Eternal Love

Chapter 95: Conceal the facts (4)

   Chapter 95 Concealing Facts (4)

  Zhou Yan was once again dumbed by Zhou Cheng's rhetorical question. There were some things that only he knew, so he didn't need to say it.

"I can do nothing but ask what you are thinking or doing, but I hope you will consider Yinyin before then. She also has her own choice. Even if you keep her by your side, will she really be happy? Not to mention that she has no memories of the past, can you guarantee that she will never remember it? Have you ever thought about what will happen when she remembers everything? Or do you want her to die again?"

"Do not!!!"

"Don’t forget, you and I both owe her. We almost killed her. It’s a miracle that she’s alive now. If you still think of yourself and ignore her feelings, when the truth comes to light, you How much do you think she can bear? In terms of the damage she has suffered, she might die, right? Do you want to see this ending?"

   "No, no, I am not, I will not let her die, no!!!"

  Because of Zhou Cheng's words, Zhou Yan could not control his inner emotions and shouted out.

"Wake up, no matter how much you love her, isn't her happiness the most important after all? Let her choose for herself, she has the right, forcibly keeping her by her side will only make her heart separate. The further you come, of course there is another possibility, that is..."

   "Shut up, stop talking, stop talking."

At this time, Zhou Yan has completely lost his previous dominance and calmness, because he knows and understands everything Zhou Cheng said, but all of this is beyond his control. He has already lost this self-control. Every time he saw Yinyin, he would abandon all thoughts, selfishly just want to keep Yinyin by his side forever.

   "...she has no time."

After Zhou Yan's cry, Zhou Cheng added another sentence, and this sentence caused Zhou Yan to break out completely. Only a cold light flashed, Zhou Cheng looked at Zhou Yan as if nothing happened, and Zhou Yan in front of him was using a pair of To look at him with swallowed eyes, immediately, the table in front of Zhou Cheng collapsed in two. The loud noise caused the guards outside the door to be alert. Within a moment, a dozen guards rushed in from the outside and saw The sword in Zhou Yan's hand immediately surrounded him...

   "This king did not ask you to come in."


   "Get out."

   "The emperor!!"

   "Don’t you understand if you ask you to go out? Or do you want to violate the king’s order?"

  Ignoring Zhou Yan's anger at all, Zhou Cheng drove out all the guards. After a while, the Yushufang returned to tranquility.

As time passed, Zhou Yan and Zhou Cheng didn’t say anything. Zhou Cheng knew that Zhou Yan needed time to calm down and think, so he just had to wait patiently...I don’t know how long it took, Zhou Cheng found Zhou Yan staring at himself. His eyes changed slightly, so he knew that Zhou Yan had calmed down.

   "What do you mean?"

   "She has no time?"

  Zhou Yan did not answer, but tacitly agreed. Of course Zhou Cheng knew, so he said: "As it means literally, I think you should know it too."

Zhou Yan still didn't say anything, but just moved his eyes away from Zhou Cheng, his eyes began to waver, seemingly chaotic; Zhou Cheng sighed lightly when Zhou Yan was in chaos. If it was the previous one, he might not have noticed Zhou Cheng's The side that makes people want to be soothed, right?

   "Do you know about King Zhao?"

  Hearing Zhou Cheng's words, Zhou Yan slowly raised his head to look at him, then nodded slightly, and then said with a somewhat hesitant attitude: "You...told her?"

"not yet."

  Zhou Yan didn’t speak any more, because he didn’t need it. Through this dialogue, he already knew Zhou Cheng’s direct understanding of Zhao Ziheng and Yinyin, and also knew that Yinyin had begun to notice Zhao Ziheng.

   "If it was you, what would you do?"

   Knowing the reason for Zhou Yan's silence, Zhou Cheng broke the silence. He knew that Zhou Yan should be able to answer this question, but Zhou Yan did not answer, but his reaction did not surprise Zhou Cheng, and he fell into contemplation afterwards.

  If it’s not the present, Zhou Yan would definitely use words to satirize Zhou Cheng, but this time he didn’t, and he didn’t think about it. Zhou Cheng was meditating, and he was the same.

   "Several days have passed, I plan to wait for the latest news to come back before making a decision."

   "I'm afraid there will be no good news."

   Zhou Yan was a bit disdainful, but he really didn’t care whether the result was good or bad.

   "...No matter what, I need him very much now, Yinyin also——"

  In the middle of the conversation, Zhou Cheng was silent. Even if he hadn't finished speaking, Zhou Yan knew what he wanted to say, but didn't want to say it.

   "Forget it, in any case this matter will affect the situation today, what will you... do?"

  Zhou Cheng continued to speak, paused in the middle of the conversation, turned his eyes on Zhou Yan and continued to finish.

   "Do I still have a choice? Or are you willing to let me take Yinyin?"

   "Where can you go?"

   "Hmph, the world is so big, wouldn't it be possible that there is no place for us? As long as she is with her, I would rather live in seclusion in the forest and stay with her until I am old.


  Zhou Cheng, of course, is very envious of Zhou Yan's statement, but also very longing for it, but it is a pity that it is impossible after all.

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