Eternal Love

Chapter 83: Attacked at sea (5)

   Chapter 83: Attack on the Sea (5)

There are many things in the world that are unfair. Some people can have everything since they were born, and some people can’t have it even if they give too much, but they can’t complain about the injustices in the world, because they are all predestined and doomed. Everyone will live with a different destiny. What doesn't belong to you can't be forced. Whatever belongs to you is yours no matter how you ask!

Yinyin had no idea when she was on the ship. When she realized it, the ship had already left the port and sailed on the sea. She didn't know how long it had been sailing. Yinyin stood on the deck of the ship and put her hands on the guardrail. While feeling the oncoming sea breeze, while thinking, I did not pay any attention to see how gorgeous the boat was. Perhaps it was the long-term relaxation that made Yinyin feel that she had enough rest, so she was immersed in herself again. In the world, thinking all kinds of alone...

When Gui Sha came out of the cabin, he found Yinyin standing on one side in deep thought at the first glance. The sun shone on her seemingly delicate figure, making people want to hug Yinyin's side. Her face seemed very melancholy. I thought Yinyin was in a good mood all the way, but now she suddenly dimmed. Is it because of her words and deeds? No, Gui Sha instinctively overthrew his own thoughts. Who is Yinyin's, how could Yinyin be worried because of him? Gui Sha hates her own thoughts, doesn't she also hate Yinyin's? What is this idea? Quickly put aside all thoughts, Gui Sha stepped forward because he noticed the changes in the clouds in front of the bow.

   "What are you thinking about?"

  I was only planning to come over and ask Yinyin to enter the cabin, but when she got closer, she found the sadness in Yinyin's eyes. Why did she have this expression? It's almost reaching the destination, shouldn't you be happy? But why is there such an expression? Gui Sha couldn't suppress the emotions in his heart, and walked to Yinyin's side and asked.

   "Ah, it's nothing."

   Apparently startled at the silent arrival of Gui Sha, Yin Yin was a little panicked, but soon calmed down and continued to look into the distance.

   "...If it's okay, just go in, the storm is coming."


  Guisha knew that Yinyin had something to hide, but she was not qualified to ask, so she had to change the subject. When she heard what Guisha said, Yinyin seemed very puzzled. It was clear that the sky was clear, how could there be a storm? But as Gui Sha silently pointed her finger in the direction of the bow, Yinyin was surprised to find that the sky in front was black and thunder and lightning, which could not be compared with the weather on the side.

  "The weather in this area is unpredictable, so it is very common."

  After Gui Sha explained, Yinyin still watched the changes in the weather ahead, then turned and walked towards the cabin, while Gui Sha followed.

The internal structure of the cabin is as gorgeous and elegant as the appearance. Yinyin doesn’t care about these things. Since getting on this ship, Yinyin has an inexplicably familiar feeling. She clearly feels that she has also been on the boat before. It’s not that Yinyin didn’t think deeply about this lost memory, but the strange feeling made her unable to speak, and for the people who accompanied her on the boat, Yinyin was very sure that the people who accompanied her at that time were the same. Zhou Yan, but she had never been told of this memory.

Not long after entering the cabin, Yinyin quickly fell into contemplation again. The ghost who looked at the ghost could only feel unconscious in her heart. She tried hard to make herself reluctant to think about it, but she went back to the starting point unknowingly. Sha can swear, Yinyin is the first person he can't let go of.

In this way, when Guisha and Yinyin were both thinking about themselves, the ship began to shake more and more severely. Don't think about it, the ship was already close to the stormy area. The big wave might be too big, the lights illuminating the cabin were all extinguished in an instant, and the cabin was pitch black in an instant. At first, Gui Sha didn't care about it, but suddenly Gui Sha realized that there was murderous intent in the cabin?


Gui Sha’s cry did not receive a response. Afterwards, Gui Sha will feel extremely guilty for this boarding voyage. Just because his mind was completely placed on Yinyin’s body, he relaxed his vigilance, and almost paid for it. A heavy price.



No matter how accustomed to the darkness, the ghost cannot see the darkness clearly in the light just lost. When he heard the moan, the ghost came to the place where Yinyin was sitting before losing the light, but there was no one there. , Instantly Gui Sha felt uneasy and anxious: "Hey, where are you?"

  Speaking of it, Gui Sha has never called Yinyin’s name, so that under the current situation, he only uses "Hey" to call it...

   "Hey, speak out."

   failed to get an echo, the anxiety in Gui Sha's heart gradually expanded, and he even began to hate why he was sitting so far away from Yinyin. Anxiously: "Hey, Yinyin, speak out!!!"

  Ghost Sha called out Yinyin’s name with a very anxious voice, but unfortunately he still couldn’t get a response. At this moment...

   "Who are you?"

After hearing the sound from outside the cabin, the ghost rushed out for the first time. With the appearance of thunder and rain, the guards on the deck of the ship were fighting with a group of people in black and masked, and confronted the strength of the guards on the ship. Of course there is no doubt about Gui Sha, but when he found a figure carried by one of the men in black on his shoulders, he rushed forward without saying a word and at the same time drew a slender soft sword from his waist. The soft sword was dark. And sharp, the neck of the black clothed man carrying Yinyin was cut in an instant, and Yinyin also fell from that person's shoulder. Just as the ghost was about to step forward to catch Yinyin, a violent tumbling, It made the distance between the two of them even wider at the moment when Gui Sha was about to catch Yinyin, and...

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