Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1011: Only to destroy the enemy, Fang ...

"How is my Xiao's person so bullied?" Xiao Yuanqing stepped forward, his powerful warfare swept forward like a stormy wave, his eyes were cold, and he stared at the words in front of him and said, "You have The tribe was ridiculed, and Xiao expressed sorrow, but it is inevitable that there will be death and injury between the younger generations. Do you have a ridicule in Yuwen's family and will make my Xiao ’s people lose their lives? In this way, what order is there? If the junior battles are fatal and wounded, would it be better for the elders to come forward? "

"So you don't intend to give up?" Seeing Xiao Yuanqing's tough attitude, the eyes of Yuwen's people were cold.

"Don't pay!" Xiao Yuanqing flicked through his sleeves, spreading the sky full of warfare, and his eyes were as bright as tears.

That war frightened the distant practitioners.

Although Xiao Yuanqing is not an invincible king, he can be regarded as a hero among the kings.

"No, let's fight!" A king of Yuwen's eyes condensed, his hair was stretched, the eyebrows glittered with gold, a round of the sun bloomed, and then the eyes opened and a golden light shot out of it. Jin Guangdong penetrated the void and took the place of Xiao.

"Do you really think I'm bullying Xiao?"


With a big hand, the war was so high that he defeated Jin Guang.

Only Xiao Yuanqing's body shook slightly.

That was a Pharaoh, and his combat power was not much worse than that of Xiao Yuanqing.

"Kill!" At the same time, three other Kings of Yuwen's step forward.

These people shot together, the god's eyes bloomed like the sun, and the vastness of the gods drowned the four sides.

The flash of the god's eyes seemed to penetrate everything.

Jinyang Shenmu is famous for his attack power, and that combat power is also amazing among the ancient clan.

At this time, people of all ethnic groups are backing away with a look of anger.

The power of the king can destroy the mountains and veins, and the aftermath is not a low-level practitioner who can resist.

Under such an attack, many of the elders of the Xiao family frowned, and quickly led their younger children back into the distant city of Tiancheng.

"I stand by you." Xiao Chenglong retreated directly, leaving with his younger children.

He doesn't seem to want to join the battle.

His mind was self-evident, but the people of the Xiao family had nothing to say.


Xiao Yuanqing took the lead and killed forward.

After a little hesitation, Xiao had another king to follow his shot.

That is from the vein of Xiao Tingyuan.

As for the other two kings, they were silent.

Obviously, they did not dare to offend Yu Wenshi.

Because these two people do not have a royal seat.

In this way, there are only two kings on Xiao's side.

Yuwen's side has four kings.

The gap between the two sides is clear at a glance.

"See how long you can shelter him?" The kings of Yuwen's are all fierce.

The four kings shot with all their strength, their eyes opened and opened, with infinite light patterns blooming.

Looking from a distance, it seems that there are rounds of the sun blooming with treasure.

"Yuanxun, take Xiao Yun away!" Xiao Yuanqing shot, his eyebrows flashed, and Zhan Wuhun appeared.

Wu Hun is very big, just like a real person.


That Wu soul's eyes were dazzling, and his palm moved directly to the previous king.

At the same time, his deity also dealt with a king.

It's just one person, but they are fighting against the two kings, and the power of the battle martial spirit makes everyone in the distance feel fear.

Not only him, but also another king of the pulse also spurred Wuhun.

Facing the two kings at this time, he had to give it all.

"Jinyang cracks the sky!" Yu Wenshi ’s eyes of the king's **** opened and opened, and those eyes were perforated through the void, shaking with Xiao Yuanqing.


In the plains of the Tien Shan Mountains, the battle was shocking, and the void was trembling, and the noise was rumbling.

The battle for kings is amazing.

At the same time, the Xiao Clan's combat power is also daunting.

The eyes of the Yuwen clan are strong.

However, Xiao Yuanqing relied on the soul of Wu Wu to be one enemy and two, so capable, it was really daunting.

"Let's go!" Xiao Yuanxun frowned and said to Xiao Yun next to him.

Although Xiao Yuanqing resisted Yu Wen's people, the other party eventually took advantage of the number of people, and the situation will soon be out of control. So when you leave at this time, it is unpredictable. After all, the people here who want to deal with Xiao Yun are afraid of more than Yu Wen. 'S.

"Leave?" Wen Yan said, Xiao Yun frowned, "Why should I leave?"

As the words fell, he took a step forward.

"What are you?" Xiao Yuanxun frowned.

Is that king?

Don't leave now, but you can't leave later.

"Since they want to kill me, then I beheaded them first!" Xiao Yun said very lightly.

It was just that there was a sensation of murder in his eyes when he looked forward.

He wasn't prepared to confront Yuwen's people so early.

It's just that these people are aggressive and he has nothing to fear.

Xiao Yun has never been afraid of the enemy.

Because he knew that only by destroying the enemy can he be safe!

"Cut them?" Wen Yan said, Xiao Yuanxun stunned.

Only when he was stunned, Xiao Yun was already stepping forward.


Xiao Yun strolled and walked towards the battlefield ahead.

"What is Xiao Yun going to do?" As Xiao Yun moved forward, the distant practitioners began to look scumped.

"Is he going to fight?" Seeing this, an uproar sounded.

