Eternal Love

Chapter 76: Fire of War (4)

   Chapter 76, The Fire of War (4)

  Once Tianping is out of balance and war is ignited, it cannot be stopped as long as it happens. If you want to stop it, you must do it before. Can Zhao Ziheng's heartache decision be resolved before then? Will Yinyin be involved again?

Located at the frontier defense of Weicheng, the imperial army led by Zhou Cheng and Zhou Yan’s army formed a state of opposition. The two sides set up a camp at a distance of thirty miles. Zhou Yan refused Zhou Cheng’s request to enter Weicheng facelessly. .

  Zhou Yan’s camp

   "My subordinates are really sorry."

Zuo Yu was put back by Zhou Yan to Zhou Yan's side. In fact, it can be said that it was a step to let Zhou Yan put down his guard. At this moment, besides Zhou Yan, there are several other confidants of Zhou Yan in the camp, including Zhu Ji and Gao Jin. The atmosphere is very serious.

  "My king just wants to know, why didn't he inform me the first time?"

At first glance, it seemed a simple question, but Zuoyu was very clear about the importance of it, so he couldn't say it. Others present were also very aware of the consequences. For Yu Zuo's dereliction of duty this time. The severity has never been seen so far.

   "Why don't you speak?"

   Knowing that Zuoyu didn't dare to say the reason, Zhou Yan insisted on him to speak, making it even more difficult for Zuoyu to face it.

   "Everything is the fault of the subordinate, and the subordinate is willing to apologize with death."

  After talking, Zuoyu pulled out the saber around his waist and put it on his neck to prepare for a stroke...

   "Does this king approve you to do this?"

In the face of life and death, Zuo Yu didn’t care about preparing for a slash, but Zhou Yan stopped him before he did it, because Zuo Yu had already fully dedicated his life to Zhou Yan. As long as Zhou Yan did not allow it, even suicide would be for him. Not allowed, so after hearing Zhou Yan's words, he consciously put down the sword in his hand and continued to lower his head.

  "Lord, Zuoyu has been under the imprisonment of the emperor these days. Even if he wants to notify, I am afraid that the crisis will be on the prince. He is involuntary, so he can't notify it, so I ask the prince to observe."

Zhu Ji persuaded from the side that although Zhou Yan prevented Zuo Yu from committing suicide, it did not mean Zhou Yan would let Zuo Yu go. As Zhou Yan’s confidants, they all knew that no matter who made a mistake, even his confidants could not escape. Death, even life is worse than death, among all the confidants, Zuo Yu is the most appreciated by Zhou Yan, on the contrary, punishment will be unimaginable, at the moment Zhou Yan is angry, of course Zhu Ji will be a little worried.

  "...This king does not need you to teach how to do it."

   "Yes, I'm so sorry!"

Zhou Yan was cold-eyed. Zhu Ji also knew the consequences. If it was serious, he would be implicated, but he didn't want to watch Zuo Yu die or be punished more severely than death. Among the civil servants, Zhu Ji was also regarded as one of Zhou Yan's optimistic views. For one person, even Zhu Ji's mouth was swept coldly, and the others didn't dare to say anything, even if they felt worthless for Zuo Yu in their hearts.

   "Zuoyu, you were released by the emperor. Is there nothing else you want to say to the king?"

   "The subordinates have nothing to say except for their loyalty to the prince."

   "Nothing to say? Did you say something to the emperor that you shouldn't have said?"

  The insightful Zhou Yan immediately noticed the other Tibetan meaning in Zuo Yu’s words. Since Zuo Yu would say that, he must have said something to Zhou Cheng. Of course, the premise is that he will not betray Zhou Yan.

   "The subordinate feels ashamed to see the prince again, please grant him a death."

Zuo Yu's words were an answer to Zhou Yan, and he never wanted to hide anything. Although he said something to Zhou Cheng for Zhou Yan, he never expected that this matter would be resolved in unexpected circumstances. It means that he has done unnecessary things, and if it is unnecessary, then what kind of face does he have to see Zhou Yan again?

   "Huh, it's not easy to want to die? Do you think the king won't kill you? If you don't know it, you even send intelligence to the enemy, no matter which one is a capital crime."

   "Yes, my subordinates will gladly accept it."

   "Okay, this king will grant you a death."


   "The Lord!!!"

  As soon as Zhou Yan spoke, the others present immediately expressed their opinions.

  "Lord, please be merciful, please forgive Zuoyu for the sake of the essence of Zuoyu's bowing for so many years."

   "Yes, prince, please be kind to the prince."

  "Please beg your Lord!"

One person took the lead, and all the people present knelt down in order to intercede for Zuoyu. It can be seen that the friendship between each other is deep. It should be said that they are all loyal to the same master, so they will think for the sake of the master. That is to say, Zuoyu is Zhou Yan's indispensable existence.

  The voices of the companions were moved by Zuo Yu's ears, but how about Zhou Yan?

   "Shut up, is it possible that you want to disobey this king's order?"

   "The prince, Zuo Yu has always been loyal to his duties. Even though he was imprisoned for his dereliction of duty, his subordinates believed that Zuo Yu would never betray the prince. Therefore, he also asked the prince to give Zuo Yu another chance and ask the prince to show his favor.

  "Please beg your Lord."

  This time it was Zhu Ji who spoke, and other people echoed. It seems that Zuoyu’s existence is important to them. In other words, other people believe that there will be no such great momentum, right?

Zhou Yan admits that all the people present are his confidants and can do their best for him. It is the first time to see all of them begging for a person at one time, so even Zhou Yan is good to face the first response. It also seemed to be shaken, but it seemed that there was more anger.

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