Eternal love of the red dragon

Chapter 249 - Father's Gone

WhilemCosmo was cooking she couldn't helo but had the urge to see LIliht and she looked at the others talking then at Claudia who was helping her cook. 

'Claudia, can you keep an eye on things here? I will be right back?" she asked and the girl smiled. 

'Sure" she responded then Cosmo left and Claudia kept on cooking while the others were eating and talking in the kitchen. 

'Lilith" Cosmo called out as she entered the room and saw that Lilith was sleeping and she smiled. 

'You are sleeping, didn't ve think of covering yourself, the place is cold, you will catch a cold on me" she said as she grabbed the blanket and covered Lilith. 

'Cosmo" she called out as she opened her eyes and Cosmo smiled. 

'Sorry I didn't mean to wake you" she said and Lilith smiled. 

'Don't worry about it, it's fine, it's night already, are you guys done?" she asked. 

'Yeah we are almost, just a few minutes more" she responded and Lilith sighed. 

'Sorry I couldn't be of much help I just needed to lay down and I fell asleep" she said and Cosmo patted her on the head. 

'Don't worry about it, you need your rest, it's totally fine" she replied and Lilith smiled. 

"I guess I will get up now," she said and Cosmo scoffed. 

'You don't have to get up if you don't want to, you don't have to force yourself" she replied and Lilith sighed then looked at Cosmo. 

'Give me a bath" she said and Cosmo smiled. 

'Taking advantage of being sick?" she asked and Lilith sighed. 

'I am not sick I am just not as strong" she responded and Cosmo smiled as the girl got off of the bed and Cosmo sighed. 

"Let's just hope that she doesn't burn my kitchen down," she said. 

'Who exactly are you talking about?" Lilith asked. 

"Claudia" she responded. 

'I see, I am sure she is capable enough" she said and Cosmo sighed. 

'You are probably right, anyways let me give my girl a bath" she replied and Lilith sighed. 

'The way you say it... I will take a bath myself, you go back to the kitchen with Claudia" she said and Cosmo pouted. 

'Huh? you just asked me to give you a bath and now you are changing your mind" she said and Lilith smiled then patted her on the head. 

'Do you know what I enjoy the most?" she asked. 

'What? teasing me?" she asked and Lilith smiled wickedly. 

'Yes that exactly" she responded and Cosmo pouted. 

"I see, so teasing my poor souls gives you satisfaction, how nice," she said and Lilith laughed. 

'Go on and I will join you guys in a few" she replied and Cosmo pouted then Lilith kissed her and she smiled brightly. 

'Just look at how easy it is to cheer you up" Lilith said. 

'You just hurry up and get better I have things I would like to do" she replied and Lilith laughed. 

'I will take my time" Lilith said and Cosmo scoffed. 

'Fine, go on take your time, I am a patient person" she replied then Lilith laughed and the girl left. 

"Ah, it's always nice teasing her' Lilith said to herself as she took off her clothes and went to freshen up. 

After the girl finished taking her bath, she got dressed and left the room. 

'My tummy is hurting me, I am hungry" she said as she went to the kitchen and tapped Cosmo on the shoulder then the girl looked at her and she pouted. 

'What is it? why are you pouting?" she asked and Lilith rubbed her stomach as the maids took the food to the dining hall and Cosmo smiled. 

'You are that hungry huh?" Cosmo asked. 

'I don't know why" she responded and Cosmo smiled. 

"Come on, you seriously need to be taken care of, I will treat you like a child, you might as well let me have my way with you," she said and Lilith smiled as they went to the dining hall and Lilith sat down. 

"I will go freshen up, you eat in the meantime," Cosmo said then left but Lilith didn't eat and Rex smiled. 

'You are really going to wait?" he asked and she smiled. 

'Yes" she responded and he patted her on the head when she kept on feeling the power surging within her and the mark started glowing and Rex took her hair, pulling it onto the side of her arm, blocking the mark and she sighed. 

'Thanks, I think it's going to keep doing that now, I feel it this time Rex" she mumbled and he sighed then poured a glass of wine and gave it to her and she drank it all. 

