Eternal Love

Chapter 127: Underworld (3)

  Chapter 127 The Dark Butterfly (3)

Unconsciously, Gui Sha raised her right hand and placed it lightly on her left shoulder. After turning around to look at Gui Sha's unconscious movements, she fell into deep thought. Yinyin’s self-blame in her heart deepened. She knew very well that what Gui Sha said was nothing more than For comfort, how could she not know how Gui Sha would be so badly injured when she was absent? and……

   "She... I don't know what happened to Fengxue."

   Yinyin carefully mentioned that she did not forget that Fengxue stayed alone to cover her when she was attacked.

Gui Sha fell into deep thought and was not deep, so he immediately reacted to Yinyin's words, but he did not answer, but just glanced at Yinyin and stood up; Yinyin didn't know why, but he also stood up after seeing it. Up.

   “Don’t think so much, you will see you again when you meet, and don’t force it when you can’t meet.”

Gui Sha said indifferently as usual, very practical, nothing more than being able to see it naturally, and of course not seeing it when he died. Gui Sha could answer Yinyin like this, but he was very clear in his heart that the wind and snow is not in such a situation. It may escape; in short, it must fall into the hands of the enemy. With his understanding of the phantom, the possibility of Fengxue's survival is very small. Of course, he does not want to tell Yinyin such a cruel answer, so that Yinyin will hold a little bit small. That’s how he planned.

  Yinyin didn’t know that in that case, Guisha was injured, and both of them could not escape safely when they were there, let alone alone? It’s just that Yinyin didn’t want to face it. It was too cruel. After all, she knew that the wind and snow stayed because of her. Thinking of this, Yinyin felt something stuck in her throat and her eyes were a little moist, but she forced it. The tears were suppressed because she couldn't cry; Yinyin had already shed too many tears down this road, and now Yinyin understands that tearing is a sign of cowardice. Since she has decided to go on this road, she cannot continue to be so cowardly, that is Because of her cowardice, so many people came forward to protect her. Her cowardice caused one life after another to end because of her; now the life and death of the wind and snow is uncertain, she can't cry, even if she wants to cry. Find her first, regardless of life or death.

It’s not the first time to discover the fragility of life, and Yinyin doesn’t know when she discovered that life is so fragile. The biggest reason is the change of the environment. If it hadn’t come to this era, if it hadn’t been the witness of so many innocent lives Yinyin would never know that life is so fragile and insignificant. Although every age is different, it cannot be changed. Innocent life will be ruthlessly deprived. Even if you are not guilty, disaster will always come. What's more, this troubled world? Yinyin knows that when the troubled world is uneventful, there will be more innocent victims.

Everyone has a death, and Yinyin knows that she is no exception, but she never thought that someone would die because of her. Thinking of those innocent people who died unjustly because of her, Yinyin has a feeling of suffocation and restores her memory. And after regaining her self, Yinyin knew that she would never be able to get rid of it; Yinyin found that those who died unjustly because of her were more of a nightmare she could not get rid of than what happened to her. She even thought about her death, but because of her selfish thoughts, she still chose to live with humiliation; Yinyin had already seen her own life and death, but she was eager to prove one thing before she died, so before that, She can't die yet, even if she will go to **** after death, even if she has to bear the grievances who died because of her, she must live, and live to meet the most important person in her life.

   "Don't think so much."

  Gui Sha's voice suddenly sounded, pulling Yinyin who was thinking back to reality, and the awakened Yinyin was greeted by the expressionless expression of Gui Sha as before.

   "People will die, but the method is different. Even if it is not your own choice, death is hard to escape after all. You and I are the same."

  As if seeing through Yinyin's thoughts, Gui Sha said calmly.

Yinyin does not deny that what Guisha said is true, and admits that what he said is reasonable, but, I don’t know why, long ago Yinyin felt that Guisha is different from others in life and death; it should be said that Guisha is not the same. Fear of life and death? Or should he say that he doesn't care about life and death at all? Regardless of whether it is to himself or to others, Gui Sha always seems to maintain a consistent indifferent attitude, even if he dies at any time, it does not matter; Yinyin wants to know why Gui Sha despise life and death so much? His definition of life can be described as contemptuous, and he regards life as a waste, including himself.

Think about it, Yinyin may never know, even if Gui Sha really thinks that everyone’s life is detrimental, but a person’s life is more important to Gui Sha than anything else. It should be said that he will only think that there is only That person’s life is the most important thing, more important than anything else, that person is her; however, Gui Sha will never say this, even if Feng Qinghan knows this, she will not say it, so Yinyin Never know.

   "I'll prepare some water and food. Stay here and don't run around."

"I will go with you."

Just when he was about to leave, Yinyin’s voice sounded, so Guisha stopped and turned around to look at Yinyin; if possible, Guisha didn’t want to run with Yinyin and was in a place where there were no birds It was dangerous, not to mention the dangers around him, but looking at Yinyin, Gui Sha couldn't refuse, so he nodded, then turned and left, Yinyin hurriedly followed.

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