Eternal Love

Chapter 111: Love and hate (1)

  The one hundred and eleventh chapter love and hate (1)

Since Yinyin’s accident, Zhou Yan has been chasing the cause and effect like a madness. He almost never eats or drinks in the past few days. The people under his staff are even more trembling and afraid of panting. They all hang their heads, even Zuo Yu is in this situation. Zhou Yan also shuddered in front of next...

   "Huh, can't do it? Can't do it. What does this king do to raise your waste?"

  Only listen to Zhou Yan’s angry and shocking voice resounding throughout the room. The remaining sound has not been silent for a long time. The people headed by Zuo Yu are just silent. No, it is more silent and silent than silence.

A dead silence responded to Zhou Yan’s anger, making Zhou Yan even more angry but unable to break out. His eyes were staring at his kneeling subordinates with frightening cold eyes. There was only anger in his heart, but he was almost irrational. Knowing that no one under his team dared to speak up, so...

  "How long will it take to arrive?"

   seems to have changed the subject, Zuo Yu was taken aback for a moment, then immediately raised his head and replied, "At least ten days are left."

"Ten days?"

  Getting the given time, Zhou Yan couldn't help but become more angry. He listened to the deathly repeated repetition, but it was like a ghost call.

The whole hall once again returned to the ethereal silence. There was no sound at all, and even the sound of the breeze blowing gently outside the house could be heard. Time slowly passed by, and it was like being surprised by Zhou Yan. The edge of death hovered.

  I don’t know how long it took, Zhou Yan’s voice finally sounded again: "Get out of here, all."


As soon as I broke the silence, I immediately got a response. Even if it was bad language, at least there was no angry roar. Everyone seemed to retreat quickly as if they felt that if they stayed for a while, disaster would be imminent, including Zuoyu, who didn’t stay too much. Knowing Zhou Yan's habits, would he not know that it would be useless to stay at this moment?

That's right, what Zhou Yan needs now is calmness. Even though he can't do it, he still tried his best to suppress it. After everyone evacuated, Zhou Yan sat down on the chair like a puppet, leaned back on the back of the chair, and closed his eyes like It’s very exhausted; in fact, Zhou Yan’s exhaustion is easy to understand. Since Yinyin’s accident, he has hardly eat or drink and rarely rests. Knowing that Yinyin will be fine for the time being under Zhao Ziheng’s protection, so he will go desperately. Look for the murderer who framed Yinyin.

In any case, the events of the previous few years and this time lingered in Zhou Yan’s mind. Zhou Yan has already fully understood the seriousness of the consequences of the previous event, so he knows that Yinyin’s situation will only get worse this time. The news of Yinyin's unconsciousness has long been heard. For this reason, Zhou Yan can't wait to find the real murderer, not for anything else, just for revenge; but the occurrence of this incident has to remind Zhou Yan of the past. The same thing has happened, the same place, the same situation, the same involvement of Yinyin, the fact will not be so coincidental, the reason can not be thought of, but for one thing, Zhou Yan can't wait to dominate the scene. The mastermind was torn to pieces.

   "If you want to play, I will accompany you to the end."

  Zhou Yan suddenly opened his eyes and said fiercely that the cold light in his eyes was more terrifying than before.

Suddenly, Zhou Yan seemed to have returned to more than three years ago. It was after knowing that Yinyin was reborn after her first death. Yinyin was involved in Lin Wei's case, and he brought her out, let alone before that. Yinyin has lost her memory, but he knows exactly how hard it hit her; however, Zhou Yan did not forget that desperate act brought him the happiest time in his life, the kind that made him feel that he had been in his life. It is really a happy and good time, and he still remembers it until now; if he can, Zhou Yan really wants to go back to that time, he can hug unscrupulously without resisting his Yinyin, every hug or kiss at that time Yinyin would not refuse, the little bird nestled in his arms and smiled.

For Zhou Yan, that period of time was like a dream. He still dreams of that time from time to time to this day; however, everything after that is not true to Zhou Yan, just like yesterday, first in Ashenvale. Zhong lost Yinyin again, when he rejoiced in the joy that Yinyin was still alive, and when he saw the person who made him dream of again, Zhou Yan would never forget it. It was at that time. There was another Zhao Ziheng beside him; that day, Zhou Yan was immersed in the joy of finding Yinyin, and at the same time suffered an unbearable shock. Yinyin fell in love with others and thought of what Yinyin said to herself when she looked at Zhao Ziheng’s eyes. Zhou Yan’s heart was as painful as being torn apart; therefore, Zhou Yan personally ruined Yinyin’s happiness that day. Of course, Zhou Yan would not forget how much the death of Zhao Ziheng brought to Yinyin, every time he listened to it. With Yinyin's scream and resentment towards himself, his heart seemed to be dripping blood.

After that, I first learned that Yinyin was pregnant, and when he learned that she wanted to escape, he madly occupied her. At that time, he really got her for the first time and almost lost her because of this; Yinyin, who finally came back to life, fell into a long sleep because Zhou Yan entered the gate of the ghost again. When Yinyin woke up from the long sleep with great efforts, Yinyin lost her memory again, and this time she lost it completely. , Made Zhou Yan surprised and happy; awakening from long sleep and losing all his original memories was an opportunity for Zhou Yan. He took it very well and brought Yinyin to his territory, even though he was facing a state of mind like Yinyin is like ice, but Zhou Yan feels that he can bear it...

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