Eternal Love

Chapter 53: : Is it an enemy or a friend? (4)

   Chapter 53: Is it an enemy or a friend? (4)

   "Okay, but your body is weak, I am not at ease, so come with me."


   Yinyin wanted to reject Zhou Yan’s kindness, but she really wanted to not allow her to do so, otherwise she would be implicated in others. For this reason, Yinyin no longer wanted to see anyone worrying about her and getting hurt.

   "Xiuying, bring the princess's cloak."


Following Zhou Yan’s order, Xiuying quickly got into the carriage and took down Yinyin’s cloak. Zhou Yan took the cloak from her and put it on Yinyin’s body, then lifted Yinyin Hengkong and placed it on the horse’s back. Then I jumped on horseback...

"set off!"

  After Zhou Yan got on the horse, he gave an order and the team started to move forward. Xue Han took Xiuying with him out of concern.

Instead of riding a carriage instead of riding a horse, the speed of forward is obviously much faster. Even so, Zhou Yan is still a little worried about Yinyin in his arms. Although Yinyin can be in his arms at the moment, it is inevitable that such a journey will make people feel somewhat Unbearable, after all, at the moment they do not have a leisurely mind.

Shan Zhen felt somewhat unhappy about Yinyin's leaning on Zhou Yan's arms, but he could only endure it.

We are getting closer and closer to Weicheng. There is some distance between the two cities before arriving in Weicheng. After the supplies are complete, they must do camping at least twice on the way. Since they changed to horseback riding, Yin Although Yin's condition did not respond as quickly as in the carriage, but after a long time, Yinyin was still somewhat overwhelmed.

While resting in the last city before leaving Weicheng, Yinyin's body finally suffered an abnormal condition. Just as Zhou Yan and his party were worried about this, a group of envoys who claimed to be Qingfeng came to greet Yinyin and the others. Zhou Yan was very wary of this at the beginning, and finally agreed due to Yinyin's situation. They followed Feng Qinghan's envoy to a private villa on the way!

After arriving at the villa, the envoy led them to the village. Feng Qinghan had already prepared a banquet for the celebrities. Seeing that Yinyin was unwell, he immediately arranged a place for Yinyin to rest, so that he could get a comfortable place to rest. This might be better for Yinyin. The panacea is still more effective. After getting a comfortable training, Yinyin's condition has improved slightly...

   "Thank you, Master Feng!"

   "Where is it, it's just a matter of effort."

Yinyin, who had just recovered, thanked Feng Qinghan, Feng Qinghan’s as usual smile on his face, I don’t know why his attitude, at least in Yinyin’s eyes, seemed very comfortable, Zhou Yan and Shan Zhendao I don’t think so, anyway, only Yinyin and Feng Qinghan are talking, and everyone else seems unable to intervene...

   "However, I didn't expect that Young Master Feng would have such an annex in a place like this."

"Haha, this was established on a whim before. This time I just went to Weicheng for something, so it happened to be used at the place where I was resting. I originally met Jingyi here, but I heard that the princess and his party will also pass by here. So I sent someone to greet you, so as to fulfill the friendship of the landlord. Furthermore, I heard that Jingyi has been taken care of by you a lot along the way. As the elder brother, of course, I have to thank you very much."


Yinyin and the others were a little surprised. Shan Zhen was concerned when she heard Feng Jingyi’s name before, but she didn’t expect it to be true. Feng Jingyi happened to be absent at this moment. She had previously said that she would come and meet her brother. But I didn’t expect her brother to be Feng Qinghan...

   "Why? Did that girl cause any trouble to the princess?"

   "No, no, but I was rescued by Miss Feng once."

   "Oh? What happened?"

   "Well, I didn't expect that Miss Feng is not only the natural beauty of the person, but also the amazing skills. I really didn't expect that she would be your sister of Master Feng."

On the way, Yinyin had already discovered that Feng Jingyi was in the body of a woman, not just by her name. From a certain corresponding feeling of the woman, she already knew that Zhou Yan, Xue Han, and Xiuying were also there. Found on the way.

"Hehe, the princess must not say this in front of her, otherwise she will have too much self-esteem, but I didn't expect her three-legged cat's kung fu to save the princess. It really made me accident."

Feng Qinghan laughed boldly and spoke very boldly. I really don’t know if he was speaking modestly, or just to him. Feng Jingyi’s skill is really just the skill of a three-legged cat. If this is the case, Feng Qinghan must be more deeply hidden. Lu, Shan Zhen, Zhou Yan, Xue Han and others have also increased their vigilance against Feng Qinghan.

   "It's not the kung fu of a three-legged cat. How can Young Master Feng say that to Miss Feng. Even a layman who doesn't know martial arts can see that Miss Feng is extraordinary, or is it just a modest thing?"

   "Of course not, but if the princess says so, then it is so."

   "Speaking of which, I really have a relationship with Young Master Feng, and we can meet in a place like this. Wasn't Young Master Feng still in Wangcheng before? How could it be?"

"Didn't you just say that I have something to go to Weicheng. As for why I am faster than you, the princess can imagine for himself. It shouldn't be difficult to find out. As for why we are predestined, we can only get acquainted because of destiny, right? "

Yinyin hadn't said clearly what she wanted to ask, but Feng Qinghan had already answered everything she wanted to know. Listening to Feng Qinghan's words, Yinyin was no longer surprised. From his words, she also discovered why Feng Qinghan Qinghan will come in front of them, and the problem is that it is on him. Since Feng Qinghan and others have something to do quickly, unlike them, Yinyin's own situation has already reduced the team's speed by a lot, so how can they calm down? Compared with them?

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