Eternal Love

Chapter 106: Understand your heart (5)

   Chapter 106, Understanding Your Heart (5)

"Is it important?"

  When he heard Han Ji's words, Zhou Yan's inexplicable anger rose from his heart.

   "Are you testing me?"

Han Ji shook her head and turned around. In the side that Zhou Yan could not see, her eyes were full of sadness and helplessness. She said indifferently: "No, but this matter is not important. I am already the princess of King Jing of Da Zhou. If the emperor father really dies, there will be many people giving him away. Being less than me is of no importance. Why should I run so boring? What's more, your business is more important, right?"

  When Han Ji said that, Zhou Yan was speechless. What should I say? Should we admire Han Ji's transformation? Or should you think Han Ji really thinks that way?

   "So, where are you going after you come back this time?"

  When Han Ji turned around again, her expression was obviously the same as usual, with a smiling face, which made Zhou Yan a little dazzling for a moment, and for a while forgot to think about the meaning of what Han Ji said.

   "Why? Don't you want me to see you off?"

Seeing Zhou Yan’s dazed expression, Han Ji couldn’t help but chuckle a little. She didn’t know that her words made Zhou Yan’s body tremble, and her dazed eyes turned into a red light. Generally speaking, when the husband goes out, the wife is his Seeing off is justified and natural, not to mention people with identities like Zhou Yan and Han Ji, but when Zhou Yan heard it, Han Ji’s words were a bit harsh, not just this one, but he felt Han Ji’s words after coming back this time. Most of them sound uncomfortable, but they don't know the reason, so they are extremely unhappy.

   "What? Do you want me to go as soon as possible?"

  I didn't intend to be too serious with Han Ji, but Han Ji's words still reached Zhou Yan's bottom line again and again, so that he finally felt a little overwhelmed.

   " come, I just want to make some adjustments to make travel easier."

  Fortunately, he was used to Zhou Yan's changes, and Han Ji was able to cope with Zhou Yan's changes immediately.

   "You don't have to bother you with these. Since you are a princess, you can be a princess."

  "Is it possible to see my husband off? Can't I, a wife, want to do my best?"

Zhou Yan was stunned, only to realize that he had mentioned Han Ji's identity accidentally. At the same time, Han Ji's words also made him wake up. Yeah, Han Ji is his wife. In the past, as long as Han Ji was in the situation, it was not always possible to travel. Is she also involved in the management? What's this time? Zhou Yan looked away from Han Ji and didn't know what to say for a while, even though he knew he was impulsive, I believe he would not admit or admit his mistake.

   "Can't you say it?"

Not aware of Zhou Yan's thoughts, Han Ji asked suspiciously. Every time if Zhou Yan said anything, she could only look for Zhou Yan's words, and then make arrangements. This time it was the same idea, after all, she would not interfere. .

   "Zhao Guo."

Originally, she didn't report any expectations, but she got an unexpected answer. And this answer, Han Ji admitted to sink her heart, because there were people Zhou Yan met there; I thought Zhou Yan really let go, and Han Ji knew it. You shouldn't have expectations at the beginning, even if Zhou Yan really let go, it doesn't mean that he can forget it.

   "Is it...? It's a long journey, how long will it take?"

Han Ji felt that she couldn't think a little, and asked dumbly. She didn't know what was supporting herself, why she could continue to speak, maybe it was subconscious that made her not want to give up any opportunity to communicate with Zhou Yan, even this The topic made her heart dripping with blood.

   "I don't know, because some things need to be confirmed."

It’s like answering Han Ji’s words and talking to himself. If it is usual, Zhou Yan will tell Han Ji’s destination at most, but will not explain the reason; and now Zhou Yan actually said it, although it was only to the effect, whether it was accidentally or intentionally, Han Ji's heart still felt warmth, and this warmth made her feel that even the **** price was worth it.

   "So what do I need to bring?"

   "No, it's not necessary."

   "But it might take a long time, isn't it? How about bringing some specialties? Pastries or something."

Obviously, Zhou Yan realized that Han Ji's words had other meanings, and suddenly seemed to understand something. He turned his head and looked at Han Ji with a surprised look. He knew that these words of Han Ji were deliberately told to him. As for the reason...Zhou Yan Some suspicions, does Han Ji know about Yinyin? It should be said that people like Han Ji who do not go out of the door and who rarely know the outside world know that Yinyin is also in Zhao country? Zhou Yan couldn't imagine how much Han Ji knew.

That’s right, Han Ji shouldn’t know on the surface. Few people know about Yinyin. Her actions can be said to be confidential, and there is a reason why Han Ji knows it; Han Ji’s words are indeed deliberate. To Zhou Yan, there is no ulterior motive or ulterior motive in speaking. It may simply be an excuse for Zhou Yan to deliberately go to see Yinyin.

   "Then you can figure it out."

Although Zhou Yan has some suspicions about Han Ji’s thoughts, he does not want to go deeper. Perhaps this is more normal. Let alone Han Ji’s friendship with Yin Yin, even if Han Ji knows Yin Yin’s whereabouts, it won’t make people feel surprised. What? Besides, Zhou Yan seemed to understand Han Ji's intentions, so he responded to Han Ji's suggestion in a form that only you know and I know.

   "Well, I see, when should we leave?"


   "Understood, then I will prepare now."


  After the confirmation, Han Ji leaned forward and left. Everything was so natural. Naturally, Zhou Yan could only watch Han Ji's back gradually leaving.

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