Eternal Love

Chapter 81: A sweet smile (6)

   Chapter 81 Yan Ran Smile (6)

   Yinyin, who ran outside the house, tripped over the gravel on the uneven road and fell heavily. At this time, the bandit leader had already caught up...

   "Can't run anymore."

  The pirate leader’s obscene expression and tone made Yinyin shudder. Before she got up, her body was already instinctively retreating, and the thief leader gradually approached her...

"no, do not want--"

Yinyin knew the consequences of being caught. She wanted to take the opportunity to get them drunk, but she would be self-defeating. I am afraid she herself would not have guessed that her dance was so perfect and peculiar to be unforgettable. The curvaceous posture and perfect curve have already turned these bandits into a fascination, and it is excusable that the bandit leader will automatically find him. In short, it is just being seduced and seduced by Yinyin.

Disregarding Yinyin’s fear and retreat, the bandit leader has stretched out her clutches towards Yinyin. Looking at the approaching bandit leader, Yinyin forgot to retreat, feeling like a bird in a cage can’t escape. But at this moment, just as the bandit leader’s hand was about to touch Yinyin, Yinyin clearly saw that the bandit leader’s hand was separated from his body, and the hand flew into the air. The black shadow appeared in front of Yinyin's eyes, allowing Yinyin to see the **** scene for a short moment, so that Yinyin couldn't believe whether it was true or not.

  The leader of the bandit shouted in pain because of the loss of her arm, but Yinyin could not hear it anymore, because she herself could not believe it, and she did not understand the situation. She just opened her eyes and stared at the person who appeared in front of her...

   "Are you okay?"

Gui Sha greeted softly, but it was a pity that Yin Yin was too frightened and did not respond. Seeing Yin Yin's face with fear and paleness, and her trembling body, Gui Sha's heart was twitching slightly. He knew that it was useless to say anything at the moment, and stretched out his hand gently. Touching Yinyin's face lightly, as if he was comforting? Yinyin’s face was so cold, it didn’t feel like any temperature at all. Guisha knew that this was evidence of excessive fright. It seemed that she felt the temperature from the place she was touched. Yinyin recovered a little and looked at the Guisha in front of her. , Suddenly mixed feelings in my heart.

   "Can you stand up?"

Seeing Yinyin’s expression slightly relieved, Gui Sha knew that Yin Yin had regained her sanity, put down her hand, and asked her concerned about it. Before he could react, Yin Yin and fell into his arms, which made Gui Sha obvious. Frozen, so that he also felt more clearly how terribly Yinyin's body was shaking. This was never before. He had experienced so many things. It seems that Yinyin was really frightened this time, Gui Sha Gently stroking Yinyin's head, soothing her, but since she found Yinyin, she didn't need to stay for long. He picked up Yinyin in the air, turned around, and looked down at the painful moan that was sitting paralyzed because of the loss of her arm. The leader of the bandit, under his mask, he wanted to slash him with a thousand swords, but he looked at Yinyin, who was trembling in his arms, and gave up, turned around and hugged Yinyin and left, disappearing in unknown time. Become a dark cottage...

In Guisha’s arms, Yinyin didn’t know when to fall asleep. For Guisha, Yinyin’s way was better. At least he would not continue to be entangled by the nightmares that had just passed, and could lie peacefully in his arms like this. In the middle, every time I hold Yinyin, Gui Sha is reluctant to let go. The feeling of holding Yinyin is so beautiful to him.

There was some distance away from the bandit’s camp, and he was still in the mountains, but Guisha knew that nothing would happen, so he found a place with a better environment, put Yinyin next to the tree, and picked up some branches by himself. When the fire is on, there is no fear that it will be exposed or found by bandits.

Although it is the night of August, Yinyin will inevitably catch the cold in the night breeze if she wears it like that. Ghost Sha takes off her coat and covers Yinyin's body, and then takes her pulse for Yinyin, checks and looks on her face. He went up a lot better, and slightly recovered his rosy. Thinking that Yinyin’s horrified expression made Guisha unforgettable when she first found Yinyin, she unknowingly took off her mask, approached Yinyin, and lightly touched Yinyin’s forehead. A light kiss...

   "Don't worry, they will definitely pay for what they did."

  After the kiss, Gui Sha stretched a distance and spoke in a very soft tone. But from the words, it seemed to be revenge?

The night passed quickly. For Yinyin, it was an unforgettable night. Just after dawn, Yinyin had woke up from her dream, knowing that she had fallen asleep by the tree, covered with a black exterior. Robe, looking up, Gui Sha is sitting by the fire...

   "You saved me again."

   "Huh? You are awake."

Yinyin’s faintly awakened voice sounded, and Gui Sha immediately reacted and looked at Yinyin. At first glance, she knew that she hadn’t closed her eyes all night. Yinyin slowly stood up and walked over to him with Gui Sha’s black robe. Next, he handed the black robe forward and said, "Thank you."

Looking at Yinyin’s expression, it seemed to tell Gui Sha that she was okay. Gui Sha took the black robe from Yinyin’s hands and said nothing, not that he didn’t want to say, but he didn’t know where to start, and was worried about what he said. Whether Yinyin will remember the nightmare of last night again, it doesn't matter if she doesn't mention that kind of thing.

   "Don't you ask me?"

Even if she wears a mask, Yinyin seems to be able to perceive what Guisha is thinking. After all, the contact time is not short, and it is not difficult for someone to understand Guisha. At times like this, his heart is so careful that she won’t let her feel What embarrassment.

   "Is there anything I don't need to ask about? Anyway, you're fine."

Gui Sha’s answer is just as Yinyin thinks. Yinyin might think that Gui Sha cares about her so much because of her commitment to others. Whatever the case, the seemingly indifferent Gui Sha only needs to care about other people’s hearts. Yin Yin felt satisfied, because she knew that Gui Sha was definitely not a cold-blooded person, but rather a very careful and caring person. She didn't understand why Gui Sha would not help others, but at least Yin Yin knew that there must be a reason. Yes, as for the reason, Yinyin didn't want to ask more, as long as he knew that Gui Sha's heart was not evil, it was better than anything else.

The morning light shines on Yinyin's body through the gaps in the woods, and also illuminates her smiling face. It is innocent and innocent. Gui Sha doesn't know why Yinyin smiles, but her smile is definitely never seen. After passing, Yinyin smiled so peacefully, tenderly, and softly in front of her. Seeing such a smile, Gui Sha was dumbfounded...

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