in the air and Claudia laughed. 

"Your wings are huge and very pretty," Claudia said. 

'Thank you" she replied as she floated in the air looking down at the city. 

'I see you really like flying" Claudia said and Lilith smiled as she looked at the girl. 

'Yea at first I didn't like it so much, I was not fond of flying but one night on Cosmo's back changed everything" she replied. 

'You should see the smile on your face when you talk about Cosmo" she said and Lilith looked at her then sighed. 

"Yeah well, i... I don't know if you will call it my obsession or just love but everything of mine is connected to her" Lilith replied and Claudia went to her then patted her on the head. 

"You are a great person and I will be honest I really like you," she said and Lilith's eyes widened as she left staring at Claudia. 

'Are you serious? like as in?" she asked. 

"LIke as in not a friendship but I want a relationship with you, I know it's not possible because you are with Cosmo and your feelings will never change about her and I know you love her but that won't stop me from liking you" she responded and Lilith left dumbstruck as she stared at the girl. 

'Wow that was deep but you already know my answer so there is no use in saying anything" Lilith said and the girl sighed. 

"Well I hope Cosmo returns soon, I can't take to seeing that yearning look in your eyes," she said and Lilith laughed then flew off and Claudia flew with her and as they were flying someone passed her with full speed and she nearly lost balance but Claudia grabbed onto her. 

'I am so sorry" Cal said and Lilith sighed as she looked at him and his friends. 

"You are like a wild horse, but it's fine and thanks to Claudia," she said and the girl smiled then Lilith looked at Cal sternly and he smiled nervously. 

"Be careful next time Cal" she said. 

'I will" he replied and she smiled. 

"Oh Cal have you seen Cosmo?" she asked and he sighed.

'I saw her leaving this morning, didn't see her after that" he replied and she sighed. 

"I see well thanks for telling me and if you see her do tell me okay?" she asked. 

"Okay" he replied then left and Lilith frowned as Claudia grabbed onto her arm and pulled her. 

'What is it?" Lilith asked. 

"Come on let's get something sweet to eat, it will get your mind off of things, clear it a little" Claudia said and Lilith smiled as they flew down and went to get some pastries at the bakery. 

"What do you want? it will be my treat today" Claudia said and Lilith smiled. 

"She is really determined," Lilith said to herself with a sigh. 

"A cupcake or so will be just fine" Lilith replied and Claudia placed the girl to sit down by the table and chair while she went to make the order.

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