In the battle of the kings ahead, the heavens and the earth seemed to collapse.

Even the strong in the infant market are afraid to stay.

But Xiao Yun, who was in this palace, didn't know how to retreat, but walked away instead?

"Isn't he afraid of death?" Numerous practitioners looked surprised.

"This Xiao Yun is really invisible!" Li Changsheng, Chen Haolong and others shook their heads.

From the beginning of understanding, Xiao Yun seems to have been unpredictable, making it impossible to guess.

At this time, Xiao Yun will go to the battlefield. For those who know Xiao Yun, it is not too surprising.

"What does he rely on?" Shi Tianyan frowned, staring tightly at the young man strolling through the air.

At this time, people of almost all ethnic groups gathered their eyes on Xiao Yun.

Those who were about to leave also stopped.

Many people are wondering if this dazzling genius in recent days can escape this calamity?

For Xiao Yun's growth, the people of the major clans are quite concerned!

Xiao Yun walked in the air, but the people of Yuwen's were showing a smile.

"Good boy, even dare to come here, it seems that I really do not put my Yuwen's eyes in my eyes!" Several kings are all eyes exposed, and one of the old king's eyes lightened, and the eyebrows bloomed, and The mighty divine power shook.

call out!

I could only see his god's eyes moving, the golden light blooming, like a round of sun suppression.

In the distance, Xiao Yuanqing's Zhan Wu soul was drowned by the golden light, and he could not see the figure.

The horrible waves shook the sky.

Another king also tried his best.

Under the two's strong shots, Xiao Yuanqing was shaken back, and even if the Wu soul is strong, it will be difficult to defeat the enemy.

After all, Yuwen's is also a clan, and the magical power is no worse than Zhan Wuhun.

"You are entangled in Xiao Yuanqing, I'll go and get Xiao Yun!" A king spoke, and as soon as he moved, he went towards Xiao Yun.

"This Xiao Yun?" Xiao Yuanqing showed a look of astonishment.

Xiao Yun's return disturbed him.

If this young man has any damage, how can he be worthy of the king of war?

How does he explain to the old emperor in the clan?

It was only when he passed by the spiritual knowledge that Xiao Yun's face was indifferent, but in his eyes there was a bit of killing.

"This is ...?" Seeing this, Xiao Yuanqing was surprised, "Does he have a hole card?"

Thinking of this, his frowned brows stretched slightly.


Just at this moment, the king ’s big hand moved, and the giant hand suddenly appeared beside Xiao Yun.

The supernatural powers already have supernatural powers that ordinary people cannot have.

The so-called magical power is to kill the enemy thousands of miles away.

This can no longer be explained by ordinary martial arts. Therefore, after reaching this realm, it is called magical realm.

The big hand, like the hand of God, appeared immediately above Xiao Yun's head.

Then the palm of the hand was reduced into a fingerprint.

"Xiao Yun, let's meet!" Said the king's eyes.

Now that his dignified king has shot, why worry that he cannot kill this young man?

"Is the king?" Seeing that big hand fall, Xiao Yun frowned, looking very indifferent, "Today, I'll give you a knife."

Facing the giant hand, Xiao Yun's eyes froze slightly. Instead of stepping back, the step took a step forward.


Seeing this, everyone was holding their breath, shocked inside.

"Is Xiao Yun trying to shake the king?"

The exclamation sounded all around.

"Even the hard king, he should actuate the imprisonment?" In surprise, many people were surprised.

The low-level practitioners can only deal with the king by relying on the life card or life weapon left by the emperor.

But Xiao Yun stepped forward, but did nothing.

How fast is the king's shot?

If you do not urge the King's life device at this time, is he still given a chance?

At this moment almost everyone's heart was tense.

"What the **** is this guy doing?" Xiao Feng and others couldn't help but want to break the curse.

They clenched their fists and sweated their palms.

It is difficult to imagine how Xiao Yun should deal with this king.

"If this boy is so arrogant and not yet ridiculed, there is no heavenly sense!" Some people who hoped Xiao Yun's ridicule were smirking.

Although I felt that this young man would drink hate, he did not dare to relax and wanted to see that scene with his own eyes.

"Don't Xiao Xiao be all right?" The eyebrows of several Yao's women frowned.

"Should not." Liu Hanyan stood proudly in the air, her body was full of blue light, her beautiful eyes stared tightly at the front, the undulating peaks and peaks, the breathing rate obviously increased a bit, although she thought the young man would not be a big deal But I still couldn't help worrying.

After all, Xiao Yun's move at this time was too heartfelt.

In the face of the king, if he does not urge the king's life weapon, how can he resist?

Is he himself a king?

Obviously, Xiao Yun has not yet reached the rank of king at this time.

So everyone is worried ~ ~ He moved! "Only under such worries, someone's eyes brightened, and Xiao Yun's breath changed.

The man is a man with a trinity.

"That eyebrow?" At the same time, some of Yuwen's strong infant market enthusiasts are paying close attention to Xiao Yun.


At this moment Xiao Yun's brows were flowing with lines.

As the lines flowed, the void in front of his eyebrows also showed a slight ripple.

Only after this ripple wave oscillated, a mighty Wang Wei burst out from it.

"It is Wang Wei!" Suddenly, many people's eyes brightened, and the kings of all races stared at Xiao Yun tightly.


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