After a little while of waiting Cosmo came back all freshen up and she saw that Lilith was not eating and she sighed as she sat near the girl. 

'Why aren't your eating? don't you like anything here?" Cosmo asked and Rex sighed then patted Cosmo on the shoulder. 

'She was waiting on you to eat" he responded and Cosmo smiled then took out the girl's food and gave it to her and both of them began having their dinner. 

While Lilith was eating she was feeling very upset but kept on eating. 

'You okay? you look a little pale" Cosmo said and Lilith smiled. 

'Yeah I am fine, don't worry about me, eat your food" she replied as she eys widneed when she sensed the king calling out to her and she folded her cuffs. 

'You know with all of your powers you can bring your mother back alive" he said and she clenched her cuffs in anger. 

"What the..." Rex said as he saw she opened her eyes and they were glowing. 

"Lilith" he called out. 

'What have you done?" she asked as she looked around and didn't see her father. 

'Dad" she called out and Val looked at her. 

"What is it?" Val asked. 

'Where is my father?" she asked as tears came to her eyes. 

'Please find him, now" she said and Claudia's body started glowing as she searched for Lilith's father then sensed that he was nowhere in the kingdom. 

'Waht's the matter Lilith?" Cosmo asked. 

'Tell her anything and he is dead" the king said and she frowned then looked at Cosmo and sighed. 

'Nothing I am just a little worried, I am done eating' she responded then left and Cosmo looked at Rex then he sighed. 

'Maybe she is just not feeling that great, let her be" he said and Cosmo sighed then continued eating. 

'What do you want?" she asked as she looked at herself in the mirror and the king laughed. 

"Oh Lilith didn't you think I would find my brother when I realized that he is alive?" he asked and she sighed. 

"What the hell do you want?" she asked. 

'Hand over your girlfriend or he is dead" he responded and tears ran down Lilith's cheeks. 

'I can't do that" she said and he sighed. 

'Then you will lose another parent" he replied and she gasped then sat down on the bed. 

"Here," he said. 

'Lilith don't you do it, sweetheart, my faith was already sealed, don't hand Cosmo river he will destroy her and everything else" he said and the king laughed for he used her father to get to her. 

"You have a day to decide the longer you take the more he suffers," he said and she heard her father's scream when he ended the connection. 

'What do I do now?" she asked herself as she looked at Cosmo's photo by the bed and she started crying. 

'I have to choose, how am I supposed to choose?" she asked as she got up and walked out of the room and as she walked passed Cosmo in the dining hall the girl grabbed onto her arm and she looked at Cosmo. 

"Where are you going?" Cosmo asked. 

'For a night flight, let go, I will be back soon" she said and Cosmo looked at her sternly. 

"I am sorry but you cannot fly, not as yet" she replied and Lilith looked at her sternly and moved her hand away from her. 

'Lilith what's the matter?" Rex asked and she frowned. 

'It's nothing Rex" she responded and Cosmo sighed. 

'You are lying, I know you are Lilith, I can feel it for some reason, what's the matter?" Cosmo asked and she scoffed. 

"I just want some time to myself Cosmo, please," she asked and the girl left staring at her along with the authors. 

"The more I am here wasting time, the more he suffers," she said to herself.

'Let go now" she said and Cosmo sighed as Lilith took out her wings and her head started winning and Rex grabbed onto her arm. 

'You are in no state to fly" he said. 

'I will be fine" she replied then flew off and Cosmo frowned. 

'Something is not right, let her be for a while" Val said and Cosmo sighed as Lilith flew out of the kingdom heading towards home. 

Hours passed and the girl was still flying and as for Cosmo, she was waiting on Lilith for a very long time but slept away. 

"I am tired," she said to herself as she landed in the woods and sat by a tree. 

'I will take a short nap" she said as she closed her eyes and fell asleep then someone appeared before her and sighed. 

'Lilith" she called out and it turned out Claudia followed Lilith for she sensed a third presence when Lilith pushed Cosmo's hand away.

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