Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1067: Blue sky shrine

Big hands fell, carrying the blue sky.

This is really like a sky, glorious, shrouded in all directions, with great power falling down.

The force shook the earth.


Seeing Bai Yunfei's shot, Yi Yi was furious, the little guy's claws tore in the void, and a light pattern bloomed.

"Can this little beast fight it?" Seeing Yi Yi's shot, Manju's heart tightened.

& nbs (pig) (pig) (island) novel www.zhu.omp; Although she knows Yi Yi is not simple.

After all, the other party is a genius, and the state is also in the infant market.

How can Yi Yi, who has not yet reached the infant market, fight one?

Just when Manju stared anxiously at the front, he saw Yi Yi's little claws passing by, and the light streaks crossed the void, tearing the blue sky evolved by that big hand a little, and it looked as if it were real Tearing a slice of sky out of a hole.

The powerful momentum was slowly resolved by a mysterious force.

Then Qing Tian was torn, revealing a palm.


Yi Yi shot quite arrogantly, the little guy picked up Bao Ding and smashed at that big hand.


I saw the colorful light blooming, and the big hand was directly shaken by flying.


The sound of a broken bone came out.

Then a bright light bloomed, Bai Yunfei trembled, and quickly backed away.

Hey, hey!

I saw Bai Yunfei step back seventeen times.

"This beast has such magical power?" Bai Yunfei's eyes were surprised, a white light streak flashed on him, resisting a lot of aftermaths, and then his body was able to settle down, but at this time he was leaning forward. The little beast had a stern face.

This little beast obviously hasn't cultivated the baby market, but he can tear his blue hands at this time.

Although he didn't make a full shot just now, with the powerful blood power, how many people in the world can retreat from him?

But the little snow-white beast in front of him easily tore the blue sky.

In such a scene, how could Bai Yunfei not be surprised.

"The blow from this little beast seems to contain the power of bloodline power just now!" Bai Yunfei groaned, looking back at the previous blow, and with strong perception, he still remembered that there was a weirdness in the little beast's claws. Power is dissolving his supernatural power.

Bloodline magic is derived from bloodline inheritance.

This is like the martial arts soul of the human race.

Ordinary monsters can't have blood power at all.

Even the magical beasts have limited magical powers.

Only those powerful blood monsters have supernatural powers to dominate the world.

Of course, it is not so simple to want to motivate blood vessels.

Only the rich heritage of blood can motivate those magical powers.

The blood of the demon clan originates from its ancestors, and is extremely pure. The magical power is also extremely powerful.

"Can you break through my supernatural power, can this little beast's blood veins be stronger than me?" Bai Yunfei's eyes flickered, and he stared at Yi Yi with some uncertainty. As far as the demons are concerned, the blood veins occupy a large amount of combat power In part, fellow practitioners, the strong bloodline must crush the other party.

Of course, if the talent is strong, it can also be powerful.

At this time, Yi Yi could tear the blue magical magical power by the low level, which shows that its blood is stronger than this Bai Yunfei.

But Bai Yunfei couldn't tell which clans Yiyi came from.


Waiting for Bai Yunfei to think, Yi Yi smashed Baoding over.


That Baoding was evolved to be the size of a hundred feet, and when it was smashed in the air, a colorful light bloomed in Dingshen immediately.

Suddenly the void in front was completely flooded with colorful light, and the horrible waves pervaded, making all the people behind Bai Yunfei feel numb and feel a huge, their realm was limited at this time, and they were also in Zhunying Market territory.

But Yiyi's blow was obviously a strong one.

Suddenly everyone backed up.

"The combat power is good, but you haven't reached the infant market after all." Seeing Yi Yi's shot, Bai Yunfei's mouth evoked a coldness, and then his eyes flickered, and there was a strong blood power on his body. Behind him, there are light lines, and a blue sky emerges.

Not only that, but under that blue sky there was also a white ape that was up to ten feet evolved.

This is the bloodline supernatural power of the Qingtian White Ape.

As soon as the magical power comes out, it can evolve into the blue sky white ape!

"Blue sky white ape, crush everything!"

With a soft sip, he spit out from this Bai Yunfei's mouth.

Suddenly the blue sky around him moved, and a general trend was added behind this Bai Yunfei, and the white ape also followed.

The white ape shot, the palm was shot empty, and the giant hand passed through the colorful light, and then hit the colorful Baoding firmly.


When the giant hand struck, Na Baoding trembled and made the sound of Zhongming. Na Baoding was trembling, shaking a wave, shaking the void into a hollow, at this time the blue sky emerged, when the air was suppressed, in this power Below, the light pattern of Baoding was dim, and it was directly shaken by flying. The vast waves swept out like the stormy waves in the sea and the torrent of anger.

