Eternal Love

Chapter 55: : Fragments of memory (5)

   Chapter 55: Fragments of Memory (5)

When everyone was immersed in the atmosphere of the banquet for a long time, most of the people were already drunk, always accompanied by surprises that accompany the banquet, a familiar tune echoed in the banquet hall, many people because of this tune She gradually became sober. Among them, Zhou Yan, Shan Zhen, and Xue Han were more prominent. Yinyin may not feel anything because she was too familiar; a woman wearing a strange costume and covering half of her face with a veil appeared accompanied by a melody. Before everyone's eyes, the appearance of this woman caused Zhou Yan and Xue Han to be surprised. Does Zhou Yan seem to be familiar with the woman's dress? Is it an illusion? The person who felt the illusion was Yinyin. Where did the woman's dance and figure seem to have been seen before? Xue Han had an air of known results.

The dancer who concentrates on dancing, did not perceive the eyes of others at all, and performed with all her heart. The uniqueness of her dance is very similar to Yinyin's dance. The similarity is only one of the reasons, mainly because of the dancer's movements and dance styles. Graceful, light and graceful, graceful and full of charm, this is the main reason that makes everyone amazed!

  The end of the song, the dancing girl gives Zhou Yan and Yinyin a closing ceremony and prepares to leave...

   "Wait a minute!"

   Just as the dancing girl was about to turn and leave, Yinyin called her, her body was slightly startled, and she raised her head to Yinyin who was sitting on the high platform. The hall became quiet because of Yinyin’s shouting, so...


  The two words that the dancer vomited out of her mouth when she looked at Yinyin

"?you know me?"

  Yin-yin found that the dancing girl was looking at her, but the name she called seemed strange to Yin-yin, but the eyes of the woman in front of her told Yin-yin that she knew you? The noble and noble person in front of her is an inaccessible existence to her, but her familiar face makes her unable to forget the confidant who had spent two years in the past...

"what's happenin?"

The woman in front of her stared at herself blankly. Yinyin was a little curious and worried about whether she was unwell. However, Yinyin's voice made the dancer even more unbelievable!

   "The county lord is asking you something, why didn't he answer?"

   Zhou Yan’s voice awakened the dancer, she turned her gaze to the owner of the voice, and felt shocked again...

   "Fu Ji, you are too rude——"

Suddenly a voice broke the tranquility. It turned out that this dancer was Fu Ji, who had performed on the same stage with Yin Yin; a middle-aged man in official uniform came to Fu Ji from the seat. Facing Zhou Yan and Yinyin, he bowed and said: "Prince Qi, this woman is the pillar Fu Ji of the most famous Ye Dance Troupe today. Her dancing posture is praised by the world, and she is hailed as the second generation of the world's number one dancer. Of course, this is a far cry from the princess."

  Hearing the introduction of the officials, Zhou Yan was taken aback for a moment, Ye Wutuan? Where did you hear it? Yinyin also feels the same...

  "Fu Ji met the prince and the princess——"

  Yinyin is one of them, so familiar voice.

   "Raise the veil, let this king see."


  As the prince Zhou Yan has a fate, how could Fu Ji dare not obey, raising her slender hand and taking off her veil...


  When he saw Fu Ji’s face, Zhou Yan was obviously taken aback. Needless to say, it was beautiful, but Zhou Yan was sure that he had seen this face that day when he rescued Yinyin from the Zhao Kingdom Jietian Prison.

   "Your name is Fu Ji?"

  Before Zhou Yan could speak, Yinyin took the first step to ask Fu Ji a question.


   Qing'er, who was once a confidant, is now a superior princess. Fu Ji quickly understood the positions of the two sides and felt a sense of distance towards Yinyin.

  "Who taught you your dancing?"

Yin Yin seems to be a little concerned about Fu Ji’s dance. People or things may not evoke Yin Yin’s memory, but her body’s reaction is different. Fu Ji’s dance is not only similar to her own, but the important thing is that there are several unique features in her dance steps. Seems very familiar...

   " old sister."

   "Sister? Where is she now?"

"…do not know."

   "I don't know? What's her name?"


  The two asked and answered, Yinyin did not find the answer she wanted, Fu Ji's answer was based on reality, but when she heard Fu Ji's answer, Yin Yin seemed a little disappointed?

"what's happenin?"

  Yinyin’s loss, every word and deed are all seen by Zhou Yan

"…It's nothing."

  I wanted to say it, but I swallowed it back and changed it to nothing happened.

  "Ms. Fu Ji’s dancing posture is beautiful, but it cannot be compared with you. If you like it, I can let her be with you."


"of course!"

It doesn’t matter if you can win Yinyin’s heart and keep the people you have been in contact with in the past. Yinyin is not happy because Zhou Yan praised her, but said to Zhou Yan that Fu Ji stayed with her and was happy. Seriously She already has a feeling of wanting to dance with Fu Ji. She always feels that dancing will make her mood happy, and she also has a sense of nostalgia!

   "Fu Ji, you heard that, you will stay with the princess in the future. Of course, it is not a good idea. It is your blessing to be with the princess."

"Please forgive Fu Ji for not being able to follow her fate. Fu Ji is a member of the Ye Dance Troupe. She has grown up in Ye Wu Troupe since she was a child. She has long regarded Ye Wu Troupe as her home and is used to living a wandering life. And staying in one place, I'm afraid Fu Ji will not be used to it."

   "Meaning that even if the king bought the entire Ye Wu troupe, would you say the same?"


Fu Ji’s resolute attitude made Zhou Yan very unhappy. It is rare to win Yinyin’s heart. She was flatly rejected in the public. This is also an insult to Zhou Yan. For Zhou Yan, the only people who have always been disobedient are A dead end...

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