Eternal Love

Chapter 38: : Oath and Allegiance (3)

   Chapter 38: Oath and Allegiance (3)

  Two days later

  Wang Ye and Xue Han performed precise treatment for Zhou Yan. The treatment process was very long. It started in the morning and did not end until sunset. Han Ji led the people to ensure that the operation went smoothly...

Until late at night, the operation was still in progress, and when everyone was still busy, black shadows flashed by on the roof of the [Prince Jing’s Mansion], avoiding the sight of the guards on patrol, and the shadows came to be undergoing surgery. [Lan Garden] in the middle.

  "It's on fire, it's on fire--"

  Amidst the noise in the distance, the guard [Lanyuan] guard team led by Zuoyu also began to have a commotion...

   "Go and see what happened!"


  In order not to hinder the operation, Zuoyu asked people to check the situation. Others stayed where they were. Xue Han once warned that they must not be disturbed during the operation, otherwise they will give up their previous efforts, so of course you must be cautious in everything...

  After a while, the guard who was sent to check the situation came back and reported to Zuoyu: "Report to your lord, there is a fire in the stable over there!"


  The stable is on fire? This has never happened before. What's more, at this time, just as Zuo Yu was thinking, a panting guard came up and reported: "Master Qi, there is an assassin in the king's study--"

  "Study room?"

  Zuoyu immediately thought, is there a purpose?

   "You come with me, the others stay behind!"


In any case, Zhou Yan’s study was heavily guarded when it came to Japan. It was because the important documents were there. Just in case, Zuoyu had to go there in person. He took half of the guards and left, and the rest of the guards were also there. Distracted by the commotion and when Han Ji and others were away, several dark shadows sneaked into the brightly lit room...

On the inside of the screen, Wang Ye and Xue Han were working on their heads. Because the skin was cut through the operation, Zhou Yan had been given an anesthetic needle in advance. It may have been too long for Zhou Yan to fall asleep. The black clothes who entered the room They approached the screen very lightly. Just as they approached and were about to attack, a few silver needles were shot from the screen. The three shadows immediately fell down, just overwhelming the screen and hit them, causing a sound. The other two The assassin could no longer take care of the sneak attack and wielded his sword to directly attack Wang Ye and Xue Han...

Both Wang Ye and Xue Han responded to the assassin’s attack without affecting the operation. It may be that Wang Ye and Xue Han’s actions were too sudden. The two assassins were caught off guard and kicked out by Wang Ye and Xue Han. This time it was. It crashed the table and chair, and the sound became louder...

"What happened?"

At this time, the guards who heard the sound also arrived. Seeing that the situation was not good, the two assassins broke out to the side window and escaped. The second one was used by Wang Ye just before the window jumped. The silver needle hits and falls...


  The guards hurriedly chased the escaped assassin and rushed out. I believe no one would have thought that there were only two doctors present, and they would be able to clean up the assassins who successfully infiltrated in a moment, right? But judging from the expressions of Wang Ye and Xue Han, it seems that they had been foreseen long ago?

   "The rest is up to you—"

Wang Ye left from Zhou Yan and didn’t forget to tell Xue Han to walk towards the downed assassins. Xue Han didn’t say much about the work of concentrating on sutures. In fact, the operation was over shortly before the assassins came in. All that was left was the work of stitching and bandaging. Wang Ye gloriously handed this task to Xue Han, and walked to the assassin himself, instead of lifting the mask but removing the clothes?

  After checking everyone one by one, there were very conspicuous black wolf marks on different parts of their bodies. Wang Ye was not surprised to see these, but there was a little doubt...

When Zuoyu found out that it was the trap of Tiaohu Lishan, the five assassins, except the one who escaped, had been subdued, and three of them were determined to be dead. Only the last one was still breathing. This is a special case. Left behind to find clues, Zhou Yan had no feeling or reaction because of the injection, and he fell asleep early. Although the operation has ended, he won’t feel it unless he wakes up naturally. Disturb him after the operation, right? Zuo Yu followed Wang Ye's words and said that the assassin was guarded strictly, and sufficient preventive work had been done to prevent him from committing suicide.


  Zhou Cheng after receiving news that Zhou Yan was assassinated again

  "Who is it? Who wants to kill Yan?"

  Even though Zhou Yan’s behavior would bring disasters to life, but I can’t figure out who the murderer would be. Why did he act while he was being operated on? Not many people know this. What's more, Zhou Cheng has already strengthened the care of Zhou Yan. The assassin was able to break through the guards and get inside. I knew that the assassin’s origins were not small, but who was behind it. ?

   "The only living mouth has been extinguished, and we have no way of knowing--"

   "The opponent also broke through tight defenses to kill them, right?"


It is also very helpless to say that the assassins have been strengthened to guard the assassins and have been heavily guarded, which has prevented the assassins from committing suicide, but they did not expect to be killed by foreign invaders. This is what Xue Han and others expected. Unattainable.

   "How is the situation with Yan?"

   "The prince is okay, and the operation is going very smoothly. Then, as long as you take a good rest, you will be healed immediately!"

  "That means his hand can recover?"

   "Yes, maybe you won't be able to use it so quickly at the beginning. If you exercise well in the future, you should soon be able to return to the previous flexibility."

   "Thanks for your hard work!"

   "The emperor's words are heavy!"

  Xue Han still remained unshakable by anything as usual, Zhou Cheng began to have a little doubt.

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