Eternal Love

Chapter 35: : Awakening from Dream (5)

   Chapter 35: Awakening from Dream (5)

Seeing Zhou Yan's move, Zhou Cheng was furious. Although the guards were under Zhou Cheng's orders, they also estimated Zhou Yan's identity very much. I really can’t believe that I can fight like this after being injured, and the intense emotions caused by Zhou Yan not putting himself in his eyes, it can be said to be a runaway...

   "Huh, it's vulnerable--"

  After hitting the guards close to him, because he was injured, the two or three guards made Zhou Yan a little bit of breath, but he still appeared very calm.

  "Wang, prince, please respect yourself!"


One of the guards in front of Zhou Yan frightened and persuaded Zhou Yan to surrender. Unexpectedly, in exchange for Zhou Yan's cold eyes, he immediately shuddered and dared not talk any more. When Zhou Yan saw this, he stepped forward and just took a step forward. , The pain of the wound on his body made him have to stop, and he was a little staggered. The guards did not dare to approach easily, so they could only watch, just at this moment...


Zhou Yan felt a pain in his neck and then lost consciousness. When he fell down, he was caught by Zhou Cheng who was knocked out. Seeing Zhou Yan who was lying on his shoulder and fainted, Zhou Cheng felt speechless. How could my brother be so stubborn? Obviously he was seriously injured, and he insisted on starting a fight with the guards. Now Zhou Cheng wanted to know the secrets between Yinyin and Zhao Ziheng that Zhou Yan knew he didn't know.

  "Take him to [Gyeongbok Palace] to have a good look at the royal doctor. Remember, keep guards strictly, don’t let him leave for half a step, and don’t see anyone—"


  The guards were a little panicked by the sudden scene, they took Zhou Yan from Zhou Cheng's hands and the two guards walked out...


  After Zhou Yan was taken away by the guards, Zhou Cheng called his name meaningfully and with a trace of sadness.


  The residence of Zhao Ziheng and others in the Beicheng Mansion at dusk

   "What? King Jing is under house arrest?"

   "It seems that I heard so—"

  As soon as he woke up, Zhao Ziheng heard the news that Zhou Yan was under house arrest, which made him a little unable to understand. Why was Zhou Yan suddenly under house arrest? Shouldn't he have already returned to [Prince Jing's Mansion]? And he should be seriously injured now, what is Zhou Cheng thinking?

"Although I don’t know much about King Jing, based on the situation between him and King Zhou, I guessed that there will be such a day sooner or later. This is a decoction that has just been reconciled and will help your body. ——"

  Wang Ye brought a bowl of soup and medicine to the bed and continued talking, and handed the mixed soup and medicine to Zhao Ziheng's hands...

   "Thank you—"

Zhao Ziheng, who had the soup in his hand, seemed to have no intention of drinking it right away. He also knew that Zhou Yan and Zhou Cheng didn’t get along well. In addition, Zhou Yan’s behavior was extreme. Zhou Cheng would only tolerate him because he was a blood brother. But at this time, Zhou Yan, who was seriously injured and unhealed, was suddenly put under house arrest. Is it just that she has reached the limit? still is?

Zhao Ziheng suddenly thought of something. He drank the extremely bitter soup medicine in one gulp, and then returned the empty bowl to Wang Ye. This move made Wang Ye a little surprised. He even drank the soup medicine he made by himself without moving his eyebrows. ? You know, the decoction he made is not only bitter, but also strong in flavor. If you change it to someone else, you will vomit it out as early as the first taste of the decoction. I knew that Zhao Ziheng's perseverance was not better than that of ordinary people. It is rare and surprisingly calm...

   "I want to ask you something, please answer me the truth anyway."

   Putting aside all thoughts, Wang Ye's expression became very serious and began to inquire Zhao Ziheng.

"what's up?"

  "When did your body start to appear abnormal?"

  Wang Ye’s words made Zhao Ziheng a little startled. Wang Ye saw this small change and said, “Please tell the truth, don’t hide anything!”

   "What can you do to tell the truth? There is nothing you can do, right?"

   "Even if you are powerless, please don't hide anything, even if it’s for Miss Wang——"

Miss Wang is Wang Ye’s name for Yinyin’s real name, because Wang Ye knows that if Yinyin is not mentioned, Zhao Ziheng cannot obediently obediently. Even if it is for his own good, he will hide something for Yinyin’s sake. Known things.

   "...Almost three months."

  Sure enough, mentioning Yinyin's effect is extraordinary, and Zhao Ziheng will answer obediently.

"Understood, if you are doing well for Miss Wang, then please stay calm under any circumstances, don't hide everything in your heart, and be optimistic about everything, even if it’s about Miss Wang. Please keep a calm mind. You don’t need to worry about anything. Today is the fifteenth day. According to calculations, the drugs developed with "flaming flower" and "ice grass" should have responded. Yes, I'm going to the imperial tomb right now, you just wait here for news—"

  Wang Ye actually knew the cause when he took Zhao Ziheng's pulse. He just confirmed his guess. While admonishing Zhao Ziheng, he also revealed another hidden secret. It took 15 days to have a reaction? As expected, Zhao Ziheng was stunned when he heard Wang Ye's words. Wang Ye didn't say anything, and left the room with an empty bowl...

   "Shu Er——"


  Imperial Tomb Ice Cellar

  The fingers of the person lying on the ice bed trembled slightly, and then, the closed eyes slowly opened...

  ‘Who is calling me? ’

  Just like waking up from a dream, Yinyin is aware of the familiar sound from nowhere, and wakes up from the dream...

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