"Your highness tomorrow is going to be a very long day and the guests are going to rest too, we should call it a night and you should get some rest," Cosmo said and the queen smiled. 

'You are right, I will let you guys go too" she replied. 

"I promise your daughter will be just fine, don't worry about it too much," Cosmo said and the queen patted her on the head. 

'Thank you Cosmo and good night" the queen replied then walked away and Cosmo frowned. 

"Come on bedtime, good night Cosmo," Vivian said and the girl smiled. 

"Good night" she replied and they all left. 

After they left Cosmo walked out of the castle and went for a night flight for she wanted some peace of mind and fresh air. 

While flying the girl saw Lilith standing in the balcony. 

"I thought she would be asleep, what's she doing out there?" Cosmo asked herself as she stared at Lilith from the sky. 

'She has been there for a while" Rex said as he appeared near his sister and she jumped. 

"What the hell are you doing here?" she asked and he smiled. 

"Spying, of course, I am leaving not until she is fine" he responded and Cosmo swallowed deeply as she stared at her brother. 

"Why are you staring?" Rex asked. 

"You are getting protective of her" she responded and he sighed. 

"So what?" he asked. 

'Don't get too attached Rex" she responded and he sighed. 

'You are getting worked up for no reason" he said. 

'I have reason enough bro" she replied. 

'Don't start a fight with me Cosmo" he said as he looked at her sternly then she sighed. 

"I am just saying, alright" she replied and he grabbed her by the arm then pulled her, and hugged Cosmo tightly. 

"Cosmo being jealous, that's something alright," he said and she hit him on the should then he started laughing as she smiled. 

"She is glowing," Cosmo said as she raised off of her brother and both of them left staring at Lilith as the princess stooped down in the balcony while holding onto her hand and her body was glowing. 

'She seems like...." Cosmo said as her eyes glowed. 

"She is in pain," Rex said. 

'I can see that" she replied. 

"I will go meet her..." he said and Cosmo grabbed onto his hand.

"What if she alerts her father?" she asked. 

'She won't, you go back now" he responded then Cosmo sighed and flew back down as her brother disappeared and reappeared in Lilith's balcony. 

'Are you okay?" Rex asked and Lilith looked up at him with tears in her eyes. 

"You.. what are you doing here?" she asked. 

"Came to help" he responded. 

'Why would you want to help me?" she asked as the pain increased. 

'We are friends are we not?" he asked. 

"We are not" she responded and he smiled as he stooped down and grabbed onto her hand. 

"Lilith let me help you," he said and she frowned. 

"You cannot help me" she replied as her eyes glowed and she looked up at him as he placed his palm against her face and she closed her eyes. 

'Ahhh...." the girl screamed and the king heard. 

"Not this again," he said as he got up from his bed and left the room. 

"You have to be quiet," Rex said as the girl's body started glowing. 

"I.. I can't" she replied. 

'Lilith" her father called out and her eyes widened. 

'You.. can fly right?" she asked. 

"Yes, of course, I can, you should know that" he responded as he took out his wings and she smiled then shoved him off of the balcony and he flew up in the air before her father entered the room. 

'Lilith" he called out as he grabbed onto her and she looked at the king. 

"It keeps hurting," she said. 

'That's because your body keeps fighting it" he replied as he lifted her up in his arms then placed her on the bed gently. 

"Why would my body fight it?" she asked and his eyes widened then he smiled. 

"It has its reasons" he responded as his hands glowed and he placed it over her head and she slept away. 

"You will never be the old Lilith again, I will make sure of it," he said with a wicked smile and after seeing what he was doing Rex disappeared as Cosmo was taking a bath in her room. 

When the king finished he covered the princess then went back to his room to sleep and after Cosmo finished taking her bath, she got changed and went to Lilith's room in which she saw the girl was fast asleep. 

'Lilith" Cosmo called out as she sat near the girl on the bed and Lilith grabbed onto Cosmo's hand as she was sleeping and the girl jumped. 

'Wake up please" Cosmo begged and her brother came into the room. 

"She is deep under his control soon enough she will forget everyone she ever cared about," Rex said. 

"How much worse can this get Rex?"  she asked and he frowned. 

"Well it can get really bad to be honest if it doesn't stop then she as in Lilith will be completely lost.., there will be no coming back from it, she is losing the memory with the people she cares about already, it's all being replaced with her father" he responded and tears came to Cosmo's eyes. 

"What do we do?" Cosmo asked and Rex frowned. 

"I don't have an answer to this sis" he responded and her hands started trembling. 

"So you are saying there is nothing that any of us can do?" she asked and he patted her on the head. 

"It's best you tell the others and that's not what I am saying" he responded. 

"Okay, Rex," she said. 

"I will be going now," he said and then he took out his wings and flew off as Cosmo kissed Lilith on the cheek then left the room and went to hers.

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