Eternal love of the red dragon

Chapter 7 - Surprised Behavior

"Hey, you little bafoon get some clothes on" Lilith shouted,

"Is there something wrong with me being like this in front of you? " she asked as Lilith threw the robe to her and she put it on.

The princess removed the book and the girl sat on the bed near her.

"Cosmo I agree with you that we are girls but that doesn't mean that you will be like that, it is called shameless, especially in the presence of someone who has hardly even know you," Lilith said,

"Ah well call me shameless but I will not change my ways in the presence of you, I will be free, I like being around me, you can keep calling me dollop head and bafoon I won't mind" Cosmo replied,

"Stubborn little... god damn it, you are going to be a problem aren't you? " Lilith asked,

"A little, I will always be by your side" she responded

" Hmm okay I am going to sleep now go and change," the princess said then laid down and covered with the blanket.

A little while after Lilith slept away Cosmo crawled in her bed and the princess jumped up and looked at Cosmo as her eyes shimmered and she looked cute.

"Why are you sneaking into my bed? " the princess asked,

" I want to sleep here" she responded as she amid beside the princess and Lilith sighed then went back to sleep.

Wh7le she was sleeping Cosmo looked at her and smiled then placed the princess hair behind her ear for the princess was sleeping facing her.

"Pretty, seems as if my choice was perfect after all princess and I promise of will tell you the truth soon," Cosmo said to herself then she slept away hugging the princess.

The next morning when the princess woke up she saw Cosmo hugging her and then someone came knocking on the door and the girl got up and opened it, it turns out that it was her friends.

"Good morning girls," she said and they all barged in the room.

"Wait a second why is she in your bed?" Vivian asked as the princess went back on the bed and laid down.

"Sleepyhead what are you doing in my bed?" the princess asked,

"I asked permission and you gave it" the girl responded,

"There you heard, now I am really tired let me sleep," the princess said and Vivian pulled her off of the bed.

"What is it?" Lilith asked,

"Well, we have to get going" Jasmine responded,

"Oh yes I completely forgot," she said,

"You don't say" Marlene replied,

"Cosmo come on get up," Lilith said and the girl got up,

"You guys go ahead we will be there soon," the princess said,

"Okay" Jasmine replied and they left the room.

"I am going to take a bath please pack up the things we brought in for the night," the princess said,

"Okay, your highness" she replied then started packing as the princess took a bath.

After Lilith finished she got dressed right in the bath, then came out and Cosmo went to take a bath, but this time she came back out wrapped in her towel.

"I will go you change," the princess said,

"No please do not go anywhere without me your highness" she replied,

"Huh, why not?" Lilith asked,

"Because it is for your own good, please" the girl responded as the princess sat down on the bed and Cosmo went to change in the bath.

After the girl finished they grabbed their things and placed them in the carriage.

"Good morning your highness" Ash said,

'Good morning Ash" she replied,

"Morning guys," Jack said,

'Morning" they replied,

"Uh.. you planning on starving or will you guys join us for breakfast?" Ash asked,

"Well I am hungry, to be honest, I will have breakfast" the princess responded,

"Same here," Cosmo said,

"You cannot eat with us you are not a royal" Vivian said and Lilith looked at her sternly than she immediately shut her mouth.

"I do not want to hear that again Vivian, you might be a princess but you need to start acting like one," Lilith said,

"Seriously sis, you need to stop now, you and Lilith are really good friends, are you really willing to throw all of that away because of a girl that you do not like?" Jack asked,

"No I am not but I do not trust her one bit, especially around Lilith" she responded,

'You have to let that go she is just a simple, beautiful girl and besides the princess likes it, let it go" Jack said as they walked into a restaurant called Lin's delight.

All of them sat down by the family table which was big enough for all of them then they began eating their breakfast.

While eating Cosmo noticed that the princess was looking at the family that was sitting beside them and she placed her hand on the princess's shoulder.

'Is there something you need Cosmo?" the princess asked,

"Nope, just eat and forget about your parents, it will only hurt more" she responded.

"Why would you say that to her when you barely even know the princess?" Vivian asked and Cosmo folded her cuffs in anger,

"I have had enough of you and your bratty ways, didn't your parents teach you manners?" Cosmo asked in anger.

"Not because I am a peasant you will treat me however you want I will not stand for it not now or ever, if you were not a princess I would have given you a tight slap and I would have made sure that it would leave a mark for life that would surely teach you a lesson, you are just jealous because I understand the way Lilith thinks more than you could have ever in all these years that you were by her side, you are just an ignorant and selfish princess," she said and Lilith left staring at her along with the others.

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