Eternal Love

Chapter 131: Stupid Love (3)

   Chapter 131 Stupid Love (3)

   Yunmeng’s last sentence was a bit meaningful, and the corner of her lips also evoked a sneer.

Of course Yinyin did not understand Yunmeng's meaning. She looked at Yunmeng's expression as if she heard an illusion, and at the same time did not forget to react to what Yunmeng said. Combined with what Yunmeng said before, Yinyin subconsciously came to two conclusions. : The first one is Yunmeng, is he talking in his dreams? Or I hate him so much that I say so, but what you hate a person should make him say nothing, not how capable he is. The other is, in Yinyin’s eyes, she I don't think Feng Qinghan has any ambitions or that it is as cruel as Yunmeng said. Of course, Yinyin did not ignore Yunmeng's last sentence. It should be said that it is this last sentence that makes Yinyin's doubts deeper.

Shan Zhen on the side has heard a lot, and regardless of whether Yunmeng’s words are true or false, and how credible, based on the last sentence alone, Shan Zhen seems to feel that she might have overlooked something; she is devoted to Feng Qinghan and Yinyin. Regardless of whether it is true or false, this is true, but there are some doubts. Compared with those mentioned by Yunmeng, what position Yinyin occupies in Feng Qinghan's heart is still unknown. It is likely that Feng Qinghan is not what Yinyin thinks. It’s as simple as that; now, for confirming that Feng Qinghan is the enemy, Shan Zhen can no longer allow Feng Qinghan to approach Yinyin as before. Even if he is interested in Yinyin, he does not rule out that he has a purpose. He has the obligation to keep Yinyin away. All the damage, and it must be done.

When thinking that Yinyin was speechless, Yunmeng continued: "I'm curious, why does he care so much about your business? Even if the Wind Wolf is divided into two parties, of course this is not for him. Nothing, I just can't figure out that the reason is actually for you."

  This time, Shan Zhen was stunned. He could no longer remain calm and watch as before. He clearly noticed something from Yunmeng’s words; yes, how could Shan Zhen forget? Previously discussed with Zhao Ziheng, "Black Wolf", no, it should be "Wind Wolf" who wants to frame Yinyin, but if the owner of Wind Wolf is Feng Qinghan, there is no reason at all, then according to Yunmeng's words , I am afraid that it is the phantom who wants to cause Yinyin to death. Even if Yunmeng has not mentioned the purpose, Shan Zhen has already guessed it, and it will definitely not be wrong.

Things seem to be getting more and more complicated here, but at the same time they are getting brighter and brighter. Those who want to frame and protect are the wind wolf people, so the original killing of Xia Ningshuang and Jiang Taishi must have been done by wind and waves, but Xia Ningshuang was killed. Purpose, what about Taishi Jiang? Is it simply because you want to be disadvantageous to Yinyin? Then the only person doing this is Feng Qinghan; at this time, Shan Zhen suddenly felt terrified by Zhao Ziheng's thinking. He didn't expect that the facts were not different from Zhao Ziheng's guesses. What does this mean? Yinyin turned out to be the fuse for Wind Wolf to split into two factions? Although this does not conceal what Wind Wolf did, compared to what Yun Meng said, the **** storm that happened was the operation of Wind Wolf behind the scenes. To be more precise, Feng Qinghan couldn't be overstated.

Shan Zhen looked at Yunmeng in a daze. He never expected that he would have such amazing gains when traveling. He unexpectedly learned of the mastermind behind putting the world in the deep water. He could almost guess that way; just, Shan Zhen has not forgotten the purpose of this trip. If Xia Guo is counted, then who is operating Xia Guo's army at this moment? Feng Qinghan was because Xia Ningshuang did something unfavorable to Yinyin and passed her death to Zhou Guo. In other words, it shouldn't be him, so would it be an phantom? According to what Yunmeng said, it is indeed possible.

"Who is the mastermind? Wind Wolf is only a killer organization at best. It is hired by others. It is unbelievable that you say that he is operating this." Shan Zhen has not forgotten Wind Wolf's business, no matter who it is. It is believed that a small assassin organization has caused great chaos in the world. No matter how strong their people are, their number is limited. Such a large-scale organization must be supported by the army.

"Who knows, but what we are saying now is a question of grievances between two people." Yunmeng seemed to know what Shan Zhen wanted to ask, so he answered. Some of the answers were not related to him, as if he was talking about a common thing. .

   "The grievances between the two people involve the whole world? Is it just the wind wolf? Who will believe it?"

  Beyond the range of ability to accept, no one will believe it, and the same is true for Shan Zhen. Although Yunmeng's words are very consistent with reality, they also lack the authenticity that people can believe.

   "You are General Shan, right?" Yun Meng asked suddenly.

   Shan Zhen did not answer. He seemed not curious about Yun Meng's knowledge of his identity. Even if Yun Meng's thoughts had been on Gui Sha and his identity had not been exposed, it was not surprising that Yun Meng would know.

   "You look down on women too much."

  For Shan Zhen, this sentence was a bit unexpected. He looked at Yunmeng with some doubts, not understanding what she meant.

   "You know? It's no surprise that a woman can do anything when she falls in love with a man so much." Yun Meng sneered.

  Natural Yunmeng did everything because of this principle, so she didn't feel that she was wrong at all, just for the people she loved.

   "Do you want to say that all this happens when the phantom loves the wind and cold?" Shan Zhen returned coldly, obviously not believing this at all.

  "To be more specific, it was not before. Even if this incident did not happen, the facts would not change. Since he...looked at her..." Yun Meng looked at Yinyin when she said this.

I don’t know why, even if I can’t see the line of sight under Yunmeng’s mask, Shan Zhen also knows that Yunmeng is looking at Yinyin. For some reason, his heart suddenly becomes angry, and he feels that Yunmeng always wants to bring Yinyin into this situation, so I will take it Replied Yunmeng with a cold eye.

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