Eternal Love

Chapter 81: A sweet smile (4)

   Chapter 81 Yan Ran A Smile (4)

  Not long after, the carriage stopped. It seemed that they had already arrived at the place. The door curtain of the carriage was opened. A bandit looked obscenely inside the carriage. His sight seemed to fall entirely on Yinyin who was already awake and sitting up...

   "Oh, is the beauty awake? It just happened to have arrived at our camp. Come down."

"no, do not want--"

  Except for Yinyin’s accident, the three women, including Chunxi, shrank in fright and dared not get out of the car.

   "Don't know how to praise, or do you want my uncle to pull you down?"

   " need."

Answering the thief’s words, before the thief would react, Yinyin had already taken the lead to get out of the carriage from the other side of the thief. Not to mention the thief who was with him, the thief who stayed behind in the camp saw the first one from the carriage. When Yinyin went up and down, her eyes suddenly became mad, and she was fascinated...

   patrolled around, Yinyin felt the way it was. The internal structure of the entire camp was complicated and simple. At first glance, the scale of the cottage was not as large as imagined. Why can such a scale of cottage be so rampant? Yinyin couldn't figure it out. If the city was arrested, the government alone should be able to put it down, but this is not the case, or is it easy to defend and hard to attack the cottage? After seeing it with her own eyes, Yinyin felt disapproving that the government should be able to conquer, but why?

Anyway, Yinyin feels it is necessary to understand the situation in depth. After all, the bandits are rampant, and the victims are always the people. Such a phenomenon that can be wiped out without incident really makes Yinyin care. After Chunxi and the others got off the carriage, and Yinyin was placed in a certain room together, and Yinyin was also relieved that he did not directly meet the leader of the cottage, in order to understand the situation first.

   "Does Chunxi know about the bandit leader?"

   "I don't know, I haven't seen it either, but I heard that he rarely goes down the mountain himself, and usually sends his subordinates."

   "That's it."

  The so-called knowing oneself, knowing the enemy, knowing the enemy in a hundred battles, I wanted to figure out the other party to find a way to deal with it. Chunxi's answer made Yinyin have to go back to the starting point and think of other ways.

   "However, he seems to like to drink very much. Every time he goes to the city, he will wipe out the wine. He even ordered us to provide a prescribed amount every year to guarantee the lives of our people in the city."


  From Chunxi's words, Yinyin generally knows that there will be no blood on those bandits, but when it comes to wine, Yinyin is really not a general bad at, and others are good.

   "Well, by the way, this time I seem to hear what they said that the leader gave birth to a son. I want to celebrate for this. They raided more food and drinks than ever before."


   Speaking of Jiu Yinyin, she has no liking, but when it comes to celebration, Yinyin thinks of the scene of the celebration. When her mind turns, Yinyin immediately thinks that by then, she must be able to find a chance to escape. The key is.

   "Have you ever heard of it?"

   "It seems to be tonight."

   "Tonight? Great."

  Getting the information and knowing the time, Yinyin was overjoyed. Maybe she didn't have to wait for others to rescue her this time. Maybe she could get out of danger. Thinking of this, Yinyin seemed a little excited, at least felt that she might not always need others to protect her.

   "I think they must want to introduce us to the leader at the end of the celebration, so we must escape before that."

   "Huh??? Is it okay?"

   “It’s okay. Since you said they like to drink so much, they must have almost drunk after the banquet. It’s too late until the end, so we have to run away after they are drunk and before the banquet is over.”

   "But, we don't know the terrain here, and even if we can escape, what should we do if they find it? If we are caught again, they will definitely not let us go."

  "How do you know if you don't try, do you want to serve them?"

After listening to Yinyin's words, Chunxi shook her head. You must know that she is only sixteen. Although she looks average, she is still pretty. How can she be defiled by others if she is not married? When it comes to this, is Yinyin facing this situation? Calm down too much? It's no wonder that Yinyin has seen life and death several times, and has seen all kinds of situations, so she doesn't care about this.

   "As for the terrain, I took a little look when I first came in. I don't know the situation outside, but it's okay if it's just inside the cottage. We'll just wait for us to escape and talk about everything."


In Chunxi’s opinion, Yinyin not only looks beautiful, but also has bold ideas and courage. To be honest, when she first saw Yinyin, she was already shocked, regardless of her appearance. He is completely a daughter of a daughter. Chunxi is a person in the city, but I have never heard of Yinyin, so I can guess that Yinyin must have come from a foreign country, but was caught by bandits by accident. Why? Could a daughter like Yinyin be caught so easily? Don't ordinary ladies, especially those who look more noble than ordinary ladies like Yinyin, have guards? It’s hard to believe that it’s so easy to get caught. When I think about it, Chunxi couldn’t guess Yinyin’s identity, and Yinyin’s arrest was due to someone’s negligence, and she didn’t know Yinyin’s identity. In fact, she is older than her, and she can’t tell from her appearance. Yinyin is over 20 years old, but her appearance looks similar to Chunxi. Not only that, except for her beauty and beauty, Yinyin also has a splendid appearance. The posture, in short, makes a civilian like Chunxi incomparable.

   "That, that—"


   One of the other two women who had been arrested and had not dared to speak up, said. Yinyin turned her head. The two women were cowering and approaching Yinyin and the others, as if they had something to say.

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