Eternal love of the red dragon

Chapter 48 - A Night Flight

"I wonder what's going on in her mind too she is acting weird," the princess said to herself as she laid back on the bed. 

A little while later Lilith slept away and the girl came out of the bath with her eyes glowing as she got changed. 

"Good night princess," Cosmo said then went to sleep on the couch but was finding a really hard time to sleep there but yet she forced herself to, and a little while after she slept away. 

While they were sleeping Rex appeared in the room out of nowhere with his eyes glowing and he was staring at the princess. 

"I just wish you two sort things out princess or both of you will suffer dearly," he said as he took the blanket and covered Lilith properly. 

"Princess" he called out and she opened her eyes then saw him standing there. 

'You can get into trouble for sneaking into a royal's room without permission" she said as she sat up. 

'Sorry" he said. 

"Why are you here?" she asked. 

"Grab the book and come out into the balcony" he responded and she got up from the bed but nearly fell and he grabbed onto her. 

"You are still sleepy, drink some water and wake up," he said. 

"Thank you" she replied. 

"You are welcome and I am sorry too," he said. 

"Sorry for what?" she asked. 

"For waking you up after midnight" he responded and she smiled. 

'It's fine" she said. 

"Are you two fighting again?" he asked and she looked then saw Cosmo sleeping on the couch and her eyes widened then she frowned. 

"I don't know what to call this anymore Rex" she responded and he grabbed her by the hand then pulled her towards him and hugged her. 

"It will be fine," he said then she sighed and placed her head against his chest. 

"Thanks," she said and he smiled as she raised up. 

"You are welcome," he said as he started to float in the air. 

'Want to join me?" he asked. 

"Wish I could but I don't want to fall and die, I will try other things" she responded and he laughed then came back down into the balcony. 

"You just want to practice using your normal powers for now?" he asked and she nodded her head in agreement as his eyes glowed white. 

'A dragon's power and the powers of a phoenix can be quite similar" he said as his hands started glowing white forming a bright sparkly ball filled with energy. 

"It's giving off a cold breeze," she said and he smiled. 

"You can feel it because I come from somewhere cold, I am cold" he replied. 

"It's beautiful," she said. 

'Yes but very dangerous, I breathe normal fire too just like other dragons but this is my special fireball, one blow and it can cause a lot of destruction, it can be used for protection, I know that phoenixes have their special one, in your case you are the only one of your kind, so I want to see what you can create" he replied. 

"How do I get it to form?" she asked as he held onto her hands then place her palms a little apart from each other in the position to hold the ball. 

"Keep your hands like that," he said. 

"Okay," the girl replied. 

"Close your eyes and relax, let your body do the work," he said and so the princess closed her eyes. 

"Now relax," he said and she smiled then when she opened her eyes a few minutes later her entire body was glowing pink and the light was reflecting in the night sky as her eyes glowed pink and orange. 

"Woah you look pretty," he said and she smiled as she looked up and the sky and saw her light reflecting. 

"I was not expecting this," he said. 

"Same here" she replied. 

"You need to learn to control, we will get to that another day," he said as a pink sparkly ball started forming in her hand and she laughed as it grew bigger. 

"Your powers will follow the command of your mind and sometimes it will act on your emotions, put away the ball," he said and she closed her eyes then inhaled and exhaled then the ball disappeared. 

"We will find out what more you can do as time goes by, for now, it's late and you should go back to sleep," he said. 

"Yes I should, thank you Rex" she replied. 

"You are welcome and please don't tell your friends I visited, I am not supposed to be here," he said. 

'I know don't worry my mouth is zipped" she replied and he patted her on the head then his wings came out and she gasped upon seeing how huge they were. 

"Your wings are amazing" she said. 

'Thank you, do you want to go for a night flight?" he asked. 

"Really?" she asked. 

"Yeah" he responded as he stretched out his hand to her and she grabbed it then placed one of her hands around him then the other around his neck and he placed his around her waist. 

"Hold on tight," he said and so she did as he flew up in the air and she closed her eyes tightly as she heard the flop of his wings. 

"You can open your eyes now," he said and so she did. 

"Woah it's beautiful," she said as she looked down at how huge her kingdom and beautiful her kingdom was from the sky. 

"This is really pretty," she said as she looked at his wings then grabbed onto him tightly and he smiled as her eyes started glowing. 

"Want to fly above and low?" he asked. 

"No if you do you will probably get seen, this is great" she responded as she kept squeezing him then he released the grip of his hand around her and she squeezed him then he laughed and held onto her tighter.

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