Eternal Love

Chapter 47: :Being chaotic and intelligent (4)

   Chapter 47: Chaotic Wisdom (4)

"Yes, please forgive me for speaking out, because after the emperor took Yinyin home from the emperor yesterday evening, Yinyin suddenly fell ill. The emperor blamed himself for his fault, so he stayed by her side and said yes. Wait until she wakes up."

   "What? I fell ill again? What is this—"

  Yinyin became ill again and again, and the queen mother couldn’t believe it. Was the former Yinyin feeling well? I fell ill not long ago and healed a while ago, and fell ill again only a few days ago? The Queen Mother is worried that Yinyin is worried, but...

  "What do you mean the emperor will wait until Yinyin wakes up?"

   "Because Yinyin has been in a coma since she fell ill yesterday--"

   "That means the emperor will not return to the palace until she wakes up?"

   "I'm afraid so!"

   "What is this? If Yinyin stays awake, he will never come back? If Yinyin stays up for a while, will he not come back?"

   Knowing that the Queen Mother was outspoken by impulse, Zhang Ren was still hurt by the words of the Queen Mother. Yinyin was his daughter. How could Zhang Ren not feel sad to hear others say that? My daughter is unconscious now, why would he not want to stay by her side if possible?

   "Hug, I'm sorry, I'm so gagged—"

   Perceiving Zhang Ren's heartbroken expression, the queen mother hurriedly apologized, and her impulsive mood just now clearly calmed down a lot. Maybe it was because she hurt Zhang Ren and made her feel guilty.

"The queen mother is right. Since Yinyin woke up from her long sleep, I have also noticed that she is different from before, her physique has become very weak, as if she will fall when touched, and I can't help wondering whether she will never be there. Long sleep is not awake. Judging from her current situation, even if it is true, my wife and I are mentally prepared—"

  Considering the current situation and the future, Zhang Ren's enlightened attitude made the Queen Mother a little shocked. Looking back, why didn't she think so? Since Yinyin woke up, her body has been abnormal, and she has become significantly weaker than before, but now that she has just woke up from long sleep, there is still a possibility of recovery, so the queen mother has never said it. Unexpectedly, both Zhang Ren and his wife had already realized the worst-case scenario. Zhang Ren and his wife’s love for daughters and the Queen Mother knew that they were able to achieve this level, which shows how much psychological pressure they have endured. .

  "The prime minister said it was too early now. Yinyin only woke up soon, and after a long time, she will be able to recover, right?"

"I hope so!"

  Why does Zhang Ren not want to think in a good direction? Ever since Zhou Cheng refused to marry, fell from the fence and hit his head and almost died, and then miraculously came back to life, Zhang Ren felt that the disasters around Yinyin continued, first the hunting ground incident, then the murder of Jiang Ruting, and then the country of Zhao. Princess Lin Wei was assassinated and was finally involved in the massacre of innocent islands. Why on earth? Why does everything revolve around Yinyin? Could it be possible that she would have accidentally become a confidante who has harmed the country and the people? No, Zhang Ren absolutely doesn't believe that Yinyin will be that kind of person. His daughter Yinyin is a well-behaved, self-willed but gentle and kind-hearted woman. How could she be a beauty in troubled times? Zhang Ren could not accept all this. He had already made a plan to protect his daughter until the end. No matter how people would evaluate his daughter in the future, he would believe that her daughter is the most kind woman in the world...

   "Mother Queen——"

  Xinxin’s voice was heard at the same time as people arrived. Seeing her in a hurry, it seemed that something had come. How did you know that the queen mother and Zhang Ren both had heavy expressions on their faces...

  "Xin'er, how can you be so rude in front of the prime minister!"

  The queen mother moved her eyebrows slightly, condemning it.

   "I don't know that the prime minister will be here, the prime minister is rude——"

  Xinxin made an expression of doing something wrong, and then bowed slightly to apologize to Zhang Ren.

   "Hehe, the princess will give up the gift soon—"

Sweeping away the heavy heart for Yinyin’s affairs before, Zhang Ren slightly showed a kindly compatible way. For him, he treats Xinxin as his own daughter. He is kind to her because he thinks Nowadays, in the chaotic world, with Zhou Cheng and Zhou Yan fighting for love, Xinxin is the only woman in the deepest palace who is the purest woman. Both her words and deeds and her state of mind can be described as immaculate, like silt. And the noble lily that is not muddy, she and Yinyin will not be involved in any incidents, so she will not be hurt by anything. Zhang Ren also hopes that the only princess will be able to Stay away from mundane things, stay away from harm...

   "Xin'er, when on earth did you make such a fuss?"

The queen mother is also very caring for this daughter. Her love for Xinxin is comparable to Yinyin. If you really want to compare it, perhaps because blood is thicker than water, it is the blood of her own blood. Therefore, the queen mother should love Xinxin even more. .

   "Ah, queen, I heard that it is true that the emperor did not go to the morning court? Did something happen to him when he went to Sister Yinyin yesterday?"

   "Your emperor brother is okay, don't worry."

   "Then why didn't he go to the early court? This is not like the style of the emperor brother. Contrary to the emperor brother, the second emperor did not know what happened to go to the early court today. This is really weird—"

  "I know all of these. Anyway, this is not something you should care about. Go back first."

   "Mother, the two imperial brothers are my brothers, how could I not care, they are both so abnormal today, something must have happened, right? You tell me quickly—"

No matter whether the queen mother did not want to tell her, Xin Xin insisted on wanting to know. You must know that even if Zhou Cheng and Zhou Yan were making trouble for Yinyin, they were still very considerate to her, so as their sister, she certainly would worry.

"All said that your emperor brothers are okay, your emperor brother, that is, the emperor, he is currently guarding your sister Yinyin in [Prime Minister’s Mansion]. As for your second emperor brother Jingwang, I am afraid it is also for Yinyin. Come here."

   "Why are you staying by Yinyin's sister? What happened to her?"

  "Don’t worry about the princess, Yinyin just got a little sick and will get better soon."

  After the queen mother said, Xinxin was confused, and Zhang Ren looked at the right time to comfort her.

   "No, if it's just a minor illness, how could the emperor's brother not go to the early court?"

  Xinxin replied simply, and Zhang Ren could not answer with a heavy face, and the queen mother also felt a little heavy on her face...

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