Eternal Love

Chapter 124: Can't give up (6)

  Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Love Is Hard to Say

  I don’t know how long it took, a crystal liquid dripped from Yinyin’s erratic eyes. Guisha knew that Yinyin had an answer.

"what should I do?"

   Yinyin murmured, as if to Guisha, but also as if to herself.

How to do it? Knowing that the person you love is dying, most people will respond to him as soon as possible, right? But Yinyin was different. After she was completely awake, she put aside all emotions. She couldn't make a decision because she still thought she could let it go, if it was before the ghost told Yinyin about this.

   "Do you still love him?"

Gui Sha raised this question again, because Gui Sha knew that this question was the key to Yinyin's ability to be herself. The answer to her was silence. Silence has many explanations, but now in Gui Sha's eyes, it only makes Yinyin shake. .

   "You can abandon yourself, you can close yourself, and you will not be shaken by everything in the outside world, but you still cannot deceive yourself, you still have a feeling for him."

  In response to Gui Sha's words, Yinyin once again had a different reaction. She slowly raised her hands and slowly held her head.

   "You can abandon everything, but you can never forget him."

Gui Sha’s words gradually eroded Yinyin’s nerves like a ghost. She never avoided this topic or escaped anything, but when faced with it, her heart that should have been given up came back again, not obvious. But Yinyin still felt the sense of loss slowly filling the vacant heart.

  Time is passing slowly

  Gui Sha was not talking, and Yinyin did not react excessively, and time passed by.

  After a long time, Yinyin seemed to have calmed down. She put down her hands and murmured, "Then what should I do?"

   Yinyin has asked this question a second time, but this is not the answer that Gui Sha can give. He said: "Do it according to your own ideas."

  "Your own thoughts?" Yinyin murmured and repeated Gui Sha's words.

Gui Sha knows that Yinyin’s lack of formal self-concept, but if he doesn’t find the right direction, even what he says will still be of no help to Yinyin, even though he has raised many topics that make him feel bitter. .

Gradually Yinyin looked out of the house in a daze, and the rumbling thunder, as if they could give her an answer. The past scenes seemed to reappear in front of Yinyin's eyes, and the deepest memory was the storm on the fish island. That day; thinking of this, Yinyin subconsciously raised her hand and stroked her chest, as if it was no longer so empty, still a little bit painful? At the same time, what flashed before her eyes was the scene of Zhao Ziheng falling off the cliff last day. Yinyin once again subconsciously grasped the skirt of her chest, as if the pain of that day had returned...

  Don’t you feel anymore? But Yinyin would still think, since when did she want to see him so much when she lost her memory? The night Yinyin’s thoughts returned to Weicheng, he seemed to have appeared out of thin air, and everything was so taken for granted; Yinyin still remembers the hug at the last parting that night, and Yinyin still remembers that there was only that person. The hug is so warm, making her willing to sink, and there are tears, Yinyin is very clear that they are tears, he held her and cried.

  Unconsciously, tears wet Yinyin’s face, but she didn’t know it, she was still immersed in memories...

  Looking at Yinyin, Gui Sha knew that Yinyin’s heart was recovered a little bit, his painstaking efforts were not in vain, and he also felt extremely bitter, because the tears of the people in front of him were not shed for him.

  ‘I only have you in my eyes. ’

At that time Yinyin did not understand the true meaning of this sentence, but this sentence is undoubtedly the same as "There is only in my heart", and Yinyin didn't know anything at that time, so when she remembered everything, it was time to take it for granted. , But if you really think about it, you will find the difference, especially the expression of Zhao Ziheng at that time and at that time, what made him so painful?

Yinyin suddenly discovered that she had made a first-level mistake. The most common and common mistake based on two people who loved each other was that she had never been confirmed from Zhao Ziheng's mouth from beginning to end. Everything was I heard it from others. Even if she understands the truth of'no wind, no waves', only that person knows in a person's heart, so would Zhao Ziheng deceive her? The answer is of course: No. For people who love each other, trust is based on the most basic feelings. It is because of love that they believe in each other. What's more, they only hear from others, not see it with their own eyes. Is it deception just because of this?

Tears flooded more and more turbulently. Yinyin realized that she had never given Zhao Ziheng a chance to explain or ask him. Even if she found it, she did not persist in the end and chose to escape. For Zhao Ziheng What kind of harm would it be? If he knew he was running away from him, if he knew the reason for running away from him was because of distrust, what would he think? Of course, Yinyin did not forget that Zhao Ziheng was the first to escape, but she did not ask for the reason, but in the end escaped from him for a natural reason.

"I love him--"

Yinyin, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly tremblingly uttered these three words from her mouth. These three words seemed to be finally uttered after countless years. She was a little hoarse because of the crying sound, which could be heard. That is the truth from the heart and soul.

  Gui Sha closed his eyes, he didn't want to see or listen.

  Can't forget, can't give up...

  Perhaps Yinyin can forget everything, but in the end she cannot give up a love letter!

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