Eternal Love

Chapter 120: Double Soul Devouring Gu (3)

  Chapter 120 Double Soul Eater (3)

  From Wang Ye’s words, Zhao Ziyin came to the conclusion that Zhao Ziheng did not like fighting. This discovery made Zhao Ziyin unacceptable, and at the same time, he felt that the contradictory heart silenced him.

  I don’t know how long it took before Zhao Ziyin slowly opened his mouth and said: "Fighting the country, my father is going to go."

   "The King of Zhenhou, a very suitable candidate."

Wang Ye said lightly, in his tone he could hear that he was satisfied, but he didn't know what he was thinking about; however, from Zhao Ziyin's words, even if it indicates that Zhao Ziheng will not participate in this battle, why not? A good thing?

   "How good is the emperor?"

   "Well, it's stable. I fell asleep when I just left."

   Talking about Zhao Ziheng's physical condition can be said to be a constant topic for the two of them, but they are very cautious, as if they are afraid of touching something, so that this topic is their commonplace and also their most taboo.

   "The situation seems to have been getting worse since she disappeared."

Zhao Ziyin murmured, although he didn't want to touch the most sensitive topic, he still mentioned it, because it is so, even if he doesn't want to admit it; for them, who are always mentally tense, it is necessary to relieve some fatigue, and the most There is nothing more effective than mentioning someone, but also the heaviest.

  This time, Wang Ye remained silent. Wang Ye did not deny what Zhao Ziyin said, but he did not admit it. Only one thing is that Zhao Ziheng’s physical condition has been deteriorating is an indisputable fact.

   "Can you heal him?"

  Zhao Ziyin asked Wang Ye in a tone without any ups and downs. It seemed that he already knew what, but he couldn't see anything with such a plain attitude. Who knew that the more calm, the more the attitude deep in his heart was completely opposite? The calm appearance is just to conceal the anxiety in my heart.

  In response, Wang Ye showed a wry smile on his face, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, as if he wanted to say something, and seemed a little depressed? After a while, he just said: "I thought I could do it before, but I didn’t find it impossible until not long ago. The existence of that kind of thing was originally very surprising. I didn’t expect the facts to be more serious than imagined, let alone find it. I am afraid that even containment cannot be achieved."

   Listening to Wang Ye’s words, Zhao Ziyin only felt that his heart sank to the bottom, and wanted to laugh. Xiao Wang Ye was too cruel to come to the conclusion, is it a destiny to laugh at such good luck? Zhao Ziyin couldn’t get the answer. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t. This seemed to be unimportant. What’s important was that what had happened could not be changed at all. Suddenly, Zhao Ziyin closed his eyes on his back, so that the tears that had already flooded would not flow out. Tears do not flick, let alone a person like Zhao Ziyin? Just thinking of Zhao Ziheng, Zhao Ziyin still had trouble controlling his emotions.


   opened his eyes and stared into the distance, no, it should be said that Zhao Ziyin, who doesn't know where the focal length is in his eyes, said angrily. In his tone, it is not difficult to hear that he is trying to suppress the anger in his heart. Is he unwilling? Or resentment? No, maybe even Zhao Ziyin himself can't tell his feelings at the moment, but just wants to vent, but he just can't do it.

  Why? Of course Wang Ye knew what Zhao Ziyin wanted to say. From his expression, Wang Ye also wanted to ask ‘why’, but he didn’t have an answer. He believed that no one would know the answer, so he would be no exception.

"He gave so much, what did he get? Why did God treat him so cruelly? He has always offered without hesitation, but so far he can’t even have what he wants most, and now he has to use it like this. Deprived of cruel ways, what's wrong with him? Because of cruelty? Because he killed too many people? But there are people who are more cruel than him. Why does this happen to him?"

  Zhao Ziyin roared, venting in his own way, yes, venting, and clearly stating things that he would never say in ordinary days. Is he expressing injustice to God? He seemed to be clamoring in his heart, not afraid that his words and deeds were blasphemy against God, because only in this way could he make his heart happy.

It was the first time that Wang Ye saw such a Zhao Ziyin. Compared with the usual calmness, the crazy lion of Zhao Ziyin at this moment does not fit the usual image; however, Wang Ye feels envious that Zhao Ziyin can vent in this way. From the envy of the heart, the envy of Zhao Ziyin can at least vent in this way, but what about yourself? It seems that there has never been, more accurately he has never.

  Wang Ye doesn’t care about Zhao Ziheng? Of course, he cares, and he cares beyond his imagination. The existence of Zhao Ziheng in his heart has already exceeded his imagination. Because he cares, Wang Ye feels more guilty. This kind of guilt beyond all makes him feel like what he thinks. The crime he committed was a crime that he dared not admit; Wang Ye never once asked himself in his heart whether what he did was really correct? Does he really have the right to control a person? Yes, it is control. The more unusual the status of the person he controls, the more significant the effect will be. Zhao Ziheng is the best example. Therefore, Zhao Ziheng has endured what ordinary people cannot bear. Pain and torture, and he is like a tortoise with his head shrunk; he always seems to be noble in the eyes of outsiders. Only Wang Ye knows in his heart that he is not noble, on the contrary, he is extremely despicable and cruel.

   "Why didn't God even give him any favor at this time?"

  Zhao Ziyin gradually lowered the volume, which is proof that his heart is getting more sad.

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