Eternal Love

Chapter 45: : Dance under the night (6)

   Chapter 45: Dance under the Night (6)

  "I found out that the princess is really more beautiful than the rumors. I felt this way when I first met, especially when I was smiling—"

Feng Qinghan’s outspokenness made Yinyin’s face an instant blush, but Yinyin might not have this reaction when other people said it, but it made Yinyin feel this way when he said it from Feng Qinghan’s mouth. His eyes were full of tenderness, and his tone was very soft. Anyone who listened to it would immediately become intoxicated, but Yinyin would not be intoxicated by it.

   "Young Master Feng is really good at talking——"

   "What I say below is all from the bottom of my heart, and I hope the princess will not laugh at it—"

   "No, but even if the son said that, I won't fall in love with the son because of this. I am afraid that if I change to someone else, I will definitely fall in love with the son?"

  Yinyin was calm and unwavering, Xiuying and Lei'er could no longer hold back just hearing these words, even if they weren't told to them.

"The princess really laughed at him. I just tell the truth. The princess can look at the world. Now there are a few people in the world who can compete with the princess, except for those who are the same as the "Five Ji under Heaven". Siji, no, Shuji has gone away forever for some reason, it should be Sanji, plus Princess Quan, the first princess of the Han country, I can say that there is no other woman comparable to the princess, although So, but Zai Xia believes that the princess is the woman who is the number one player today—"

   "Shu Ji passed away?"

Instead of listening to Feng Qinghan’s compliments, she was concerned about Shuji’s death in Shenzhen and Hong Kong. For some reason, when Shuji Linwei passed away, Yinyin’s heart was tense, and her heart ached slightly. She had already learned from Zhou Cheng that she was Known as the'Five Jade Dancers in the World', I also know that the Five Fairies under the Heavens have performed on the same stage, but why does Yinyin's heart ache when she hears Shuji's death?

"That's it. Not long ago, Zhao Guo fell into a civil strife. The chief conspirator was the Mausoleum King. Although he was quickly suppressed by the king Zhao himself, Shu Ji, who was a queen, died in the civil strife. In retrospect, it was really true. Heaven is jealous of the beauty—"

Hearing Feng Qinghan's story about the State of Zhao, Yinyin didn't know why she cared so much. Not long ago, she had just met Zhao Wang Zhao Ziheng. In theory, the civil strife had just subsided. As Zhao Wang, she should have no time to do so in order to restore and rebuild. Yes, why did you come to Zhou in secret?

  "Young Master Feng, what kind of person is Zhao Wang?"

"Well, Jae Xia thinks that he is a rare man in the world who is courageous and resourceful, wise and courageous. At the same time when the civil unrest broke out in Zhao, he should have been fighting foreign enemies on the border. He knew exactly what needs to be addressed first. His behavior Undoubtedly, he gave those offenders a great opportunity, but he used his plan to lay a trap, and finally ended the long-term disaster of Zhao Guo by quelling the internal strife and resolving foreign troubles—"


"He is indeed superior in governing the country, he is not sloppy at all, and he is also very infatuated in terms of feelings. I heard that since the death of Queen Lin, he will go to Queen Lin’s spiritual position every day to hang sacrifices. It is conceivable that he has treated Lin. The queen’s infatuation is obvious to all, and I heard that he refused to marry the Princess of Han Guoquan. It must be because of this? I heard that Shuji is both good-looking, gentle and virtuous. No wonder King Zhao loves her so much."

  In the eyes of outsiders, what Feng Qinghan said is indeed true. Hearing these, Yinyin’s heart aches worse. She knows that she must have known Zhao Ziheng before. What kind of relationship do they have? Why does my heart hurt so much after hearing Feng Qinghan's words?

"Speaking of which, each of the five heroes in the world has talents. The piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are what most ladies have, so it is not worth talking about. The dance style of the princess is truly the best in the world, so the princess truly lives up to the world. The first name—"

   "The son is overwhelmed——"

  Compared with before, Yinyin’s expression is a bit trance, and she feels like she is smiling but not smiling, and Feng Qinghan sees all her changes.

  "It's a pity that the princess's dancing posture is beautiful, but it is flawed—"

  "Oh? Yinyin would like to hear the details--"

  "Doesn’t the princess feel that there is something missing when dancing?"

  Yinyin expressed puzzlement

  "Whether at the royal banquet, it was the same just now. Although there was music at the royal banquet, the musician's performance couldn't keep up with the pace of the princess. Although the solo dance without music is more unique, it still lacks——"

  "What does the son mean?"

  "The princess lacks a musician who can match the dance of the princess——"

Feng Qinghan said that Yinyin had never thought about this. After hearing what he said, Yinyin did feel that the skills of the musicians who played her music at the banquet were really unable to keep up, but they were court musicians after all. They can't keep up, so how easy is it to find an equivalent?

   "I have a request below, I wonder if the county lord can agree to it?"

  "My son, please say--"

  “I’m not talented in Xia, I may not be able to compare with the court musicians, but I’m willing to give it a try. I want to play a song for the princess. If the princess thinks it’s okay, how about performing a song with the princess in Xia?"

  "Why is this difficult? I don't know what kind of instrument the son is going to play?"


  Speaking of Guqin, one was placed beside the window. Whether it could only use the piano or select the materials on the spot, Yinyin is still unclear.

   "The son, please!"

Accepting Yinyin’s invitation, Feng Qinghan got up and walked to the stage where the piano was placed and knelt down. First, he auditioned. It seemed that the quality of the piano was good. After the test, Yinyin, Xiuying and Leier could hear The beauty of the piano sound cannot be compared with the court musicians. It seems to be the case. The wind and cold piano art has long exceeded the level of the court musicians. Yinyin can even feel that his piano art is known as the best piano in the world. Ji Shangang, although Yinyin has forgotten Qin Ji's piano art, but the wind and cold piano art gave her this feeling...

  End of one song

   "The son is good at piano!"

   "Make the princess laugh."

   "How come, the son's piano art is more than that of court musicians, I even think that the son's piano art must be better than Qin Ji——"

  "How dare you compare the piano art of Qin Ji who is reputed to be the number one in the world? The princess is too high!"

  "After listening to the sound of the son, I really want to dance with the sound of the son—"

   "Princess, the opportunity is rare, it is better to——"

Xiuying reminded me

   "Well, I don't know what is going on with Young Master Feng?"

  "This is an honor to be here!"

After hearing Yinyin’s words, Lei'er and Xiuying walked to the side and opened the door to the outer stage where Yinyin danced before. Yinyin got up and walked out. Feng Qinghan also got up and picked up the guqin to follow. There is also a table on the outer stage where the piano is placed. After the two of them are in place, Xiuying and Leier close the door. Because the moonlight shines outdoors, the beauty is relatively high, and it seems to be a bit particular...

  A dance of night performed by Feng Qinghan and Yinyin starts here

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