Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1025: The past

The idea of ​​the Yao emperors is simple.

If Xiao Yun claims to be emperor, he can be left to deal with the people of that year.

Without emperorship, they will not punish those people.

But at this time they asked Xiao Yun to promise that the queen would work for Yao.

In other words, Yao can do nothing, but he can be a genius who has the opportunity to be called the emperor.

"This is Yao's wishful thinking."

{猪} 猪 岛 {小} said 3.zhu; "How do you like it?"

Xiao Yun groaned.

He knew he didn't seem to have many options at this time.

If he refuses, will Yao let him grow up?

Maybe these people will be direct.

"I want to see my mother first." Xiao Yun blinked and said.

The emperors groaned.

"Is this Yao's sincerity?" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened.

"Okay, let you see your mother!" Yao Guang, the chief of the Yao clan, said, "You are a genius, but the genius has not grown up. After all, it is vain. I hope you can recognize it with your talent. Under the resources of the Yaos, they will be able to claim the emperor in the shortest possible time. Moreover, if you inherit it, you can also enlighten me in the fountain of life. "

As the emperor, he could see at a glance that Xiao Yun inherited the soul of life.

"The junior knew it." Xiao Yun nodded, not saying more.

At this point the only thing he saw was his mother making a decision.

"So, Yao Sheng, hold my token and take Xiao Yun to see his mother!" Above the palace, the clan Yao said.

After speaking, he flicked his hands and a token floated out.

"Yes!" A king outside the hall came, and he took the token with the palm of his hand and quickly bowed.

"Gong Xiao, please!" At this moment Yao Sheng reached out and made a gesture to Xiao Yun.

"Huh!" Xiao Yun nodded, and walked away from the hall.

"How's it going?" Xiao Yuanqing asked outside the hall.

"Go see my mother first." Xiao Yun said.

"See your mother?" Xiao Yuanqing blinked, "I'll go with you!"

"Sorry, the emperors did not let you go." Yao Sheng said indifferently.

"This is how Yao's hospitality is?" Xiao Yuanqing's eyes burst into anger.

"I hope King Qing forgive me, because this matter is not my decision." Yao Sheng said with a cold face.

"Uncle, I won't have anything." Xiao Yun blinked his eyes and said.

"You ..." Xiao Yuanqing frowned, still a little uneasy.

"You can rest assured," Xiao Yun said slightly, "I have my own measure!"

Seeing Xiao Yun's face calm, Xiao Yuanqing frowned.

"Okay, take care of yourself. If there is anything, remember to contact me the first time!" Slightly groaned, Xiao Yuanqing said.

When Yao came here, he was already involuntary, and he had to bow his head.

"Um." Xiao Yun nodded, and then left with Yao Sheng after glancing at Xiao Yuanqing.

At this time, inside the Temple of Life.

"This Xiao Yun's grievances are very heavy. Even if he claims to be emperor, he will not give up the grievances of that year." The emperor with Bi Xu's eyes sank and said, if you look carefully, there is a little in his eyes. Cool radians emerged.

"The grievances of that year?" After hearing the words, the queen next to him was slightly cold, and said, "If the descendants of your veins had acted arrogantly at that time, and they were actually laid out in the Yao family, ambushing the king of war, how could this happen? Qing Yue was seriously injured. I am afraid that at this time she has become the emperor. It is because of your veins that it has made me lose one emperor. "

"Do you still want to persecute Xiao Yun now?"

This imperial tone is full of domineering.

The emperor's brows frowned, and seemed to be afraid of the empress.

"Qingyang was indeed wrong at that time, but it was not unforgivable." Yao's patriarch's eyes flashed and said, "After all, anyone who knew the news would be afraid to start, longevity, god, how big it is. The temptation! "

Speaking of this, it is the patriarchs of the Yao clan who are confused.

"Longevity?" The Queen frowned. "How many people have lived for tens of thousands of years, and even if the King of War gets some clues, why can't I sit down and talk and ambush him?" Seems quite dissatisfied.

"Oh, what happened then, why mention it again?" The emperor who had not spoken laughed beside him.

"Yes." Chief Yao also nodded.

"I don't know if the war king is still alive?" The emperor on the left flashed his eyes, and said, "At that time, when he returned, he went to the depths of the deity after returning, mostly to find it! Unfortunately, that The place is too dangerous. Xiao Xiong was forced to retreat before he went deeper, otherwise I can go and see. "

The emperor also seemed interested in the events of that year.

The corner of the emperor's mouth with Bi Xu evoked a icy arc.

"It is really difficult to know the life and death of the King of War, but if he deduces it with the blood of his close relatives, or if he is allowed to break the world, he knows his life and death." The emperor's heart was dark, and the arc of the corner of his mouth was a bit cold. the taste of.

call out!

At this time, Xiao Yun accompanied the king to escape the peak of life.

