Eternal Love

Chapter 39: : Involuntary (3)

   Chapter 39: Involuntary (3)

When Wang Ye focused on Zhao Ziheng's affairs and Zhao Ziheng was pouring wine into his glass, Wang Ye felt a chilling breath approaching, and immediately turned his head and looked around. Feng Qinghan and one of his subordinates seemed to I just went upstairs and happened to look at them...

   "Isn't that Brother Zhao?"

Feng Qinghan’s voice caught Zhao Ziheng’s attention, because the familiar and unusually beautiful voice could not be heard all the time. Even in a noisy crowd, he could tell him who the owner of the voice was. Zhao Ziheng immediately turned his head. The master who looked at the voice said in surprise: "Brother Feng?"

  The breath of acquaintance between Zhao Ziheng and Feng Qinghan was revealed. Wang Ye looked at Zhao Ziheng a little unexpectedly, and couldn't help but guess when he met someone like Feng Qinghan who exudes a frightening breath all over his body?

  The wind and coldness stepped forward, Zhao Ziheng got up to greet, and Wang Ye also got up to greet the coming wind and coldness...

   "It's a coincidence. I didn't expect Brother Zhao to appear here. We are really destined--"

"I'm here because I have something to do. Today I was just going out with Brother Wang and passing by accidentally. I didn't expect to meet Brother Feng. Brother Feng just came here. If you don't mind, sit down and drink a glass of water. How about the wine? We can also reminisce about the past."

   "Then, you're welcome in the next—"

  Feng Qinghan's language stagnated a little as if he was thinking about it. Without hesitation, he accepted Zhao Ziheng’s invitation to take the seat. Zhao Ziheng immediately asked Xiao Er to prepare the tableware, and then...

  "You go first, I want to retell the past with my friends—"

It means that I don’t want others to disturb him. Feng Qinghan said to the subordinates who followed him. Then the subordinates bowed to Feng Qinghan with a fist, and then nodded at both Zhao Ziheng and Wang Ye and left without saying a word. Feng Qinghan’s every move from the beginning Wang Ye could see. It seemed that he was not at all confused by Feng Qinghan’s appearance. On the contrary, he was more calm than usual. He felt that Feng Qinghan must not be an ordinary person, and he knew from Feng Qinghan. The breath he felt on his body was the coldness he had never seen before, which made people shudder...

   "Oh? This is?"

  Feng Qinghan pretended to be aware of Wang Ye's existence and asked out loud

   "Let me introduce, this is Brother Wang Ye, he is a doctor, my good friend, Brother Wang, this is the friend I met in Zhao Guogang not long ago, Feng Qinghan, Master Feng——"

   "Brother Wang——"

  Feng Qinghan cooperated with Zhao Ziheng's introduction to greet Wang Ye with a fist, and Wang Ye simply nodded in agreement.

  "Since everyone has introduced, we will be friends afterwards. Come, let's make a toast for our reunion and your acquaintance--"

Zhao Ziheng unhurriedly took the wine glasses that he had just sent from his second child, and then filled the three people's glasses to a toast. Feng Qinghan and Wang Ye raised the glasses in unison. The three of them drank all after they were dry. The way Zhao Ziheng was drinking, seemed to have wiped out his previous melancholy mood?

After drinking, the three of them chatted, and the three of them at the table were also particularly noticeable. Everyone on the second floor would look over from time to time, especially to the wind and cold, his beautiful appearance is not part of the world, no Speaking of men, even women are ashamed of themselves.

  Suddenly, a very loud voice came from downstairs outside the balcony, which diverted Zhao Ziheng and others’ attention...

   "Hurry up and hand over the money—"

   "What money, I don't know what you are talking about—"

  A big man with a beard pulled a young man’s ears and sternly reprimanded. The man was drunk, and the strength of the young man’s ears was completely disregarded. The roots of the young man’s ears were red, and crowds of onlookers stood all around...

   "You still have a stiff mouth? It's obviously that you kid hit Lao Tzu, and then the money is gone. Who else would you have?"

   "I didn't steal it, and you ran into it yourself—"

  The bearded man insisted that the boy took his money. What is this?

   "How dare you talk back? I see if you don't shed tears if you don't enter the coffin, dare to steal Laozi's money——"


After all, the big man pulled the young man’s ears and threw him aside. The strength made the young man fly out and hit the wall and then fell to the ground. Before the young man stood up, the big man stepped forward and grabbed his shirt. : "Boy, I want to persuade you to give it up honestly--"

   "I, I really didn't steal—"

The young man covered his ears that had been pulled by the big man with one hand, and grasped the big hand of the big man pulling his neck with one hand. His eyes were full of eyes. Even if he was beaten, he still had an attitude of undaunted submission. Succeeding to the big man's lewd power, the big man's slap was only exchanged for the big man's slap. The big man's left hand grabbed the boy's shirt, and his right hand fiercely slapped his slap left and right. The boy's immature face immediately appeared red and swollen, and the corners of his mouth. There was still a little red blood flowing out...

   "Hurry up and hand it over—"

   "I, I didn't steal—"

   After slapping the face, the big man asked the young man again, only to see the young man denying again, he was already speechless, and the big Han suddenly became a smoke: "You little devil——"

The smoky man turned his hand from his palm to fist and threw his fist to the young man’s face. Everyone knew that this blow would definitely be fatal. Seeing that the man’s fist was about to hit the young man’s face, the crowd turned away and shouted. Yelled, even so, no one caught up to stop this burly man who was nearly seven feet tall...

   Just when the big man’s fist is about to hit the boy’s face

Zhao Ziheng on the second floor seemed to have plans to jump down, but after all he could not jump down. Instead, he opened his eyes and watched the situation. Wang Ye also stood up and watched by the guardrail. Feng Qinghan didn't know when he would also walk to the guardrail. By the side...

"who are you?"

   "It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that your dignified seven-foot man actually did something to a teenager. Are you afraid of being laughed at?"

  It was Zhou Cheng who caught and stopped the big man at the very moment of his death? This is completely beyond the imagination of Zhao Ziheng and others, and the person behind him is...

"Are you OK?"

  While Zhou Cheng stopped the man, Yinyin behind Zhou Cheng quickly stepped forward to rescue the boy from the man. Seeing the boy’s face was red and swollen, and there were blood stains on the corners of his mouth, it made people feel distressed...

   "Shu Er——"

  Zhao Ziheng, who is on the second floor high, can't help but whisper when he sees the familiar figure

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