Eternal love of the red dragon

Chapter 97 - Love By Will

"Cosmo we had a little chat about this before, there is no need for you to worry, well actually there is one need," he said and she looked at him. 

"Why?" she asked. 

"You need to fix the princess, if Lilith is under his control, fully under his control I mean... you won't be able to stop him" he responded. 

"He wants to use her to conquer us... soon enough everyone and everything will be bowing to him, so before that happens we have to do something about it" she said and he smiled. 

"I will handle the king you figure out a way to keep Lilith from going rough" he replied. 

"She won't listen to him, I know her she will fight it" she said and he coughed. 

"She is strong but right now he is using us against her... her will to fight home will eventually break" he replied and Cosmo frowned. 

'Lilith's friends are precious to her, I guess we will be seeing things differently now" Cosmo said with a smile as her brother closed his eyes and a little while after he slept away. 

"Sleepyhead, good night bro," she said then kissed him on his ice-cold forehead. 

After her brother slept away the girl laid beside him. 

"Lilith, I hope you are okay, it's the only thing I really wish for right now" Cosmo said to herself with a frown as she closed her eyes. 

At that moment Cosmo didn't think about anyone else, the only thought that ran though her mind was what she was going to do if something happens to the princess.

The girl was not only desperate for Lilith to love her but she also fear losing her for she was the only person the young dragon ever loved even though she was unsure if it was true or not. 

The next morning when Cosmo woke up she stretched off and saw her brother was still fast asleep, he and his body were tired.

"Good morning bro" she said and he yawned but did not wake up and Cosmo smiled then covered him with the blanket. 

The girl then got off of the bed and went to freshen up.

While she was taking her bath she remember the way Lilith helped her when they first met and she smiled as the water ran down her curves.

"One day you will smile like that again…" she said to herself as she passed her finger through her hair and closed her eyes letting the water calm her nerves.

When the girl finished taking her bath she got out and chaged while her brother woke up and stretched off.

"Cosmo" he called out.

"I am changing, will be out on a few" she shouted and he smiled.

'Big mouth, shush" he said and as she raised her right brow as she came out of the bath all dressed.

"Who do you think you are talking to?" who are you shushing?" Cosmo asked.

"You of course, you have a bloody big mouth woman" he responded and she laughed.

"You were the one asking all I did was reply, how mean of you Rex" she said and he left jaw dropped.

"How is that mean?" he asked.

"It is" she responded and he placed his face into his palms then sighed.

'Why are you always this cold?" she asked as a cold flush of wind came off of him and he laughed.

"It's how I used to keep you cool as a child" he responded and she smiled.

"Those were really good times well until we lost here" she said with a frown and he patted her on the shoulder. 

"We had a lot of good times but that one moment in which we watched her die before us.. it changed us for life.. our purpose changed.. well your purpose" he replied and she sighed.

"What if Lilith hates me when I tell her the truth?" she asked and he frowned.

"You can't blame her it will be your fault but you shouldn't be so hard on yourself and you also need to stop underestimating her.. she is not weak" he responded and she hugged her brother tightly.

"It's my fault she dies back then, I will not let Lilith suffer the same faith just because of me" she said and Rex smiled as he passed his fingers through her long silky hair.

"You need to tell her how you feel even though she might not understand or accept or possibly even feel the same way, you have to be brave and tell her before it's too late Cosmo" he said and she smiled as she raised up.

I want to, I really do but what is I trigger something? What if she actually hates me?" she asked.

"You are just overthinking this a little too much, if anyone would understand that would be her, she wouldn't hurt people's feelings intentionally" he responded.

"You understand her now more that you did before.. possibly more than me" she said.

"That's not true.. you are the secret behind the wings.. you are the dragons and other creatures last hope along with the princess.. connected by birth only you and I know that" he replied.

'If it's up to Lilith she could destroy this entire kingdom with one shot but that would turn her into something she won't want to be or like, a monster, that is why you have to always be there" he said.

"I will always protect her even though she might hate me" she replied.

"She is the one protecting you as of this moment Cosmo but you don't know it, not as yet at least, you will soon realize how strong she is.. your mate.. you say but that's not entirely true and you don't believe that either…though you still love her and that too by your own will" he said to himself with a smile.

'Go take a bath I will go check on the queen" she said.

"I will and sis be careful" he replied and she smiled then walked away as he went to freshen up.

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