Eternal Love

Chapter 117: Crisis (3)

  Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen Crisis (3)

  "The other party is not ordinary, and the ordinary'griffin' may not be able to do it at all." Wang Ye told the truth.

   "Then send the most elite ‘Gryphon’." Zhao Ziyin said.

   "...what does the emperor mean?"

  Wang Ye did not reject Zhao Ziyin’s kindness, and after confirming it, he implemented it to Zhao Ziheng.

Zhao Ziheng did not refuse, and nodded. To be honest, he did not want to send out the'Gryphon' for selfish reasons. Before, he just sent a general'Gryphon' to protect it; but now it is different, and now it has involved a bigger one. Conspiracy, so he has no reason to constrain. Before he is sure whether Yinyin is safe, he can send out the most elite "Gryphon" of his subordinates to search for it, so that the possibility of finding it will increase; 'Gryphon' was originally the most elite and mysterious unit under Zhao Ziheng, so the elite of the elite is even more conceivable. Although the number is small, the ability is beyond doubt.

  "Tell them not to act rashly after you find out, just keep them within the visible range."

Even if he grasped the clues, Zhao Ziheng did not lose his composure because of his excitement. He did not forget the opponent's abilities. Even the most elite troops, he believed that as long as he got too close, he would definitely find out. Do not expect to be able to monitor them all the time, at least to delay time. .

   "Understand!" Wang Ye returned.


   half a month later

Zhou Cheng, who returned to the State of Zhou, did not go straight to the capital, but established himself in the city closest to the battlefield. In this short period of half a month, Zhou Guo once again lost several cities at the border gate. This loss was nothing but a loss to Zhou. Unfortunately, even without the strength of Zhou Yan’s hands, he would never have imagined that he would be defeated. The incident of Wu and Han’s joint attack on the State of Zhao has been spread all over the world, and no one knows the reason, only that the two countries joined forces to attack with an overwhelming momentum. There are several cities in Zhou Dynasty.

  【Pinglingguan】Military camp

   "Can't find the reason yet?"

Zhou Cheng spoke coldly, and now the generals cast their eyes down and their faces were speechless. Zhou Cheng asked about the fact that the city easily fell into the hands of the enemy. He really couldn't figure out why it was so easy to fall into a city that he thought could never be easily captured. , So he speculated that there must be a reason, but so far no one has been able to give him a satisfactory answer.

   "Outrageous, should this king think that you are just incompetent?"

The silence of the crowd caused Zhou Yan to roar. In general, Zhou Cheng rarely gets emotional like this. The loss of many cities has made him lose his original self-control, and there is a reason to make him angry. If it is said that the city is lost, it does not matter. After all, there is no absoluteness; however, Zhou Cheng never expected that he would be captured so easily. It was almost like surrendering his hands or letting himself be slaughtered. Judging from intelligence, the disparity in military strength is only one of them. The key lies in the fact that the lost city is also known for its solidity. Easily fall, he does not believe that Dazhou soldiers will be suppressed so easily; however, the fact is that the solid city and strong forces are easily defeated when facing the enemy, which makes Zhou Cheng unable to believe, is it Dazhou soldiers And the city is so bad?

The answer is of course not. The reason Zhou has become a big country alongside Zhao is because it has brave and eloquent soldiers that rivals Zhao. Zhou’s military strength is beyond doubt; regardless of occupation, defense, not absolute, But it would never be easily defeated. Since Zhou Cheng took the throne, the border city was even more impermeable. However, it was so bad when facing a real enemy for the first time. What was the reason? The enemy's offensive is fierce, unstoppable, and invincible? Or is Zhou Guo's defense weak and vulnerable?

  Above, it is natural for Zhou Cheng to be angry. He never thought that Zhou Guo was invaded in this way. Not only was Zhou’s reputation damaged, but also popular.

   "The emperor, at the end I guess if any spies have gotten into our army."

  Finally, one will bow his head in fear and speak.


Zhou Cheng coldly repeated the key points stated by the general. He only listened to Zhou Cheng's icy tone. The general immediately said with a chill on his back: "Yes, if it weren't for this, how could I easily lose the city? How can you be defeated?"

Zhou Cheng watched silently at the statement of the general. His silence caused everyone to fall into death-like silence, including the general who made the statement. As the silence was longer, everyone felt that breathing became more difficult. The generals who have been away all year round rarely have contact with Zhou Cheng, so no one knows what he is thinking, only that there is an invisible pressure that makes them feel more burdened.

  It is true that, apart from other things, the speculation of a ‘spy’ is extremely possible. If this were the case, how could Zhou Cheng not be able to guess it? This kind of fear is something that everyone can think of but it was used to make it public on this occasion. Zhou Cheng looked at the soldier fixedly, and from the surface, the general had several years of military qualifications, and what he said was simply It makes Zhou Cheng unacceptable, and when it is superficial, it makes Zhou Cheng have a kind of dumbfounding; of course, if it is really so simple, Zhou Cheng may not feel the atmosphere, but the truth is not simple. Zhou Cheng has already put aside the spies from the beginning. 'Possibility, and from various battles in the past, he learned that the reason for the city's fall was the most normal fall. Although he didn't want to admit it, this was an indisputable fact.

   "The emperor!!!"

  At this moment, Shan Zhen’s voice just came from outside the tent, and people had already entered. In an instant, the heavy atmosphere inside the tent was washed away a lot.

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