Eternal Love

Chapter 123: Heart lock (3)

  Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Three Heart Lock (3)

In summary, it is natural for Han Ji to hate Zhou Yan, but he is willing to compensate Han Ji at all costs, but he does not know what Han Ji wants. He has asked Han Ji more than once, but not once. Get the answer, so Zhou Yan will keep it in his heart, and when he confronts Han Ji again, he will not tire of mentioning it again; however, Zhou Yan does not understand that Han Ji, who has always been silent and gentle, will say that to him because of his The reason? Shouldn't she be forced? Shouldn't you always ignore her feelings?

  Thinking about it, Zhou Yan suddenly felt that his right shoulder injury seemed to have worsened, otherwise why would it hurt so much?

  Zhou Yan's unconscious move of putting his left hand on his right shoulder caught Zuo Yu’s attention. Zuo Yu was immediately frightened, and said: "Master? Is it because the wound has worsened?"

Zhou Yan did not answer, but Zuo Yu's answer seemed to be exactly what he thought, so he didn't say anything. Zuo Yu hurriedly turned around and ordered the guards outside the camp to find the doctor, and then hurried back to see Zhou Yan's somewhat unhealthy complexion, worrying. : "Master, please take care of your body in this extraordinary period. Although the injury is not serious, it will inevitably deteriorate if you don't take care of it properly."

  Zhou Yan ignored Zuo Yu, and of course his mind was no longer on the wound, because no matter how heavy the wound was or how painful it was, it couldn’t compare to what was in his heart.


  【Zhaoren Mansion】Gu Yuexuan

   "Miss, Princess Jing, please see you."

  Yinyin, as always, leaned in Baihu's arms on the terrace in a daze, while Lei'er was waiting by the side, listening to the report of the maidservant who came.

   "Princess Jing? Sister Han Ji?"

  Hearing the maid’s report, Yinyin’s performance was as indifferent as before, laziness without a trace of emotion, the only difference might be that there was a trace of surprise in her words.

   "Please come here."

  After thinking about it for a moment, Yinyin responded.


The handmaid left after receiving a response. Watching the handmaid leave, Leier turned her head to look at Yinyin again. She really couldn't see what Yinyin was thinking, and she didn't count on Han Ji's arrival. How surprised or unexpected Yinyin can be, at least she never thought she was still so indifferent, as if it was unexpected and unreasonable.

  After a while

  The maid brought Han Ji to [Gu Yuexuan], Yin Yin had already asked Lei Er to take the white tiger away, and left herself on the terrace to receive her. The small square table in front of her had already placed the snacks and tea for the reception.

  "Long time no see, sister Han Ji."

   Yinyin greeted Han Ji's arrival with a faint smile.

"long time no see."

   Seeing Yinyin’s smile, Han Ji was a little relieved, but Han Ji suddenly found that she missed Yinyin’s smile, as if it had been a long time ago when she saw her last time.

   "Please sit down."

   Yin Yin politely greeted Han Ji to take the seat, Han Ji sat down after answering, and then Yin Yin stepped back and the servant girl also sat down.

   "Sister Han Ji came to see me for something?"

   Yinyin began to pour tea for Han Ji, and asked.

   "I heard that you are back, so I want to come and see you." Han Ji replied.

   Yinyin stopped speaking, and put the tea cup full of tea in front of Han Ji, still with a faint smile on her face.

   "Speaking of which, it seems that we haven't seen each other for a long time."

  After pouring herself a cup of tea, Yinyin said lightly.

Han Ji didn't speak for a while, because she found that Yinyin had been smiling all the time. Although she looked gentle, she still found that Yinyin's smile did not contain a smile. The smile on the surface seemed to be Just polite.

"what's happenin?"

  Seeing Han Ji kept looking at herself, Yinyin couldn't help but ask.

"It's nothing."

Han Ji looked away without a trace, picked up the teacup and put it to her mouth and took a sip. Han Ji thought that she had seen most of Yinyin’s expressions, and even saw a lot of her emotional side, but now, Yinyin in front of her makes her feel unreal, is it an illusion?

  Listening to Han Ji didn't say anything, Yin Yin didn't ask much. Whether or not he noticed Han Ji's evasive gaze, Yin Yin picked up the tea cup and sipped it by her mouth.

"are you fine?"

  After a long time, Han Ji still spoke first. She couldn't find any topic for a while, so she had to ask the most basic question.

   "Well, I'm fine, where is sister Han Ji?"

   Yinyin replied faintly, holding the tea cup in her hand and rubbing gently with her fingers, the overall reflection was still surprisingly calm and indifferent.

"I am fine too."

Perhaps Yinyin’s answer surprised Han Ji, but Han Ji still responded subconsciously, and then turned her gaze to Yinyin, only to see Yinyin still has a faint smile on her face. It feels like a smile instead of a smile. Indifferent, Han Ji's heart was startled.

Next, Han Ji looked at Yinyin unconsciously. She couldn't see anything with her indifferent expression, but Han Ji could not look away because she felt that Yinyin now is different from the past. I haven’t seen it. Although it’s not the first time that she has seen Yinyin who has become a different kind, no one can compare to Yinyin now. She is scared; Han Ji knows that many things have happened to Yinyin , Including recently, she couldn't think of what made Yinyin become such a strange thing, which made her become so...impractical, illusory and non-existent.

   "Jan... is he okay?"

   Just when Han Ji was in a trance, Yinyin’s voice sounded again, and regardless of Yinyin’s first opening, Han Ji was surprised by Yinyin’s question. Will Yinyin take the initiative to raise Zhou Yan? This seems to have never happened to Han Ji, even after her memory loss. Looking at Yinyin's attitude and appearance, does she really know what she is asking? Or do you know what you are talking about?

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