Eternal Love

Chapter 30: : A generation of Hongyan Xiangyu falls (2)

  Chapter Thirty: A Generation of Beauty and Fragrant Jade Fall (2)

Shortly after

[Zhonghe Hall] Being suffering from Zhao Zixi’s first anger, the figures of court ladies and eunuchs knelt down on the way to Lin Wei’s bedroom, and in Lin Wei’s bedroom, things had been smashed all over the floor by Zhao Zixi. The frightened ghost was on the side, his whole body was trembling. The screen had already been torn down by Zhao Zixi. Zhao Zixi clutched Lin Wei, who was silent and lifeless on the bed. No matter what he did, Lin Wei did not react at all. Behaved indifferently...

   "Still refused to look at me?"

  No matter how furious Zhao Zixi is, Lin Wei remains unmoved...

   "Okay, okay—I'll see when you can keep like this, come here—"


  Zhao Zixi's roar, and then a guard came in and listened to the order.

   "Bring me all the people here—"


After hearing the order, the guards left quickly, Lin Wei's expression still remained unchanged, and this made Zhao Zixi angry even more. Before the guards came, he threw away Lin Wei and sat down by the bed... …

  Not long after

  All the palace ladies and eunuchs in [Zhonghe Hall] were taken to the palace with panic

   "The emperor and the people have already been brought—"

   "Are you all?"

   "Yes, all the people have been brought here, without any omissions——"

Zhao Zixi looked at everyone, then looked at Lin Wei and said: "This king wants to know whether you have a hard mouth or if this king will be merciful. From now on, if you don't do what this king wants, this king Just kill one—"

  Zhao Zixi’s words immediately made the palace maids and eunuchs brought extremely panic

   "First of all, look at this king——"

For a while, Lin Wei did not waver.

   "Do it!"


Seeing that Lin Wei was unmoved, Zhao Zixi gave an order. Without a word, the head guard beheaded the closest eunuch. The **** fell into a pool of blood before he even had time to react and felt pain. ...

   "The emperor is forgiving--"

  The court ladies and eunuchs who saw this move knelt down and asked for mercy

   "Look at this king!"

  There was still no response. Zhao Zixi waved his hand, and the guard waved the knife again. This time it was a maid who was cut off, and he was in a different place without realizing it was him...

   "Niang Niang, help us, please help us——"

  "This is the third time. If you don't do it, I will kill three people this time and look at this king!"

  Ignoring the plea of ​​the court ladies and eunuchs, Zhao Zixi continued to increase his chips to give orders to Lin Wei, but...


  For an instant, seeing Lin Wei still unmoved, Zhao Zixi also showed no mercy.

   "Niang, help me, Niang——"

  Because they don’t know if they will be the next one, the maids and eunuchs cried out to Lin Wei for help. When asking for help, an **** fell again...

   "Niang Niang——"

  Another **** fell, and the executive guard approached a palace lady again...


  Following Lin Wei's shout, the executive guard stopped immediately, Zhao Zixi raised her hand slightly, and the guard retreated to the side...

   "You are the devil--"

   "You forced it—"

  Lin Wei looked at Zhao Zixi with eyes full of anger, but Zhao Zixi smiled, facing his sinister smiling face, Lin Wei did not say a word...

   "Okay, tell me, did Brother Huang come last night?"

  Zhao Zixi's words made Lin Wei startled, she couldn't help holding the sheet tightly, her head turned to the side...

   "From time to time, he should have just left when I came, right?"

  Lin Wei was silent again about the mention of Zhao Ziheng...

   "Kill two—"


   "Ah, mother, help us—"

   "Stop it! Yes, you are right, he has been here before, okay--"

  Lin Wei stopped in time and immediately answered Zhao Zixi’s question. Zhao Zixi waved her hand in satisfaction, and the guard retreated to the side again.

   "Isn’t it okay to do this early? Don’t forget, their lives are completely in your hands—"

   "You are so mean--"

  Lin Wei stared at Zhao Zixi with her angry eyes, wishing to kill him...

   "It doesn't matter, I said I can do everything for you--"

  Whenever Zhao Zixi said something because of her, Lin Wei became speechless.

"Why didn't you tell me that the emperor was here yesterday? Why did you pretend that you didn't know anything? If you told me last night, maybe he has been imprisoned by me, but you chose to be silent and let him save the hostages. It's—"

  Zhao Zixi is icy cold every word, even though he still has a smile on his face...

   "Since you want to see so much, I will let you see him for the last time--"

  The voice fell, Zhao Zixi brutally dragged Lin Wei off the bed, pulling her to the destination...


Lin Wei was originally ill, and how could she keep up with Zhao Zixi's physical strength without dripping in the past few days, one stumbled to the ground without paying attention, but Zhao Zixi didn't stop there, but beat her sideways. Pick up and walk towards the destination...

   "Niang Niang——"

Qingqing immediately got up from the ground upon seeing this, and followed. The other palace ladies and eunuchs had already been too frightened, so how dare they do anything? The guards also followed Zhao Zixi and left, only the palace ladies who were still kneeling on the ground in panic And the eunuchs...

The second palace gate is the most important line of defense for the palace. Therefore, the strength and defense are above the first palace gate, so that the Wang Jun cannot easily break through. However, the Wang Jun broke through and is moving towards the first palace gate. The three palace gates approached, and the Wang Jun who came to the third palace gate was killed and injured a lot. Just when the Wang Jun was about to attack the third palace gate, a small commotion was suddenly caused on the high wall?

  In a while

  Zhao Zixi reappeared again, this time holding Lin Wei tightly in her arms...

   "Brother emperor, I know you are also in this battle. If you don't want to see the queen being thrown to death, come out for me—"

   A deafening roar, as if resounding through the entire palace, penetrated through the heavy rain and passed to everyone’s ears, and was diverted by Zhao Zixi’s voice. The menacing kings stopped their movements...

  On the silent battlefield, there was the sound of horseshoes and the sound of horseshoes. Although the heavy rain affected their eyesight, both Zhao Zixi and Lin Wei could know that the man armed with black armor on the horseback was Zhao Ziheng...

   "Huh, the emperor's brother was seriously injured and unconscious is just pretending to be a trick to let us sneak into the palace and rescue the hostages with ease--"

Zhao Ziheng ignored Zhao Zixi. Through the continuous rain, when he came into contact with Zhao Ziheng’s sight, Zhao Zixi clearly noticed that Zhao Ziheng’s eyes flashed with a sharp cold light he had never seen before. This cold light made him feel a sense of Unexpected fear.

  The cold light in Zhao Ziheng’s eyes is aimed at Zhao Zixi, but the person he is looking at is Lin Wei in Zhao Zixi’s hands...

  "Zixi, it’s still too late, now everything will be over, as long as you let go of the queen, put down the unnecessary fights and open the palace gate to surrender, I promise you, I will give you a way out—"

  Zhao Ziheng's words made Zhao Ziyin on the side feel immediately startled. Is it possible that at this time, Zhao Ziheng still wants to let Zhao Zixi go?

   "Hmph, do you think I will believe what you say? I will never give her to you, she can only stay by my side for life or death—"

  From Zhao Zixi’s words, Zhao Ziheng felt a special meaning, which made his eyes widened with a little horror.

   "By the way, it's not bad to let her be a hostage. If you still value her, you are not allowed to attack again, otherwise I will throw her from here——"

The threat of sudden change made Zhao Ziheng sway. The reason why he was so eager to attack was mostly because he was worried about Lin Wei’s safety. Even though Lin Wei’s threatening behavior had already been predicted by him, he has never been. Can make a choice...

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