Eternal Love

Chapter 116: Unpredictable (6)

   Chapter 116 Unpredictable (6)

  In fact, the matter of Zhou Guo is like Xu Guo. This makes Zhao Ziheng feel drawn, as if someone is deliberately guiding him to the battle. If this is the case, what good will the opponent do? Or is it just my own illusion?

   "...I won't interfere in this matter."

  Obviously, Wang Ye was a little surprised by Zhao Ziheng’s decisive answer, but it quickly returned to normal.

   "That said, the emperor and I have almost the same ideas. If they can't use their own power to prove it, it will be useless for us to intervene. In other words, does the emperor believe that King Jing will definitely help King Zhou?"

  Basically, what Wang Ye said was normal, but it was because it was too normal to happen to Zhou Yan and it would become abnormal, and even worthy of suspicion.

   "He won't sit back and watch."

   "Can you be so sure?"

 It is rare that Wang Ye is not quite sure about Zhao Ziheng's words, who is Zhou Yan? Will you help Zhou Guo, brothers and sisters? Wang Ye has not forgotten that Zhou Yan's army has completely separated from Zhou's army at this moment. It can be said that it is completely independent; in terms of Zhou Yan's character, he is normal if he does not make a move, but he will feel abnormal when he does it.

"It's true that he doesn't care about Zhou's survival at all, but no one thinks about it, so he will take precautions against it. If he doesn't make a move, it will be good. If he does, then the situation will definitely develop in an unexpected direction; Of course, I bet that the reason why he will make a move is not because he is King Jing or what contribution he will make to Zhou. In short, in order to prevent people from defeating King Zhou, this possibility will be higher. "

Wang Ye had to admit that Zhao Ziheng’s analysis was very convincing. This is exactly where Zhou Yan is completely different from ordinary people. Even the brotherhood is not as strong as his personal destruction, so in order to prevent Zhou Guo from falling into The hands of others, to be precise, if you don't want Zhou Cheng to die in someone else's hands, he might really do it. This is a very ironic answer.

   "What the **** is he insisting on?"

  Wang Ye said suddenly, as if talking to himself, but since the words have been spoken, they can’t say they were not to Zhao Ziheng.

In fact, Zhao Ziheng also cares about this. He can't think of what Zhou Yan wants to do. If it was for Yinyin before, then he shouldn't let Yinyin come to him, but if it weren't for this, what would be the reason? What? Zhao Ziheng is very clear about the reason why Zhou Yan and Zhou Cheng are against their goals, but it seems to be unconvincing now. Zhao Ziheng admits that Zhou Yan has acted this time since Yinyin’s accident, but he has not acted so far. Of course it is not just. It’s just because he was discovered that it was difficult for him to find and act as if it were up to the sky. Aside from this, what Zhao Ziheng cares about is why Zhou Yan insists on opposing Zhou Cheng to the present; if only from the surface, Zhou Yan and Zhou Cheng are still brothers Zhao Ziheng was sure that Zhou Yan would never stand on the same line as Zhou Cheng. The reason was not clear, it was because of this that Zhao Ziheng would care.

   "King Jing is really a very difficult person to understand. When he thinks that he knows him well, he will become incomprehensible again. He has never even understood him. He feels both unfathomable and unpredictable."

What Wang Ye said is not an exaggeration or exaggeration. Zhao Ziheng agrees very much. For this reason, he is still puzzled. At first glance, Zhou Yan is so impulsive and irrational, so this type of people is easy to ponder. If it weren’t for Zhou Yan; anyone who easily loses his mind due to impulse is easy to be grasped, but Zhou Yan is an exception. The exception is that neither Wang Ye nor Zhao Ziheng can capture his heart. The only thing that can be sure is Zhou Yan’s response to Yin. Yin's heart.

   "What does that person want?"

Zhao Ziheng spoke slowly, asking himself and Wang Ye. He couldn’t help saying that he really cared, very caring, because that person had an indispensable obsession with Yinyin; if we say, Zhou Yan really only obsessed with Yinyin, then Zhao Ziheng might not care about it, but in fact, what Zhou Yan wants is the most important thing; in the past, Zhao Ziheng was almost certain that what he wanted was Yinyin, but now? Zhao Ziheng was neither sure nor guaranteed, just because all Zhou Yan's actions were beyond his imagination.

   "What you want will be revealed sooner or later, a matter of time."

  Wang Ye’s sentence was regarded as an answer. There was something in his tone that could not conceal the meaning that he no longer wanted to continue this topic. As expected, Zhao Ziheng did not speak.

   "Even if you still pay attention to this question, it won't help. I will let the ‘Gryphon’ next to him pay close attention to him. I hope I can get the answer we want."

After a pause, Wang Ye subconsciously added one more sentence, which is considered to be a supplement. There is no need to do this, and there is no need to do so. But Wang Ye added, in order to make Zhao Ziheng relax. Although Zhou Yan is worth noting, after all Zhao Ziheng was not only responsible for this matter, so Wang Ye could only share and relieve Zhao Ziheng's worries with the attitude of being able to share a little bit.

   "Too many things have happened recently, so you will bother."

  Zhao Ziheng responded faintly, not knowing whether he was polite to Wang Ye, or because of his thoughts, there seemed to be a sense of dissociation in his tone; however, Wang Ye did not say anything, at least he did not think it was a bad thing.

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