Eternal love of the red dragon

Chapter 57 - Boundaries

"You guys must be very tired, let me take you to my humble home and this dragon needs to leave you be," the queen said as she tried to take the dragon off of the girl but he won't leave and she sighed. 

'It's fine he can stay" she replied and the queen smiled. 

'You are kind-hearted, come on" she said and they got into the carriage and followed her to the castle which was surrounded by water and was at the very end of the city near the big white crystals, the castle was huge and silver in colour. 

"Your home is nice," Lilith said as she looked at the dragon flying above them and little blue roared. 

"Well I hope you guys enjoy your stay and the ball is the day after tomorrow, sorry about the rush princess" Sunny said and Lilith smiled. 

"It's okay don't worry about it as long as I get back in time for the wedding I will be fine" she replied. 

"Got it don't worry you guys will get back in time for the wedding," she said as they arrived at the castle and they got out.

"It's shimmering," Lilith said as they walked into the castle and it was warm. 

The inside of the castle was spacious and homey, it had a silver interior along with brown and chandeliers along with moving objects. 

"Why are the books moving?" Vivian asked. 

'They are going to the library" Sunny responded as they entered the living room and they sat down. 

"Thanks for inviting us to the ball your highness," Lilith said and she smiled. 

'You are always welcome here, it's your home too" she replied. 

'How is it my home too?" she asked. 

"You are the last one of your kind you have every right" she responded and Lilith swallowed deeply then yawned. 

"I see you guys are tired, I have your room ready, go get your rest, they are also snacks so have a good night we will meet in the moring' the queen said as she stood up. 

'Thank you" Lilith replied and she patted the girl on the head and walked away as the princess went to show everyone their room. 

Lilith got the one with the view over the city, it was the best in the entire castle. 

'Here are your things good night" Cosmo said as she came into the room and Lilith sighed as she stood in the balcony looking at the lights in the sky. 

"Cosmo you caused this" Lilith said and the girl frowned as she looked at Lilith and was not able to recognize her as the same person she knew from before everything was changing right in front of Cosmo and she could do anything about it. 

Everyone said certain secrets have a price and this was just the beginning of things for both of the girls and their friends. 

Life as they knew it will not remain the same, the wonders they found in each other would eventually fade, there were now boundaries between the two, boundaries that cannot be broken that easily a wall filled with coldness. 

"I guess I did take a wrong path sometime in my life, I should have never come here in the first place," Cosmo said as Lilith punched the wall and the girl jumped as It shook and the little blue dragon roared then rubbed itself against her and she frowned. 

"Maybe you are right about that after all Cosmo, get out of my room before I wish something I shouldn't have," she said. 

'Go ahead and wish it" Cosmo replied. 

"If she is saying ti eave then why push her?" her brother asked as he walked into the room and Cosmo gave him a death stare. 

'Don't look at me like that, you wanted this, I tried to talk you out of it, maybe what you should do is come clean with her, you and I both know if you don her insecurities will disappear, she is hurting and you know it more than i do" he said in anger as his eyes glwoed white. 

"What are you two mumbling about?" Lilith asked. 

"Nothing that concerns you" Cosmo responded and the princess smiled. 

'Of course, it doesn't, don't make me hate you, Cosmo, you are the one different friend I had.." she said with a sigh and Cosmo swallowed deeply the walked out of the room in anger. 

"You okay?" Rex asked as her eyes glowed orange along with the bracelet he gave her. 

"Rex how much magic is in the bracelet?" she asked and he smiled. 

'How do you know that?" he asked. 

"Sunny told me" she responded and he laughed. 

'Of course, she did, well there is a lot of good magic in there, the red dragon's magic and mine combined" he responded then she smiled. 

"Dragons magic are very powerful they can be used for both good and evil as you would know," he said and she frowned. 

'I know" she replied and he patted her on the shoulder. 

'That dragon is going to keep hanging onto you" he said and she looked at blue then laughed. 

"He si cute" she replied. 

'That he is, I will be going to bed now, don't go wander off anywhere and if possible you two should try solving this problem you guys are having, good night" he said. 

'Good night" she replied then he left. 

'Well it's just me and you little guy, come off of me a little I have to go take a bath" she said as so he flew off of her then landed on her bed and she laughed as he laid down and closed his eyes to sleep. 

'Cute little guy" she said then went to take a bah as the dragon slept and Cosmo went to take a flight. 

When the girl finished taking her bath, Lilith got changed and then grabbed some chocolate from the bowl on the table ate it then got into bed and covered with the blanket. 

After doing so the dragon stretched off and she hugged it then eventually she fell asleep and so did he.

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