Eternal Love

Chapter 106: Understand your heart (3)

   Chapter 106, Understanding Your Heart (3)

Han Ji seemed to know exactly what Zhou Yan was thinking. His hesitation made her happy, but it doesn’t mean that nodding after hesitating would also make her happy, because there is nothing to her that makes her unbearable than embarrassing Zhou Yan. When she After falling in love with Zhou Yan, this became her only concern.

Suddenly, Han Ji stood up, her expression at a loss. First, she didn't want to make Zhou Yan unhappy because of this incident. Second, she was really embarrassed and didn't know how to choose, but after all, she still needed to choose, so Han Ji adjusted as quickly as possible. In a good mood, Qiangyan smiled and said: "The concubine knows what to do, so the prince does not need to bother about this matter. Because he has to deal with this matter, please let the concubine Rong quit first.

  Han Ji turned around and left as he spoke. It is not difficult to see Han Ji’s emotional rotation at the moment just from the change of address and voice. Han Ji, who is usually generous and decent, will definitely not make such a rude behavior.

Han Ji, who had just stepped out of the pavilion, suddenly tears fell silently, her pace almost ran quickly, tears blurred her vision, raised her hand to wipe away, but she couldn't stop it, just like her mood at the moment; Han Ji didn't blame Zhou Yan for anything, just because suddenly She has hated her father, but in a sense, she also thanked her father because of this, she fell in love with Zhou Yan, even if it was unrequited love...

  The tears flowed more and more, Han Ji no longer knew what she was thinking, no matter how to wipe it, the tears still continued.

  Running, Han Ji's hand was pulled from behind, and when she turned her head, she met her familiar face...

Once again, this time he came back and saw the tears of two people, the tears of the two people he didn't want to see the last time, which brought him a shock that he had never had before, even if he was as cold as him, he couldn’t help but be moved. ; When he saw Han Ji’s tears, Zhou Yan was stunned, because Han Ji’s tears were more shocking than Zhou Xinxin’s. Even Zhou Yan himself didn’t know that Han Ji had always thought he was strong. At this moment, tears were streaming down his face, so that he lost his ability to speak.

  For a long time, the two of them stared at each other like this, Han Ji couldn't stop tears and Zhou Yan stared blankly, but Zhou Yan quickly adjusted his mind and broke the silence...


Zhou Yan’s voice seemed to penetrate into her own soul. Han Ji suddenly woke up and eagerly wanted to get rid of the wrist held by Zhou Yan, because she didn’t want Zhou Yan to see her fragile side, but didn’t want her struggle to have any effect, Zhou Yan’s The strength is so heavy that she doesn't feel the pain...

  "Please let go--"

Her voice was a bit hoarse and weak because of crying. Han Ji tried her best to use her other hand to break Zhou Yan’s bondage, but she was helpless; she didn’t know if it was because of excessive sadness or in her subconscious mind. Don't want to break free, for whatever reason, Zhou Yan's **** has broken Han Ji's mind somewhere.

Zhou Yan just stared blankly, at Han Ji, who was tearful and fragile in front of him, listening to her weak and helpless voice, she couldn't say a word; Han Ji didn't know what Zhou Yan was thinking. , She just thought about how to escape, because Zhou Yan's inexplicable gaze pierced her heart with throbbing pain.

  "Please, please let me go, let me go--"

He could hear the cry from the depths of his heart, but I don’t know what it meant. Zhou Yan disdain to think about it. He just looked at Han Ji and this person who made him familiar and strange. He even couldn’t help thinking about the cry in front of him. Is the person like a tearful man the Han Ji he knows? Han Ji is gentle, skillful, generous and decent in his memory, and more importantly, strong...strong? At least in Zhou Yan's eyes, Han Ji is really strong, but has he really understood it? It was not until he saw Han Ji in front of him that Zhou Yan realized that he never seemed to know whether Han Ji was truly strong.

Thinking about it, Zhou Yan suddenly grabbed Han Ji's hand for a little bit, and Han Ji was pulled into his arms. This time, Han Ji was stunned. The sobbing stopped, his expression was frozen, and his eyes were dumb. Open it at will, forgetting to think, forget to struggle, and forget to resist.

   "If you want to go back, I will go back with you."

Embracing Han Ji in her arms, Zhou Yan used a tone that she had never had before, and confessed to Han Ji softly when she said something without thinking; Han Ji was even more shocked when she heard this, she couldn't help but Doubt whether you are hearing hallucinations or just a dream? If she speaks, will the dream wake up?

Zhou Yan was surprised when he said it, but what made him even more surprised was that when he found out he didn’t regret it at all and didn’t want to take it back. He just hugged Han Ji and gradually calmed his heart; whether it was Zhou Xinxin or Han Ji, Zhou Yan didn't know what kind of attitude he should use to face them, and whether he felt the same when facing their tears. The only thing that can be confirmed is that he doesn't want to see their tears for whatever reason.

The two tears, the tears of the people who cared twice, made Zhou Yan completely awakened and realized that he had never paid attention to them; for two people who did not want to be harmed anyway, Zhou Yan was surprised to find that he was using them. He knows too little about him, and he has so little attention and concern that he doesn't know how much it is; but if it is replaced by Yinyin, he can answer even the smallest questions, and he can recite even the smallest things.

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