Eternal Love

Chapter 48: : The past (2)

   Chapter 48: The Past (2)

"Father said it was the daughter of a former friend. His friend was a general just like my dad. However, he died in the battle and left his wife and daughter in the early years. Because of this, his family fell into trouble with the death of that general. I heard that his wife also passed away recently, leaving only one daughter. For the friendship of the year, Dad planned to take her under the care of the General's Mansion, and let me take her by the way—"

   "Where is that woman now?"

   "I said I live in [Hong Kong City], but Dad has sent someone to pick her up, and I will arrive at the General's Mansion in the afternoon—"

   "What else did your father say?"

   "Tell me to go back before noon."

   "Before noon? It's almost too late now, why didn't you say it earlier, then hurry up—"

  As soon as Shan Yuan said, the two of them were stunned at the same time. Zhou Xian hurriedly pulled Shan Yuan to prepare to return to the general's mansion. Unexpectedly, Shan Yuan remained motionless?

   "Why are you staying here? It’s not a man’s behavior to wait for a woman—"

Zhou Xian reproached, but Shan Yuan was still indifferent. Zhang Ren could see that Shan Yuan didn’t want to go back, so: “Even if you don’t want to marry her, you have to tell her face to face. And your father, you’re worried like this. To no avail."

   "I know, that's why I have to drink—"

  "Drinking to be courageous?"

  Shan Yuan’s thoughts were too naive, and Zhang Ren and Zhou Xian couldn’t help being a little weak. Fortunately, they knew Shan Yuan’s character a long time ago, otherwise they would really have to laugh out loud.

"Then have enough to drink now? Let's go, I will accompany you back with Ren. First, see if you don’t like it. If you don’t like it, I will ask your father to make it clear. If General Shan doesn’t agree, anyway, I can be the prince. I will speak for you from the side—"


In this way, Shan Yuan was willing to go back to the house with the company of Zhang Ren and Zhou Xian. Otherwise, he didn’t know how much alcohol he had to drink before going back. It was because he was too loyal. They are all handled in an orderly manner, and once they encounter such a thing, he will seem to be at a loss as to what to do.

  Return to the General House

  The other party has already arrived. Of course, it’s noon, but it’s not time now...

  Main hall entrance

   "Go in—"

  The voice of Zhou Xian by the door caught the attention of the mighty middle-aged man in the hall. When the man looked up, he saw Shan Yuan who was pushed in front by Zhou Xian...

   "Yuan'er hasn't come in quickly yet—"

  Hearing his father's call, Shan Yuan didn't dare not listen, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and enter.


   "Do you know what time it is?"

   Facing his father’s question, the abyss bowed his head and said nothing, then...

   "Ah, Brother Ren, His Royal Highness——"

  Shan Yufeng saw Zhang Ren and Zhou Xian come in and hurried forward

   "Uh! His Royal Highness—"

   "General Shan——"


  Shan Yuan’s father, Shan Fei, saw Zhou Xian arrive and salute him without delay

  "General Shan does not need to be polite, I just stopped by Brother Zhang as a guest at the General Mansion this time——"


  Flying solo is not a leisurely person, how can you not know the intention of Zhou Cheng and Zhang Ren, but the prince Zhou Xian said that, he is not good at chasing after him.

   "Yu'er, come over and say hello——"

A woman in light green clothes walked towards the three people slowly from the side of the seat, just approaching, and the three of them were stunned. Although the flowery appearance is not beautiful, it can be regarded as beautiful, and the skin is as creamy and silky. Her long hair is only tied with ribbons around her ears and tied behind her head. His clear eyes are filled with sadness. I don't know why there is always a feeling of pity and love.

  "This is the current prince!"

  "Han Yu, a female citizen, has met His Royal Highness!"

The voice is sweet and soft, which makes people feel soft when they hear her. She is Han Yu (Zhou Cheng’s mother). Zhou Xian was stunned by looking at Han Yu and forgot to respond. For him, Han Yu is not The most beautiful woman he had ever seen, but it was the one that attracted him the most, as if his heart was jumping for joy.

  "This is my cousin Zhang Ren."

   "Master Zhang is polite!"

   "Girl Han is polite!"

  Besides being shaken when he first saw Han Yu when he went out, Zhang Ren had already returned to normal at this moment.

  "This is my unfilial son Shan Yuan!"

  "The single son is polite!"

   "Yes, polite!"

I don’t know, I was shocked when I saw Han Yu, not to mention Zhou Xian, Shan Yuan also became a little disoriented after seeing Han Yu. Among the three, except for Zhang Renneng who maintained a normal heart, the other two were surprised after seeing Han Yu. A bit ecstatic...

   "How is it? Sister Han is very beautiful, right?"

  Shan Yufeng, who was standing next to Zhang Ren, praised excitedly. In fact, she herself is comparable to Han Yu, but she feels different from her. Just looking at it, Han Yu is a quiet type, while Shan Yufeng is a lively type.

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