Eternal Love

Chapter 40: : The Courage of Love (4)

   Chapter 40: The Courage of Love (4)

  After listening to Zhou Cheng's words, Yinyin also felt that way, or did she have already noticed it? Since I knew why I fell ill in the palace and not in the [Prime Minister’s Mansion], for the [Prime Minister’s Mansion] where the prime minister was located, it was impossible to take care of her, but it was far inferior to where the emperor was, and he collected many precious herbs and The palace with the leading medical group in China...

  "Please forgive the emperor, the slave and maid made a mistake--"

  Leier knelt down and pleaded

  "You should care about Yinyin. What's wrong? Get up."

   "Thank you, the emperor!"

  Leier stood up calmly

   "If Yinyin wants to stay for only one night, I can approve of—"

  Zhou Cheng looked at Yinyin tenderly, and seemed to look forward to Yinyin's performance.


  Sure enough, Yinyin was extremely excited to hear that she could stay overnight. It seemed that she really wanted to stay.

   "Well, I will let Wang Ye come over later to see how he arranges. If there is no problem, I will stay in [Prime Minister's Mansion] today——"


Zhou Cheng saw Yinyin’s happy expression in his eyes. It’s not that he didn’t want Yinyin to live in the [Prime Minister’s Mansion], but that he didn’t want Yinyin to leave him. This was a selfish idea. He is the king of a country. , There is not much time to be with Yinyin, let alone back and forth [Prime Minister’s Mansion]. It’s not good to come often, so I had to leave Yinyin as an excuse to stay in the palace, and actually stay in the palace to face Yinyin. It is also the best choice. The defense in the palace is far stricter than in the [Prime Minister's Mansion]. Even if someone wants to harm her, she cannot dare to break into the palace. In addition, continue to take care of Yinyin's current physical condition and stay in the palace. It can provide the best healing environment, so not to mention Zhou Cheng's selfish thoughts that only want to keep Yinyin by his side. For Yinyin's sake, staying in the palace is the best choice.

If I agree to agree, let Yinyin stay in the [Prime Minister’s Mansion] overnight, Zhou Cheng can’t just let it go. Those who want to murder Yinyin are still secretly trying to move, just take this time out of the palace, even though only Yinyin is on the surface. Together with Zhou Cheng, there are actually many imperial soldiers hiding in secret, because it is not ruled out that those who want to murder Yinyin will not take this opportunity to assassinate again. Although the [Prime Minister's Mansion] is also very tightly guarded, but for the sake of Just in case, it needs to be more alert and deployed. [The Prime Minister's Mansion] is no better than the palace's multi-level alert, Zhou Cheng had to spend a little thought to make all-out preparations.

  "This is really great, miss, oh, if the lady and the master know that they will be very happy, I will tell them—"

  After hearing Zhou Cheng's permission, Leier could not conceal her inner joy. She said she ran away before Yinyin could speak...

   "Really, is she a little too excited?"

   "I haven't seen each other for too long, I want to spend more time with you."

  Zhou Cheng said while helping Yinyin to pour tea

   "Is that so? Thank you—"

Yinyin delivered the tea from Zhou Cheng to the teacup in front of her. After giving the tea to Yinyin, Zhou Cheng poured tea for herself: "Whether you are the prime minister, your wife, or Lei'er, you were once on the verge of life and death. , So they are all happy that you can return to this home. In order to live up to them, you should take good care of your body."


   Yinyin held the tea and nodded, can't help feeling that the atmosphere is a bit awkward? I haven't felt this way before. Whether Lei'er is here or playing with Baihu, once Yinyin sits down, she feels uncomfortable?

   "I thought you would not agree to let me stay at home for one night--"

  Nothing to say, Yinyin still found a topic, because she felt that not speaking would only make her feel more uncomfortable.

  "Are you dictatorial because of me?"

   authoritarian? Yinyin never thought about it, how should I say, Zhou Cheng kept her in the palace, anyhow [Prime Minister's Mansion] is her home, if you really think about her, you should follow her, even if you return to the [Prime Minister's Mansion] 】As long as Zhou Cheng is willing, those imperial doctors and precious herbs can be sent to the [Prime Minister's Mansion], but Zhou Cheng didn't do this, and Yinyin didn't ask anything, and everything went with the flow.

"I really hope that you can stay with me. That's right. On the way to the [Prime Minister's Mansion], I also said that I hope a woman can stay by my side, but she will not be too restrained by this, she thought Yes, as long as I can do it, I will give it to her. If you are free and tolerant to meet your needs, I am also very willing to do it—"

   Zhou Cheng's words shook Yinyin again, and there was another ripple in her heart. What did she do today? Zhou Cheng's words always make her heart pound, so that she avoids Zhou Cheng's sight again...

Knowing that Yinyin was avoiding him, Zhou Cheng got up from the stone bench, walked behind Yinyin, put his hands on her slender shoulders: "I'm serious, Yinyin, let me be my queen and concubine. ——"

   Yinyin was stunned after hearing Zhou Cheng's words. She immediately stood up and fled away from Zhou Cheng's side, dodged aside and distanced herself from Zhou Cheng.


   "Please don't tease me—"

   "I didn't tease you!"

  Yinyin’s somewhat cringing attitude and words made Zhou Cheng a little angry

  "You already have a queen and many concubines. Even if you are the king of a country, how can you say these things?"

  "Is it wrong that I just tell the truth? As the king of a country, don’t you even have the right to choose the one you like by your side?"

"That was not what I meant--"


  I didn't expect Yinyin to see Zhou Cheng's true meaning so unrealistically, Zhou Cheng felt a little bit chilly.

"I don’t remember the past, I believe everything you say, you say you like me, I believe, from the time I wake up to now, I can’t say dislike to you, I know this kind of like hasn’t reached that kind of thought. I want to be with you forever, let alone I don’t know if I like you before, so I can’t just agree to it, can I?”

   "You used to say that you love me deeply--"

   "But I forgot--"

   "I will remind you of it."

"How do you think about it? I don't even know who I am until now. All I know is what you tell me. I want to believe that everything you say is true, but I will believe everything excluding everything. I really want to I forgot a very important thing, but I can’t remember it, just can’t remember—"

At this time, Yinyin’s mood was a little confused. It should be said that the excitement is more appropriate. The blank memory hidden deep in her heart, Yinyin knows that it is important, but she can’t remember it. Occasionally, she will forget what she forgot is very important to her. Important thing, but this feeling is awakened again at this moment...

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