Eternal Love

Chapter 96: Embark on a journey (6)

   Chapter 96, Embarking on a Journey (6)

  However, the answers to all these are something Zhou Xinxin couldn’t think of. She doesn’t even understand what love is, and what kind of love can have such a huge charm that makes the two of them so deeply bound? Now Zhou Xinxin still can't understand.

Some things, now that a decision has been made, will not go back, just like Yinyin's determination to leave; wake up from a drowsy, the body will be much better, in Xue Han's words, it may be related to Yinyin's own will Regarding, for a person who insists on leaving, and insists on putting aside everything he thinks, the body is no longer important, so after waking up, Yinyin soon said goodbye to Zhou Cheng and returned to [Zhaoren Mansion], Xiang Shanyu Feng tells the reason for leaving. Yinyin feels most gratified to be forgiven. Of course, she did not ignore this decision to hurt a mother who loves her child, but Yinyin seems to be unable to care so much anymore. ...

   "I'm sorry, mother, I know I'm not filial, but I'm really sorry--"

  No matter who she is facing, except for an apology, Yinyin can't find any other words to express her guilt. Maybe, someone will be different?

"No, Yinyin, don't say I'm sorry, it should be, you have grown up, you have the freedom of choice, you are willing to pursue your own happiness, mother is too happy for you, how can you blame you? If you If you can get a good son-in-law, you will be truly filial."


Shan Yufeng is not that irrational. Although she does not like political marriages, she does love Zhang Ren, so instead of disgusting, she likes the political marriage arranged for her by her parents, even though Zhang Ren does not like it. She loves her as much as him, but she is satisfied, and she also knows that Zhang Ren cherishes her and cherishes their children, so she is very fortunate that she has this wonderful marriage, even though one of them has passed away. She still has Yinyin.

"My mother can just ask what kind of relationship you have with that person, and no matter what kind of mood you are in, but you have to promise your mother, in any case, you must come back to your mother safely, okay? ?"

The future is unknown, but in order to make Shan Yufeng feel at ease, Yinyin still nodded. Didn’t Yinyin know that since Zhang Ren’s death, Shan Yufeng’s body was not as good as before, and she shouldn’t be. She left at this time, but she was also very helpless, and sometimes she had to make choices despite being cruel.

   "This is good, this is good—"

Even if she knew that Yinyin was nodding just to make her feel at ease, Shan Yufeng still held Yinyin in her arms contentedly. She didn't know if Yinyin could come back, and she knew she couldn't stop it, so she had nothing to do except let go. To choose, I can only pray heartily for Yinyin.

   "There is one more thing, can you promise mother?"

  In her arms, Yinyin nodded.

  "If you find that person, can you bring him back to show your mother?"

  Don’t say whether you can find it, you don’t even know whether you really love him or whether he is really worthy of your love. Yinyin could not give an answer. After hesitating, Yinyin finally nodded.

   "Well, it will definitely be."

Yinyin said, because if the other party is really worthy of her love and loves herself deeply, Yinyin will definitely bring him back. Even if the identity of each other is very different, Yinyin also believes that as long as they love each other, then they will be okay. To do so, not to mention Shan Yufeng is still her only relative now.

After finishing the final farewell and preparing for everything, Yinyin finally embarked on the journey the next day. Before leaving, Zhou Cheng and Zhou Xinxin came to [Zhaoren Mansion] to see off, and the group said goodbye at the door , The carriage and entourage were all ready. What's rare is that Zhou Yan didn't even come, but no one cared anymore.

   "Sister Yinyin, I must come back again."

"Yes, I will."

When facing parting, Zhou Xinxin still couldn't bear the emotions in her heart, so she threw herself into Yinyin's arms and started crying. Maybe she thought she didn't like Yinyin as much as she thought, but she was still full of sadness about the parting, sometimes how she was I hope I can go back to the past. The days were so happy when Yinyin was there, but now, that kind of happiness has passed away unconsciously.


  Leier failed to leave with Yinyin as she wished, but was left to take care of Shan Yufeng, so she was also reluctant to leave her.

   "Leier, take good care of your mother."

   "Leier knows, miss, too, remember to come back soon."


   repeatedly told Lei'er to take good care of Shan Yufeng. Fortunately, Shan Yufeng didn't want to be sad at the parting and didn't come out to see him off. Anyway, what should be said has already been said, and Yinyin was also somewhat relieved at this point, at least not so sad.

Among the people seeing off, Zhou Cheng hadn't spoken from the beginning. He just watched Yinyin's eyes full of dissatisfaction and sadness. He wanted to say something, but couldn't say anything, so he could only look at it; in the end, It was Yinyin who met Zhou Cheng's gaze through others...

   "I'm leaving, it's getting late."

Seeing Yinyin speaking these words to herself, Zhou Cheng seemed to hear a broken voice somewhere in her heart, an indescribable bitterness surged into his heartache, but he was still in the end, reluctantly pulling Lips, smiling: "Well, a good journey."

  A simple farewell remark, which contains a thousand words, only Zhou Cheng herself knows, Yinyin also nodded with understanding, and gently pushed Zhou Xinxin away.

   "I'm leaving, take care."

   "Sister Yinyin——"

Having said goodbye, Zhou Xinxin knew that she could not stop it, so she could only watch Yinyin leave. After Yinyin nodded to everyone, before turning around, she collected the full view of the gate of Zhaoren Mansion. , And then turned around and boarded the carriage without looking back...

   "Sister Yinyin——"



  Yinyin did not respond to Zhou Xinxin and Lei'er's call, or even showed her face, simply spit out a word, the team has begun to move forward, Yinyin finally embarked on a new journey...

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