Eternal Love

Chapter 101: With whom to compete (3)

  Chapter One Hundred and Who Fights with (3)

On this day, Shan Zhen was resting in the room. Feng Jingyi used her special way to forbid everyone from making noise or noise, let alone being allowed to disturb. Because of Shan Zhen’s relationship, everyone knew Feng Jingyi and also treated Feng Jing Yi liked it very much, so she also obeyed her arrangements.

  It was not until the afternoon that Shan Zhen got up. It was indeed a rare sleep for him. He was just wondering why it was so comfortable? After waking up, he was wondering, a few maidservants came in and brought food...

   "General, you are awake."


  Looking at the servant girls bringing food, Shan Zhen was both curious and unexpected, wondering why he was so accurate. The person who accidentally gave him the food was not the familiar figure.

   "Miss Feng is really accurate, saying that the general will wake up at this time."

  One of the maids who came in brought a basin of hot water to Shan Zhen to wait for him to wash.

   "...Where is she?"

   "Miss Feng? She went back to the room when she said something happened."

Shan Zhen didn't know how he would ask, but in the eyes of others, it was just a matter of convenience. Anyway, Shan Zhen didn't know it. After washing, he started to eat. What surprised him was the familiar taste of the meal. Without knowing it, the corners of his lips raised a faint arc, and the maidservants on the side looked exuberant. For Shan Zhen, who had always been expressionless, this unexpected expression was enough to make people excited.

  After eating, Shan Zhen re-engaged in government affairs. The accumulated one day of government affairs was enough for him to continue to be busy for a period of time, and he had long forgotten about Feng Jingyi.

  【Jicheng】In a wing room of an inn

   "You mean brother?"

  Sitting at the table, facing the delicious meal Feng Jingyi, she didn't mean to move chopsticks at all, showing an incredible color to a man in Tsing Yi.

   "What about the others? Especially the magic protector."

   "There is no abnormal action on the magic protector, and everything else is normal."

   "I think I can't act after being stared at."

  Feng Jingyi dismissed her, her eyes seemed to be thinking with a rare seriousness.

   "By the way, miss, the guardian may be here soon."

   "I know, you don't need to remind me all the time."

  Some impatient attitudes caused the Tsing Yi man to shut his mouth obediently, but Feng Jingyi had no mental understanding. The information that the Tsing Yi man brought to her was enough to worry her for a long time, and how could he have time to care about his mood.

Returning to the Marshal’s Mansion, Feng Jingyi took care of Shan Zhen’s daily life as usual. She was very content. Apart from her daily life, she never interfered or interfered with Shan Zhen’s work. This is also De Shan Zhen’s ability to accept her. One of the reasons around him; not to mention, Shan Zhen would not like Feng Jingyi to intervene in his work. Of course, Feng Jingyi also understands it well. Moreover, Feng Jingyi is very satisfied with the status quo.

Two days later, when Feng Jingyi had just sent Shan Zhen the nourishing soup and was on the tree outside the room as usual, a black shadow flashed by, but Feng Jingyi didn’t say anything to keep up, and was chasing one after another. After a while, the shadow stopped in a remote place in the city...

   "Why run so fast, I almost can't catch up."

  Feng Jingyi complained to the black shadow with a little breath, as if she knew who the other party was.

   "Oh my eldest lady, are you keeping up?"

  The black shadow came towards Feng Jingyi from under the tree. The moonlight illuminated his face. It turned out to be the residual wind.


  Feng Jingyi rolled her eyes in exchange for Can Feng’s words, panted heavily and then stood up straight, glaring at Can Feng, with an angry attitude.

  "Your brother asked me to greet you, how is your body recently?"

   "I can't die."

   "How can you say that? If your brother hears this, you will get angry."

   "Then you still lead me? Even running so fast is not afraid of my sudden attack halfway?"

  "It’s not for your sake that I don’t want you to be exposed. You are so close to him. If I reappear, I won’t be afraid of being discovered by him?"

  Feng Jingyi had nothing to say when said by Can Feng. Apart from staring at Can Feng, she had nowhere to get angry.

   "Say, why are you here for me?"

Fortunately, Feng Jingyi didn’t want to be entangled with Can Feng anymore and went straight to the subject. She was very curious that Can Feng would come to her suddenly. Although she was from the Qingfeng Palace, Feng Qinghan never let her touch things in the palace. That's why she has always just cared about wandering around and playing, but nowadays, in a special period, the remnant wind, who is a great guardian, came to her. She was really curious.

   "Can't you speak better?"

   "No need for you."

There has always been a gap between Feng Jingyi and Can Feng. Although Feng Jingyi would not use her special status to ridicule anyone, she and Can Feng are always noisy. Feng Jingyi does not know why she hates Can Feng. Can Feng has many advantages, is very powerful and excellent, but Feng Jingyi just doesn't like him; Can Feng treats Feng Jingyi like her sister, and will not be born because of Feng Jingyi's special identity. Alienation, of course, has a lot to do with his own identity, otherwise he would not be so unscrupulous.

   "Put out your hand."

Can Feng laughed at himself. He really didn't hate Feng Jingyi, let alone hate it, and it was too late to spoil him. One was because Feng Jingyi was the righteous sister Feng Qinghan recognized, and the other was because Feng Jingyi was a person; Feng Qinghan followed Don’t let Feng Jingyi participate in or contaminate anything filthy, she is very careful to take care of her, and she is even more overly pampering; Feng Jingyi that grows in a killer world is still spotless until now, this is also how the wind dotes on the wind. The reason for Jingyi is that he wants to protect the only person who is the purest in their world. For this reason, he is very satisfied with Feng Qinghan's approach.

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