Eternal love of the red dragon

Chapter 27 - "Where The Hell Is Cosmo?"

"I am sorry I was like that with you Cosmo, I know that you are only trying to help," the princess said then raised up and saw how pink Cosmo's face was.

"Are you okay?" Lilith asked,

"What?" Cosmo asked as she stared at the princess,

"Are you okay?" Lilith asked then the girl's heart rate increased,

"Uh... yeah I am fine thanks" Cosmo responded then Lilith laughed,

"Okay, are you still angry?" Lilith asked,

'I was never angry at you, I was just..." she responded with a sigh,

'Don't you think you should sleep now, you have an engagement tomorrow?" Cosmo asked then Lilith frowned,

"I will go to bed just now" she responded,

"Why don't you cancel it if you are not happy?" Cosmo asked then the princess scoffed,

"I think you know why I can't" she responded,

"Yeah I know, I pray no one gets a father like this" Cosmo said then Lilith smiled and looked at her.

"Thank you for always standing up for me, I know you only want the best for me," Lilith said then Cosmo looked her straight in the eyes.

"Her eyes, it's different no one has ever looked at me like that before, what look is that?" Lilith asked herself then smiled at Cosmo,

"You do not have to thank me and you are right I only want the best for you" Cosmo replied.

"Well, to be honest, i have never had anyone like you around me, you have changed a lot of things ever since you came and for me, it's for the better, you are different from my other friends, I love them a lot but you are I do not know how to say it," Lilith said,

"I get it, you do not have to say anything, I am just glad that you like me enough to let me stick around" Cosmo replied then the princess patted her on the shoulder.

"We have a really long day tomorrow, come on let's call it a night," Lilith said,

"Okay good night," Cosmo said then kissed Lilith on the cheek and the princess smiled then both of them went to sleep on the same bed.

Lilith was only thinking of Cosmo as a friend but as the days pass by Cosmo was getting more attached to the princess more than ever and it was getting harder for her to keep control over herself.

While the princess was in deep sleep her body started glowing and Cosmo woke up due to the strange aura, upon seeing the girl glowing she smiled,

'You are finally starting to change, soon enough you will have the full form of the phoenix" Cosmo said to herself as she laid back and placed her hand around the princess then slept away.

After a long and good night's rest, the princess woke up to a cold and windy morning.

"Good morning Cosmo," she said but then saw that Cosmo was not in the room.

'Huh where is she? where could she have gone?" she asked herself as she got off of the bed and wrapped herself in a robe then went downstairs.

"Cosmo" she called out,

"Oh did she finally leave?" Her father asked,

"Good morning to you too father" she responded as Vivian came to her,

"Good morning Lilith," Vivian said,

"Have you seen Cosmo?" Lilith asked,

"Uh... no we were just finishing up with the decorations, everything is set for the ball later" Vivian responded,

"Ah... okay thanks and good morning to you too Vivian, I will catch you guys at breakfast," she said then rushed off.

"Did I miss something?" Vivian asked,

"Nope" the king responded then walked away and Vivian went back to the others who were in the ballroom.

The princess went out of the castle and called for Cosmo but got no response.

"Damn it maybe I am just freaking out for nothing," she said to herself with a frown,

'Did father do something to her?" she asked herself as she looked up in the sky as the cold wind blew against her face.

"Maybe she just went to run some errands, I will give it some time," Lilith said to herself then went back into the castle and to her room.

The girl then took her robe off and the rest of her clothes then went to take a bath.

While taking her bath, she started to get more worried about the girl but tried to pass it off as just being paranoid.

When she finished taking a bath, she got dressed then went down to join the others for breakfast.

"Good morning guys," she said as she entered the dining hall.

"Good morning sweetheart" her mother replied as she sat down.

"Did you find the little pet?" her father asked then she folded her cuffs in anger and looked at him sternly,

"Did you do something to her dad?" she asked while smiling and he looked at her with a cold gaze.

"Don't push your luck sweetheart" the king said then Vivian swallowed deeply.

"Uh... Lilith are you ready for tonight?" Vivian asked then Lilith smiled knowing what she was trying to do.

"I am always ready" she responded with a fake smile,

"I wish I could believe that princess," the girl said to herself as they began eating their breakfast.

While eating the princess started to worry again but just then she remembered that Cosmo would go up the hill something but she did not know why so after she finished eating she kissed her mother then walked out of the castle and went to the stables.

There she grabbed her horse then rode off towards the hill.

Upon arriving at the hill she saw the beautiful creatures that were there, there was even a flying snake which was harmless.

"Cosmo" she called out but got no answer.

"Oh god" she said to herself as a little bunny came and hopped on her feet then she laughed and lifted it up.

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