Eternal Love

Chapter 87: Occupied Heart (3)

   Chapter 87 The Occupied Heart (3)

   "Remnant Cloud."


   "You are responsible for this. Just do it as you want."


  Feng Qinghan's words will undoubtedly liberate Feng Yao physically and mentally, but: "But you should know that I don't like failure."

  Feng Yao, who was about to raise his head to thank, immediately stopped after hearing Feng Qinghan’s next words. It should be said that it is forbidden, along with his heartbeat and breathing...

  "But recently I am in a good mood, so I will give you a chance. You don’t need to do anything, just help Can Yun. Don’t do unnecessary things, otherwise the chance won’t happen again."

Feng Qinghan’s warm and extremely cold words rang in Feng Yao’s ears, and Feng Yao couldn’t help being stunned. The cold sweat fell directly from his forehead to the ground: “Many, thank you son for perfection, the subordinates will do their best and die. After that."

Feng Yao’s voice was trembling and stiff. Of course, others knew his mood well, but apart from watching, none of them dared to speak for him, and of course there were people who could not do this kind of thing. .

  "Also, Phantom, from now on I will assign Fengyan to you, let him assist you."

  As soon as this remark came out, everyone present was moved by it. Of course, no one was more shaken than the person named.

   "My son, what's the matter? Isn't Feng Yan his personal guard? Why did he—"

   "Because I don't think he is suitable for staying with me all the time, and there is no need for personal guards, right?"

  Fantasy hadn’t finished speaking, Feng Qinghan had already answered her question, making the phantom inspiration startled in her heart, almost staggering backwards.

   "Although it is not necessary, it is still necessary. I will assign a new candidate later, so you don't have to worry about the Phantom."

   Before the phantom could stabilize her mind, Can Yun’s icy words once again made her feel like standing on a floating ice, not daring to move easily.

   "Oh? Why is it not suitable? Why should I reassign candidates? And although I think Fengyan is very suitable for the son, he should really not need it, right?"

  A delicate young man who seems to be only fifteen or sixty-seven, yet his childishness has not disappeared, and he asks Can Yun with a puzzled attitude.

  "Fenglin, don't make trouble, is this what you can say?"


  "Shut up, after the meeting, you will be fined to go to'Luoxia Peak' and face the wall for a day."


Can Yun’s words ruthlessly interrupted Feng Lin’s curiosity. Although Feng Lin was Can Yun’s disciple, he was also one of the guardians of the Dharma. His rights should be equal to Can Yun. Can Yun’s rights can be regarded as the only one in Qingfeng Palace. Second to Feng Qinghan, Can Yun has the absolute right to impose punishment even if he is a disciple or protector of the law, including the punishment of the big guardian Remnant Feng who is a position higher than himself. He does not need Feng Qinghan’s approval to punish people. Everyone must Obey, because his punishment has absolute justice, which cannot be resisted by others.

   "I just want to see the master's skill--"

  Feng Lin complained in a low voice but didn't dare to say it out loud, but he was very unbelievable, even though he only used a bee-sized voice to say what was in his heart, he was still heard by Can Yun.

"Why? Is it possible that you want to ask the young man for advice? Very good, it seems that you are lacking in discipline during this time. I will come to see me after you finish facing the wall. I want to see how much you have improved. You dare to speak up. Crazy talk."

Can Yun has always been serious about Feng Lin’s discipline, so of course he would not allow Feng Lin to make extraordinary behaviors, even to satisfy his curiosity. He is very aware of Feng Qinghan’s strength and at the same time the character of his disciple, so he Feng Lin cannot be allowed to have this kind of thinking.


   "I said, Can Yun, it's rare that a disciple is willing to make progress, why can't he be perfect? ​​It's enough to have this idea, why stop him?"

   "Our business is not your turn to interrupt."

   "Cut, I still don't bother to care about it."

  It was overcast a moment ago, and this will turn into three people arguing, in front of the cold wind, and the other two who have not recovered from the cold because of being named.

   "Remnant cloud, forget it."

Feng Qinghan spoke and stopped Can Yun who was about to move his mouth to Can Feng. Can Yun swallowed what he said and looked back towards Feng Qinghan. Feng Qinghan was watching them with his usual attitude, and then Can Yun found out what happened to him. : "I'm sorry to be so rude in front of the son."

Can Yun has always been a polite person, especially in his status and abide by his duty. Even if he would complain and criticize Feng Qinghan, and Feng Qinghan’s idleness doing things that make him a headache, Can Yun has always I will never forget my identity and be rude to the duty that I should abide by, and I will never lack the etiquette for wind and cold.

   "Forget it, I said just now that I am in a good mood recently, and I just want to see how far Xifeng Lin has progressed, so tomorrow, find time to find me in the "Drunk Flower Forest"."

   "The son!!"

   "Yes, I must go."

   "Feng Lin, pay attention to your attitude."

   "Yes, master!!!"

Feng Qinghan’s words immediately caused a lot of reaction. Can Yun and others were shocked. Feng Lin was very happy. He would not ignore Can Yun’s warning when he was happy. Because of his age, Feng Lin had never seen Feng Qinghan. Skill, so I look forward to it very much, Can Yun and others don't think so. Although they haven't seen Feng Qinghan make a move for a long time, at least one thing can be confirmed. Feng Qinghan is the person who makes them willing to surrender.

   "Well, if there is nothing else, come here today, you can go back."


Feng Yao, who has been kneeling on the ground, can finally be liberated because of Feng Qinghan's words, but now he is as if all his strength has been exhausted. He can't get up on his knees, and he looks unspeakably embarrassed, right here. At that time, Can Feng took his arm and took him out like this. Feng Lin was so happy that he forgot about it. The phantom was looking at her with an indescribable glaring and hate look. He did not look at her at all. Feng Qinghan, looked at Can Yun who happened to take a look at her, and left with great displeasure. Can Yun did not intend to leave at all. Therefore, Feng Qinghan and Can Yun were left in the room. ...

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