Eternal Love

Chapter 39: : Involuntary (2)

   Chapter 39: Involuntary (2)

   "Fengyan, it's rare for you to find such interesting things. If you change it to other people, you will not be able to detect them. I will not pursue this matter for now. You should concentrate on healing your wounds now—"

   "Yes, thank you master!"

Feng Yan is very grateful to Feng Qinghan and kowtowing his thanks. It seems that he is really surrendered to Feng Qinghan from the heart. You must know that the failure of the mission is only a dead end for Wind Wolf. Unless there is a special situation, it can be said to be a miracle. If it happens, it’s absolutely inevitable to die, even if you can’t die, you’ll be half-lived, just like the subordinate who disturbed Feng Qinghan’s painting before, no matter what reason you give, as long as you disturb Feng Qinghan, it’s almost the same It's a capital crime, so it's rare for Feng Yan to recover a life like this now, even if he is Feng Qinghan's personal guard.

  "Young Master, she is about the Phantom—"

   "Let her go for the time being, she also has this right, doesn't she?"

   "Yes, the subordinates are talking too much."

   "It doesn't matter, as long as it doesn't affect what she wants to do here, let her do it. Have you told her about this?"

"Yes it is!"

   "This is enough, don't worry about other things, do you know what to do?"

   "Yes, I would like to follow the orders of the son!"

Feng Qinghan’s heart is thinking about what no one can see clearly, whether the residual wind or wind inflammation has always been, the understanding of Feng Qinghan is only a trivial surface, just like so far, they even Feng Qinghan wants They don’t know anything. Everyone has what they want, including residual wind and wind inflammation. Perhaps allegiance to the wind and cold is the meaning of their survival for them, but they don’t know what the meaning of Feng Qinghan’s survival is. The people around him, in the eyes of outsiders, the wind and cold are definitely just good-looking people with long-term appearance, idleness, idleness, and idleness. To put it bluntly, they are just wasting time and wasting time. Why is the wind and cold living and what it is like to live? purpose?


  On the streets of Wangcheng the next day

  Walking on the streets of the buzzing market, Zhao Ziheng seemed out of place with the lively atmosphere. Had Wang Ye invited him out, I’m afraid he would never want to hang out in the bazaar, right?

Two big men, although Wang Ye is not so conspicuous, they are not prominent when they walk with the very masculine and handsome Zhao Ziheng. Even if they are ordinary and extraordinary, they are not affected by girls when they walk together. Child's favor.

This season happens to be a good harvest season. You can see the fruit of the harvest everywhere on the street, and you can see the fruit from the street to the end of the street. Zhao Ziheng can not help thinking of Zhao Guo, which is recovering, and Zhao Guo, who has experienced external and internal strife, has had a good harvest in recent years. It’s not as good as before, and perhaps even more so this year. Thinking that many people in the State of Zhao are starving due to the war and the fruits of the harvest are in front of them, Zhao Ziheng's heart is desolate and feeling. When will Zhao be able to think about the past, or better than before. More wealthy? Even if you can't get rich, at least I hope no one will go hungry...

   "Of course, Zhao’s current situation cannot be compared with that of Zhou’s, but I believe that Zhao’s rebirth will not take long. There is no need to rush."

Wang Ye saw through Zhao Ziheng’s inner worries at a glance, so that he could share his worries and solve problems. Zhao Ziheng just silently walked forward with a heavy step after hearing this. Wang Ye was very clear about Zhao Ziheng’s mood at this time, and he followed Zhao Ziheng unhurriedly. pace of……

The more he walked forward, Zhao Ziheng had a familiar feeling about the road he was walking on. It turned out to be the road when he first met Yinyin. At that time, he happened to come out to relax and saw a woman in the direction where the long ladder fell. Standing and hurriedly rescued him. In fact, he noticed it because he felt that the back of this woman, Yinyin, overlapped with Shu'er. I think it should be the first time he and Shu'er beloved in this era. The second encounter, walking on the road that I met for the first time in this era, and recalling the scenes that happened at that time, as if I can still see that scene, when I walked to the position where Yinyin and herself stood at that time. , Zhao Ziheng couldn't help reaching out his hand to touch the figure that only existed in the memory. In the blink of an eye, the scene in front of him brought him back to reality...

"what's happenin?"

  Seeing Zhao Ziheng's gesture of reaching out and stopping, Wang Ye couldn't help being curious.

   "Shu Er——"

Even knowing that the scene that appeared in front of him at that time was just a phantom, Zhao Ziheng still remembered, retracted his hand, and held the memory that seemed to be held in the palm of his hand tightly, muttering to the familiar name, and Wang Ye knew it. Zhao Ziheng should be touched by the scene, and this should be the place where they met or walked together?

   "Brother Li, after walking for so long, why don't we sit in this restaurant, what do you think?"

Wang Ye was referring to the restaurant a few feet away in front of them. Zhao Ziheng nodded to Wang Ye’s proposal. After the two entered the restaurant, they led them to the second floor, leaning on the balcony. I clearly saw the place where Zhao Ziheng just touched the scene and hurt...

   "Two guest officers, what would you like to eat? The signature dishes of the shop’s brine beef and fried bamboo shoots——"

   "Well, look at it. You want your restaurant’s signature dishes. For drinks, take the best in your restaurant."

   "Yes, I'll do it soon, the younger ones, please wait a moment for the two sons——"

  After sitting down, Zhao Ziheng kept looking at the place just now. Wang Ye didn’t want to disturb, so he ordered a few dishes at random, and Xiao Er happily poured the tea and left...

  Until Xiaoer brought the wine and food, Zhao Ziheng still did not recover, and was still immersed in the memories of the past. Wang Ye always wanted to know the reason, so: "Brother Li, what are you looking at?"

Wang Ye’s words immediately made Zhao Ziheng react. It seemed that he was immersed in immersion, and he could still quickly perceive the reality of things. Turning back and sitting upright facing Wang Ye, his expression was very calm, but it appeared deep in his eyes. Wang Ye could still detect the faint sadness.

   "It's nothing, I just remembered that I saw Shuer here for the first time in the place below--"

  Wang Ye could not know what the word ‘here’ meant, but he guessed it was correct, Zhao Ziheng was really upset.

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