"Is Xiao Yun right?" The king said with a smile, "I heard that you are in Litiangong Chuyang, and you are still beating the Kings of Yuwen Family in the Tianyuan Plain. At this age, you have such records, I am afraid that is the king of the war that year It ca n’t be reached! You will be honored in the future. "

"With the help of external forces." Xiao Yun smiled indifferently.

At this moment he flew along with this person, and his eyes flickered.

As soon as the phantom moved, many pictures emerged.

Suddenly, his eyes lightened.

"Where does my mother live?" Xiao Yun asked.

"Oh, your mother used to live on the Qingyue platform, but only when the incident happened, she changed to another residence." This Yao Sheng laughed. "You don't need to worry, you just need to fly again for a moment. I'm sure she will be very pleased to see you. "

"Did you change your residence?" Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a cold arc.

With the phantom eyes, he can see many pictures.

Even some of the conversations in the pictures will be heard.

From these pictures, he learned that his mother's home had not been changed at all.

But this person took him to another place.

"It looks like someone's going to hit me!" Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, and a icy arc came to the corner of his mouth.

However, the radian soon disappeared, he remained calm and didn't say much.

Since someone wants to move him, Xiao Yun wants to see where the other party is sacred.

call out!

The light glanced across the void and was about to reach the edge of those suspended platforms in the city of life.

Xiao Yun's phantom eyes spurred, and there were pictures constantly appearing in front of him.

Alas, when he came near a suspended platform, there were few recent pictures.

Few people seem to come here.

The picture flickered, and some ancient pictures began to appear.

"Zhantian, Sister Qingyue was here, she was ambushed by everyone, I'm afraid it's gone now, let's hurry up." At this time, a man appeared in the picture, with blood on his body and injuries. Said anxiously.


The figure flashed, and a familiar figure appeared in Xiao Yun's sight.

"Father!" After seeing this figure, Xiao Yun stared at the light.

That man is Xiao Zhantian!

At this time Xiao Zhantian's war will be soaring into the sky, and his body filled with a terror of Wang Wei.

Even, his momentum is close to the emperor.

"Is this something that happened 20 years ago?" When these two figures appeared, Xiao Yun's heart suddenly moved.

Things seemed to come up before him.

Phantom Eye!

Xiao Yun urged Phantom Eyes, constantly sensing the atmosphere here.

His eyes seemed to blend into this void, to sense the traces of the past.

Because he was still flying at a high speed at this time, it would be difficult to capture those pictures without stimulating the power of the god's eyes to the extreme.

"Yao Qingyang, if you dare to touch my wife and children, I Xiao Zhantian will destroy you!"

In the picture, Xiao Zhantian's war intentions pervaded, and his long hair was flying, sharp as a blade, which seemed to tear the void.

He headed forward and landed on a suspended platform.

At this time, Xiao Yun also landed on the suspended platform.

The picture turned around, and many people appeared.

"Yao Qingyang, Xiao Xuan, Yu Wenlangya, it really is you!" Xiao Zhantian stared at the light, glaring at the front.

Ahead, there are a few young people standing.

These are led by Xiao Xuan, Yao Qingyang, and Yu Wenlang.

They suddenly reached the realm of kings, and the momentum surpassed many kings.

This is the peerless genius of the three races.

If Xiao Zhantian was not in his contemporaries, they would also be famous in heaven.

As for the side, there are several kings, but the breath is obviously not comparable to Xiao Xuan and others

At the same time, a matrix method shrouded the suspended platform.

"Is this the scene of the year?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun's heart moved suddenly.

He stared closely at the emerging picture.

"Where is Qingyue and my son?" Xiao Zhantian glanced at the king in front of him, and then he sank.

"Hehe, Zhantian, I want to see your wife and children. Please tell me the secrets obtained in the forbidden area of ​​the gods first." Opposite, Yao Qingyang grinned. It was full of fiery color.

"Did you shoot for this?" Xiao Zhantian's eyes narrowed, "How can you know what secrets I have obtained?"

Just then, the bloodstained Yao Qinghong next to him stared at the light.


A handprint appeared in front of Yao Qinghong, and he drew both hands, and the handprint took the mighty power to shoot towards Xiao Zhantian.

Xiao Zhantian and Yao Qinghong were together, but they could n’t resist such a surprise attack. The brotherhood, which has always been quite reliable, shot, so when the handprint struck, Xiao Zhantian was too late to avoid it.

"Father!" Xiao Yun's heart tightened when he saw the attack.

However, when Xiao Yun was worried about it, Xiao Zhantian flashed his eyes.


His whole body glowed, and a burst of warfare burst out.

The war was amazing, it seemed to tear the sky.

That handprint touched Xiao Zhantian's body, and cracks had already appeared.


Only a loud noise was heard, and the fingerprints and Yao Qinghong were shaken by the fly

"Yeah!" Yao Qinghong was shocked and blood spit out in his mouth.

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