Eternal Love

Chapter 51: : Bitter Love (6)

   Chapter 51: Bitter Love (6)

"I know that if you want to balance the two, you will be under unimaginable pressure, but only in this way can you be qualified to become Yinyin's husband and the king of a country. Nowadays you must think it is very difficult, almost impossible, but I think it’s easier for you to do it only at this time."

Zhou Cheng knew that what Zhang Ren said was right, but he was not sure that he could do it now. He only knew that as long as he relaxes a little bit, there will be no chance to restore Yinyin's heart, as long as he cares about Yinyin. He cannot devote himself to government affairs, cannot give up, let alone give up. To him, the current situation seems to be forcing him to choose between the country and the beauty, and he wants to do what Zhang Ren said. Is it easy to do both? Zhang Ren said that the easy is really hard for Zhou Cheng to imagine.

   "Emperor, please remember, remember how you worked diligently for the people, remember how you fell in love with Yinyin."

  Recall? Zhou Cheng recalled that diligence for the people is the responsibility of being the king of a country, but what about falling in love with Yinyin? Falling in love with Yinyin caught him by surprise. When he discovered it, he knew that it was too late. The country and Yinyin could not find anything in common that they could coexist. What would happen in retrospect? He can manage the country easily, but he can't easily get what he wants. When thinking of Yinyin, he only gives pain and bitterness...

"It looks like you can’t find a reason to fall in love with Yinyin, right? It’s easy for you to govern the affairs of the country, but when dealing with Yinyin’s affairs, you will mess up your mind and you will regret that Yinyin was in love at the time. When you are not sure? You have to remember that everything is destined to happen, and it will happen. No one knows whether the choice at that time is correct, but when you know it, just make up for it and you will get it. In response, I don’t know if Yinyin fell in love with other people after you. I didn’t know her since her first amnesia, and I didn’t know it happened during the two years when she disappeared. What happened? I don’t know the details about Ashenvale, but from Wang Zhao’s words, I know that the relationship between him and Yinyin is extraordinary. According to my inference, it must have been in Yinyin’s memory before the second amnesia. It is implicated with King Zhao. Regardless of the truth or falsehood of what King Zhao said before, and regardless of the outcome between you and Yinyin, I hope you will accept it resolutely."

Zhang Ren’s words coexist with advances and retreats, one advances and one retreat. Simply put, face it no matter what the result is. Don’t force it. Even if Yinyin chooses not him, he has to accept it. Forced will only have unexpected results. I am afraid it will be too late to regret.

  "As far as I am now, do you think I can do it?"

   "Can't do it!"

  Hearing Zhang Ren’s answer, Zhou Cheng was slightly startled, how could he answer so simply?

   "It is indeed impossible to do it, in terms of who you are now..."

  Zhang Ren will do the trick. According to Zhou Cheng's words, it is clearly emphasized that there is only ‘now’.

  "Do you feel painful? When facing Yinyin."


   "Is it bitter?"


  "Do you still love her even in pain?"


  "When you feel painful, have you ever thought about her thoughts at the time?"

  Qing and answering all the way, Zhou Cheng finally got stuck, he looked at Zhang Ren.

"You know? You are not the only person who feels pain. King Jing, who also loves Yinyin, and Yinyin herself are in pain, so don't be alone in pain, and don't think that you are the only one who suffers. , The pain between you and King Jing comes from Yinyin, and Yinyin’s pain comes from her lost memory. She cannot remember the lost memory. She doesn’t know who is the one she loves. The pain she bears may be far away. Far more than you."

The Zhou Cheng mentioned by Zhang Ren has long been aware of and knows, but he just doesn’t want to admit it, let alone accept it. When he sees Yinyin’s pain in his eyes, he will also be very painful and overwhelmed, because He knows that once he accepts and approves it, he will probably lose the confidence to restore Yinyin. The current situation does not allow him to be negligent, so he wants to fight for it, no matter how painful it is.

"In other words, when Yinyin is in love with you, you can't feel the same mood as when she was hurt by you. Now it is completely the opposite of the situation at that time. You will be overwhelmed by her words and deeds every time. The pain, the pain makes you want to kill the self who rejected her in the past?"

For some reason, Zhang Ren said everything in Zhou Cheng's heart. Several times, he couldn't count it. As long as he heard or thought of Yinyin's frosty attitude, words and deeds, Zhou Cheng Cheng felt the piercing pain. Compared with the time when Yinyin had a soft spot for him in the past, Yinyin at that time should have the same mood as her now, right? If I had known so long ago, if everything could be repeated, how many times in dreams and memories Zhou Cheng would want to kill the self who rejected Yinyin in the past, because everything would never be repeated.

"At that time, I never thought that a cold-eyed and a cold remark would make people feel so painful. The pain and the bitterness would almost be maddening. Have you experienced these Yinyin? She has finally repaid herself now. I can't imagine how she endured and endured the pain I gave her at that time. The pain even felt like I was about to collapse. She was such a weak woman. How did you endure it?"

While listening to Zhou Cheng’s narrative, while recalling the pain Yinyin suffered because of Zhou Cheng, Zhang Ren had a kind of depression, first Yinyin and now Zhou Cheng, their pain was given to each other. , What does Zhang Ren want to say? What can he say? To blame Zhou Cheng, shouldn't he hurt Yinyin first, and now he was hurt by Yinyin again?

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