Eternal Love

Chapter 130: The price of blood (6)

   Chapter 130 The Price of Blood (6)

  Dan Zhen didn’t look at Yinyin but looked at Yunmeng, which seemed to be escaping? Yes, it is escape.

  "You are the same group as her, right?" Shan Zhen said coldly and vigilantly. The ‘them’ mentioned by them naturally refer to Gui Sha and Yun Meng.

   "If you say Feng Jingyi and her brother, I can tell you, I wish they died." Yunmeng's tone was very plain, as if these cruel words were just simple words.

Shan Zhen was a little surprised with this answer, but it can only prove that Yunmeng and Feng Jingyi are not in the same group, but Gui Sha cannot be ruled out. Judging from the situation yesterday and the information known, even if Yunmeng and Feng Jingyi are not the same People on the same line have an entangled relationship with Gui Sha; and the relationship between Gui Sha and Feng Qinghan is obviously extraordinary, which means that they are definitely on the same line. In this way, it only means that Yunmeng only cares about ghosts. Shame?

   Yinyin was full of suspicion when she heard these words, and she didn't even know what they were talking about. She looked back and forth between Shan Zhen and Yunmeng with her eyes wide open, but she couldn't see anything at all.

   "Accurately speaking, I can't wait for the wind to die. People like him are simply a scourge in the world."

When    said this, Yunmeng's eyes were bright under the mask, as if he hated someone to the extreme.

  For a while, Yinyin felt completely unable to speak, because no matter how dull she was, she could feel the deep hatred revealed in Yunmeng's calm tone.

"Do you know? That person doesn't know how many women he has played with just by that face. It can be said that his life is indispensable to women." When Yun Meng said these words, his eyes were looking at Yinyin, as if Was talking to her.

  Listening to Yunmeng’s words, Yinyin’s first reaction was sluggishness. To be more precise, she was full of disbelief; Shan Zhen appeared to be very calm and unmoved at all.

   "Imagine, with his obsessive look, both men and women, can the person whom he likes reject it?" Yun Meng asked, maybe she didn't want to answer, just stating a fact.

   Yinyin and Shan Zhen reacted at the same time, facing Feng Qinghan's beautiful and unreasonable face, no one can refuse.

  While observing Yinyin’s changes, Yun Meng continued to speak, saying: “Yes, no one, no matter who it is, it’s impossible to reject him, including me.”

  At this time, Yinyin and Shan Zhen are both puzzled by Yunmeng's "including me". It is not difficult to imagine that Yunmeng and Feng Qinghan must have an unknown past.

  Yunmeng continued: "Speaking of which, I also fell when I saw him for the first time."

  While speaking, Yunmeng turned his face to look at Gui Sha, as if lost in thought. Because they couldn't see her expression clearly, Yinyin and Shan Zhen had to wait for her to continue speaking.

"He is not only beautiful, but also very masculine, handsome, free and easy, gentle and funny, especially his smile, which is so mesmerizing that no one can resist; because he is too dazzling, although He is romantic, but there are still many women who fall for him. It is very difficult to attract his attention among those women in various roles, let alone get his heart; therefore, in order to win his favor, I treat him. I am obedient and responsive, even if he does not say anything, I will do it. I never conceal anything from him, including my taboos and my blood, just to want him to pay more attention to me. Even Guisha is me. Introduce him to him."

At this point, he suddenly stopped, Yun Meng stretched out his hand to touch the sleeping face of Gui Sha, but stopped at the moment he was about to touch him, and gradually clenched his open hands tightly. Fists trembled... Yinyin couldn't see clearly, so Shan Zhen seemed a little clear, as if she could guess something.

"However, compared to me, he cares more about Guisha. To him, poison is nothing. Therefore, he is optimistic about Guisha's system that is different from ordinary people, that is, recovery ability. Guisha is born with Distinct systems, no matter what the injury is, it will heal and recover at an astonishing speed; at first I didn’t care, until one time, I accidentally heard that he wanted something from the master, since he wanted it. Yes, of course I would help him, but I didn’t expect to lose everything for this."

   Yunmeng's words stopped again, the eyes under the mask were blood red with hatred, she looked at Gui Sha, as if she was looking at something else, as if she was back at that time, with a sea of ​​blood in front of her eyes.

"What happened?" Yinyin asked Yunmeng, not knowing where the courage came from. She didn't want to believe Yunmeng's words, and at the same time, she didn't want to treat Feng Qinghan as an unforgivable villain, but she intuitively told her that it was more than just It was related to Yunmeng, and more to Gui Sha, and perhaps it was the reason why the situation between her and Gui Sha became like this.

"As a result, I used my blood to kill my master and wife, as well as the little junior sister and the little junior brother. He and Gui Sha witnessed the scene at the same time, and I was covered in blood. I have forgotten until now. At that time, Gui Sha's angry eyes, the kind of eyes that can't wait to swallow me alive." At this moment, Yun Meng's gaze looking at Gui Sha gradually turned into pain.

  Similar to this situation, I am afraid that no matter who it is, it will be the same, right? Both Yinyin and Shan Zhen thought so, but they felt that things were not so simple. After paying such a price, what did they get? Don't say why you want to kill them, but how can they become hostility to each other? Regardless of Gui Sha's reaction, Feng Qinghan's reaction is even more caring.

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