Eternal Love

Chapter 123: Heart lock (1)

  The One Hundred and Twenty-third Chapter Heart Lock (1)

It has been more than three months since being besieged by the two countries. The war is no stranger to Zhou Yan. It’s just that this time it made him a little weak. One thing has been entangled in his heart for a long time and cannot be dispelled; therefore, in the most recent battle with Wu Jun He was accidentally injured. This result was unexpected for the soldiers led by Zhou Yan, and for Wu Jun, it was undoubtedly the best booster for improving morale; just when Wu Jun took advantage of Zhou Yan's injury and the morale of the soldiers was high. Zhou Jun carried out a single-stroke operation. Unfortunately, only in the first battle of the pursuit of victory, they were defeated. There were basically two reasons for Wu Jun's defeat: First, Wu Jun was relaxed because of Zhou Yan's injury. Be wary of being taken advantage of by Zhou's army, because they are facing Da Zhou's army after all; secondly, the enemy generals they are facing are still Zhou Yan, which shows that Zhou Yan’s injuries are not serious, they are just an illusion of being injured by Zhou Yan. It's just blinded.

After the defeat of Wu Jun, Zhou Jun pursued victories and won several games in a row. Wu Jun’s vanguard was almost completely annihilated, and Wu Jun was forced to retreat to the border of the country. The vanguard was destroyed, and the morale of Da Zhou generals was greatly improved. This situation has also been under siege by the two countries. The biggest victory so far; next, the army commanded by Zhou Yan will directly meet the main force of the Wu army. Before this, the army had carried out a large-scale mobilization. Although it was not the time, no one knew the reason.

  The main camp of the army camp to which King Zhou Guojing belongs

  A group of generals gathered together, obviously discussing important matters, and Zhou Yan was sitting on the throne of the commander-in-chief.

   "My lord, the mobilization of various barracks has been completed." A general reported.

   "Understood, how is Wu Jun's situation?" Zhou Yan said coldly.

   "As far as the spy's latest information is concerned, Wu Jun has not made any action yet." Another soldier replied.

   "No action?"

Zhou Yan frowned slightly, apparently questioning this answer. You must know that even if they defeated the main enemy vanguard, the main force of the Han army still had an advantage in strength; the main force of the Wu Kingdom was 700,000, while Zhou Yan's subordinates were less than five. One hundred thousand. After fighting with Wu Jun’s pioneer of 200,000, Zhou Yan only had four hundred thousand. Moreover, the soldiers were already a little tired after just a few battles. How could Wu Jun not use this opportunity to put pressure on them?

   "Could it be a conspiracy?"

This sentence was said by Zhu Ji. Of course, even if Wu Jun had an advantage in military strength, it is natural that he would not act rashly in the face of Zhou Jun; if it is fear, it seems unlikely, not to mention that Wu Jun has an obvious advantage. , Then Wu Jun would not attack Zhou from the beginning.

  The conspiracy is absolute, Zhou Yan does not deny it, but what exactly is this so-called ‘conspiracy’ makes him a little puzzled, because Wu Jun’s reaction looks like he is waiting for something? Waiting for them to attack? Even if this is the case, then why is the other party completely inactive? If you say it is to lure the enemy, you have to behave like an enemy. How can you say that Wu Jun’s vanguard has just been annihilated, Wu Jun should have expressed something, but from the beginning, Wu Jun’s main force has not made any actions. It can be seen that it is like The annihilation of the vanguard is completely irrelevant to them? Was it premeditated? Is it still expected?

Zhou Yan is more concerned about Wu Jun’s reaction than conspiracy, so he is here to carry out large-scale mobilization of the army during this period, the purpose is to lure Wu Jun; you must know that large-scale mobilization of the army at this time is quite large. Risk, but because you have prepared well in advance, you don’t need to care about it; therefore, Wu Jun’s reaction was too unexpected, and Zhou Yan couldn’t help but wonder what purpose Wu Jun had? Is it possible that all the first actions are just acting? The vanguard is just abandoned? And the main force is only here for sightseeing? Zhou Yan sneered. Of course these were impossible, but he really didn't understand what the other party's real purpose was. If he didn't understand this, he might face a fierce battle next.

  Zhou Yan has always understood that every battle has a purpose, and even the smallest purpose can be a reason. However, this time Wu and Han joined forces to attack Zhou. Zhou Yan could not guess the purpose, and simply wanted to capture it? This seems a little different from Wu Jun’s performance so far. Although the opponent has long-term combat preparations, protracted combat will be disadvantageous for them. Judging from Wu Jun’s combat so far, Zhou Yan feels that it is not satisfactory. He never doubted his army. , But I wouldn’t underestimate the Wu Jun or the Han Army who dared to attack them, so what does Wu Jun’s unusually cold response mean? Or is he really waiting as he thought? But what are you waiting for? Zhou Yan had countless kinds of guesses in his mind, but none of them could answer his question.

   "Could it be that they discovered our strategy, so the deliberate setting wanted to lead us to take the initiative?"

A general said, everyone knows that it is very dangerous to take the initiative to attack when the forces are very different and do not know the purpose of the opponent. Unless you have a certain victory, you can only wait for the opportunity; from the normal situation, Zhou Yan's arrangement There is indeed a danger in the situation, but relatively speaking, once completed, the large-scale mobilization will undoubtedly further strengthen them. This can be described as a disadvantage for Wu Jun. Under such circumstances, it is not necessary for Wu Jun to remain silent. Doubts are purposeful.

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