Eternal Love

Chapter 59: : Ambush Assassin (2)

   Chapter 59: Ambush Assassin (2)

  "No matter what, the number of 50,000 people is not small. It is not good for us to let them go or stay in our army easily.

  "They are Feiyan's people. Sending them back to Zhao Country will definitely cause a commotion. If they are left alone, they are afraid that they will leave a curse."

   "In this case, just use them for border defense."

Wu Yao’s sudden sentence surprised both Zhao Ziheng and Wang Ye. They didn’t see anyone who spoke for a long time. Of course, they were surprised that they could directly cut into the subject when they spoke. Even if Zhao Ziheng and Wang Ye thought about it, But it seems that neither of them deliberately said it.

   "In that case, you don't have to worry about the future troubles, you can also monitor them so that they can work independently."

   "The emperor, General Wu is right. This is a good way."

  Wang Ye smiled lightly and praised Wu Yao's proposal to Zhao Ziheng. In fact, he had thought of it a long time ago, but he didn't say anything like Zhao Ziheng, just like waiting for Wu Yao to speak. Zhao Ziheng noticed it, so he didn't say anything.

"Well, this king also thinks so. In the past two years, the Zhao Kingdom has been in chaos, and it must consume a lot of manpower to improve the border defense. This time the 50,000 labor force can be used for his own use. , Order to go down, as soon as General Zhao arrives, Wu Yao will personally **** those people back to the country of Zhao, so you must make sure that nothing goes wrong."

   "Follow the orders, I will do my best in the end."

Adopting a suggestion was just to make up for previous mistakes. Wu Yao answered very powerfully, as if he was guaranteeing that he would never fail again. His reaction attracted Zhao Ziheng and Wang Ye to look at each other. It seemed that both were quite good. satisfaction?

   "Well, everyone has worked hard today. Let's go and rest."


  Wang Ye and Wu Yao bowed and retired. When they reached a short distance outside the camp, Wu Yao stopped and Wang Ye continued to walk ahead of him...

   "Master Wang——"

   "Huh? What's the matter with General Wu?"

After Wu Yao struggled inwardly for a while, he still called Wang Ye out. Wang Ye didn't do anything strange about it, but pretending to be curious, stopped and turned around to face Wu Yao.

  "I want to know, is it the emperor’s will or your proposal?"

   "What General Wu is referring to is a surprise attack?"

  There was no need for Wu Yao to say the subject, Wang Ye was already everywhere he wanted to ask. Only then did Wu Yao hold Wang Ye with a deep sense of indiscretion.

   "If it is, you should know what the emperor meant without asking? Shouldn't the general know better than me?"

  Yes, Wu Yao really thinks so in his heart, but there is another possibility that Wang Ye cannot be ignored. What is the reason? From just being in the camp, it was the first time to carefully observe the dialogue between Wang Ye and Zhao Ziheng. Wu Yao was shaken by the existence of Wang Yechan in his heart. It was the first time that he saw two completely different dialogues appearing so different from each other. Zhao Ziheng knows Wang Ye’s thoughts, and Wang Ye also understands Zhao Ziheng’s thoughts. They share the same ideas with each other, but they have a certain feeling. Wu Yao believes that Wang Ye still has something to hide, and his ability must be in Zhao Ziheng’s. Above, there can be such a person by Zhao Ziheng's side. Wu Yao already knows that he cannot be compared with him. There are not even a few people who can compare with Wang Ye. His existence is inevitable. When Zhao Ziheng accomplishes great things, he is indispensable. , It feels ridiculous to think that he has been against Wang Ye repeatedly. If Wang Ye really got serious, he would have lost his face now.

"I finally know why the emperor would like you so much. For the emperor and for the future of Zhao Guo, please stay with the emperor forever. I apologize to you for the stupidity before. I am too ignorant of Taishan. Up."

   "Even if General Wu doesn't say anything, I will stay by the emperor's side and be loyal to him in the same mood as General Wu. That's why I came back this time."

   "...If I found out earlier, maybe that kind of mistake could be avoided."

   "Everyone is at fault. General Wu does not need to mind what has happened. In the future, he only needs to do his job and do his best."

   "Do your best?"

   Wu Yao was silent for a moment

   "Master Wang is really a hidden person. If you have the opportunity, I really want to see Master Wang's true strength."

   "It may not be a good thing to be able to see it, so I also ask General Wu not to have too much hope."

If Wang Ye goes all out, the situation must be no small thing. This kind of dangerous situation is better not to come. After Wang Yeyi said, Wu Yao seems to have also noticed it. When Wang Ye shows his full strength, it must be Zhao Ziheng again. Dangerous, right?

   "Understood, then Lord Wang, please forget what I said just now."

   "I know."

  Just a little bit of Wu Yao can immediately understand it. This makes Wang Ye a little satisfied. Is the future boundless? This is Wang Ye's evaluation of Wu Yao...

   "I hope you can forgive me for delaying Master Wang's time. Goodbye."


Only by talking to Wang Ye when his heart is calm can he discover what he is really powerful. Fortunately, Wu Yao thought that he was defeated by Wang Ye, otherwise he would never stop thinking about it. After seeing Wang Ye’s hidden secrets. He also understood that Wang Ye was a truly capable person. Wu Yao was convinced that Wang Ye could get Zhao Ziheng's reuse. After all, such talents as Wang Ye are very rare, not comparable to mediocrities who deliberately pretend to be undesirable. Not all people who pretend to be mediocre are so incompetent, and Wang Ye made Wu Yao fully understand this.

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