Eternal Love

Chapter 121: Forgotten Heart (5)

  Chapter 121 The Forgotten Heart (5)

  For a moment, without getting Leier's answer, Yinyin turned her head and looked at the surrounding scenery, perhaps she was looking at the scenery.

Lei'er looked at Yinyin steadily, as if thinking about the meaning of this sentence, but she couldn't understand it; in Lei'er's impression, Yinyin still has amnesia, but now Yinyin makes her feel that is not the case. , The unspeakable feeling, is it just amnesia? Then why is it ‘forgotten’? What does Yinyin want to say?

  After a while

   "Leier, am I weird?" Yinyin said again.


  Leier was startled, but still didn't understand what Yinyin wanted to say.

  "It's empty--" Yinyin said lightly.

  Leier was stunned, if Yinyin didn’t say anything, it would be okay for Yinyin, as long as she talked about Leier, she couldn’t touch the edge, let alone understand the meaning of the words.


   "Listen to what?"

   "The sound of piano."

   "Where is the sound of the piano, miss?"

  Lier only felt more and more fearful of Yinyin's inexplicable words.

In Yinyin's mind, the familiar melody sounded again, very quiet and soft, closing her eyes, and scenes from the past appeared in her mind. She once danced to this familiar melody, and that feeling made her difficult. forget.

Yinyin suddenly got up, stepped forward, and danced. Lei'er was surprised at Yinyin's sudden dance, but then she was attracted by Yinyin's dance. No matter how many times she watched it, Lei'er would be immersed in Yinyin's dance. In the beautiful dance posture; Yinyin’s dance posture is not only beautiful, but also brings the viewer into the dance. It is easy to be affected by the dance and will fall into a state of empathy with the mood of the dancer.

This time Yinyin is dancing with her eyes closed. With the melody in her head, she dances to the beat and feels even better; Yinyin should be in a happy mood, at least she thinks so, but she I don't know, or it can be said that I didn't notice it at all. At this time, she was bursting into tears...

Lei'er was shocked. She didn't know what kind of mood Yinyin was in dancing, but she didn't expect Yinyin to cry suddenly. She couldn't see the sadness, but she was crying, her eyes still closed tightly. , Tears flowed continuously; Lei'er was deeply attracted by Yinyin, to be precise, attracted by the emotion contained in her dance. She did not realize that she was like Yinyin, she was also in tears at this moment.

  After a long time, Yinyin still did not stop. On the contrary, the amplitude of the dance increased unconsciously, and the mood was the same.

Yinyin didn’t know why she was dancing, she only knew she didn’t want to stop, she would feel empty when she stopped, so she didn’t stop, her eyes opened unknowingly, and her eyes were no longer so calm. Instead, there was a touch of sorrow, which seemed to be the pain that was extremely painful and wanted to be transferred through dance.

  I don’t know how long it took, Yinyin kept dancing tirelessly, while Lei'er forgot the existence of time and even how to react.

A black shadow appeared, interrupting Yinyin's movements instantly. Yinyin's eyes were a little dazed, looking at the visitor wanderingly, her eyes seemed to be inquiring, but she closed her eyes before she spoke and fainted at the visitor. In his arms; Baihu woke up at the moment when the visitor arrived, and stood up to look at the visitor. The strange thing is that it did not become hostile to the visitor, just watching...

   "Little, sister——"

  At this time, Lei'er woke up like a dream, and when she saw Yinyin fainting in the arms of the visitor, Lei'er suddenly realized that she jumped up.

   "Who are you?" Lei Er shouted.

"Be quiet."

The person here is not someone else, it is Gui Sha, still wearing black clothes and a mask, ignoring Lei'er's vigilant and fearful gaze, letting Yinyin sit down and leaning in her arms, holding her body with one hand. Take Yinyin's hand with one hand to get the pulse.

  Maybe she was shocked by the appearance of the ghost, or perhaps because of the cold voice of the ghost, Lei'er stood there motionless, staring at the ghost in a daze.

After finishing the pulse, Gui Sha turned his gaze to Yinyin’s face. There were traces of tears remaining on Yinyin’s face. Gui Sha raised his hand to wipe her, and the movements were very gentle, showing that he was very careful; after wiping the tears, Gui Sha’s The hand stayed on Yinyin's face for a long time before putting it down, then she hugged Yinyin across the sky without saying a word, passed through the stunned Lei'er, and walked into the house...


Lying on the bed, Yinyin woke up from her dream and opened her eyes. What she saw was the masked face of Guisha. The mask looked a little weird under the candlelight, but it felt nothing for Yinyin who was accustomed to it. ...

"Woke up."

  The ghost faintly uttered, without deliberately asking, just telling the truth.

   Yinyin didn't speak, she sat up, she was unavoidably weak when she first woke up, so Gui Sha extended a helping hand in time and helped her sit up.

  "Are there any discomforts?" Gui Sha asked.

Yinyin shook her head, looked around intentionally or unintentionally, and found that she was lying on the soft couch of [Gu Yuexuan]; she turned her face unintentionally and found that the moonlight outside the window was beautiful, so she looked at it for a while. It seems that someone’s existence has been completely ignored.

  Gui Sha didn't say anything to Yinyin's reaction, as if he didn't care? It's like getting used to it again.

"What are you looking at?"

  Although she knew that Yinyin’s gaze was cast towards the night sky outside the window, Guisha knew that Yinyin must not be looking at the moon. To be precise, she had thoughts.

  "The moon looks the same everywhere." Yinyin said lightly.

Gui Sha approvingly cast his gaze to the bright moon hanging in the night sky outside the window. Although the moon is full of cloudy, sunny and perfect everywhere, even under the same sky, the moon appears in different forms, but the real moon only has one round. It is what Yinyin means.

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