The original menacing Yi Yi was directly taken off.

Even the next **** was shaken by a thousand kilometers, with blood spit out in his mouth.

The horror of the supernatural powers of the Qingtian White Ape is shocking.

"Is this the magical power of the demon?" Manju got up quite hard, and she felt the bloodline gap.


Struck by this sudden magical power, Yi Yi grinned, and anger appeared in her eyes.

Then the white fluff flickered on the white fluff, and a flame swept out.

In the flame was accompanied by a trace of Wang Wei, and the aftershock that swept away was immediately burned to nothingness.

In this way, the oppression that the **** was subjected to was dissipated.

"Really?" Seeing Yi Yi's flames sweeping out of her body, Bai Yunfei's eyes were surprised.

But he was still fearless.

As a genius of the Qingtian White Ape family, it asks itself to be a character among the various demon domains.

With his strength, it is more than enough to deal with this beast below the infant market.

But at this time Yi Yi was burning in anger.

"Yeah!" Yi Yi said lightly, and the fire pattern squirmed on her body, turning into a giant monster suppressing Bai Yunfei ahead.

If you look closely, the monster is exactly the same as Kirin.

This is the unicorn real fire that Yiyi merged with.

"Is the King really fire?" Bai Yunfei sneered, his steps struck out, and powerful blood burst out.

"Under my blue sky, all the real fire is suppressed!" A cold humming came, only to see the blue sky light pattern flashing behind him, carrying an ancient momentum to suppress down, blue pattern flashes, It really looks like there is condemnation and repression.

This is amazing power.

Even though Bai Yunfei hasn't reached the magical powers, he can still deliver amazing power.


Under the suppression of this blue sky, Yiina's real fire actually showed signs of collapse.

The flames raged, trying to burn the sky.

But the blue sky seems to be vast, and it seems to contain endless power.

That light streak kept extinguishing the real fire of Kirin.

Under this wear-off, Kirin's fire body was blurred.

"Break me down!" After the unicorn's fire became blurred, Bai Yunfei strode forward.

Immediately behind him, a ten-foot-tall giant ape shot.


The giant ape shot, the palm of his hand was to defeat the unicorn ghost.

The big hand capsized and bloomed with a cyan light pattern that drowned Yi Yi's body.


Yi Yi urged Bao Ding, but was still hit by a palm.

After all, it has not yet stepped into the infant market.

Furthermore, Yiyi is in a special situation. It is in Nirvana. From the new cultivation, the power of the bloodline has not been truly inspired.

How else would it fail?


Yi Yi landed, and that Baoding spilt aside, shaking the ground.

Alas, alas!

The little boy frowned, and he glared forward, his eyes reluctantly appearing.

It also seemed to know that it would never fail unless it had lost a big state.

"Oh, I will take you down today!" Bai Yunfei grinned.

Then he flipped his palm and took out a cyan aquarium.

The light pattern of this treasure bottle flickered, emitting a vast wave.

That kind of fluctuation is like a king as an emperor, giving people a tendency to rule the world.

This is an imperial weapon.

Seeing Bai Yunfei taking out this treasure bottle, all the practitioners of the Qingtian White Ape clan were deeply relieved.

They were still surprised by Yi Yi's strength just now.

But at this time the crowd was ridiculous.

"This is a magic weapon contained in the blue sky treasure jar, made for our clan emperor. If the emperor urges this instrument, you can take pictures of mountains and rivers and suppress all directions." One of the young people's lips evoked a sense of pride. As soon as these imperial tools come out, who can fight with Bai Yunfei?


Bai Yunfei's eyes flashed, and the power of the blood was injected into the blue sky aquarium, and then the lines on the aquarium flowed, and a huge cyclone evolved at the mouth of the aquarium. This cyclone became larger and larger, stirring up a horrible storm. As if communicating with one world.

If you look closely, you can really see a blue sky inside.

That is the magical power of the Qingtian White Ape.

If it is collected, it will be suppressed by this supernatural power.

"Close!" The treasure bottle flashed, and the downturn knocked down, and the cyclone completely covered Yi Yi.

A force of terror fell over and Yi was taken in.


Under this power, Yi Yi.

A multicolored light pattern bloomed on it to resist the force of ingestion.

It was just that the **** beside him was trembling, and was absorbed into the void by that traction.

Even when she urged Arcana, she couldn't resist that power.


Just at this moment ~ ~ a giant hand appeared.

This big hand is crystal clear, like white jade, with a light pattern flashing in it, and when he is empty, he shoots at the blue sky treasure bottle.


The fall of the giant hand contained a trace of divine power. The mighty might directly shattered the blue pattern and cyclone evolved from the blue sky treasure jar. After the cyclone collapsed, Manju immediately felt that the traction force he suffered was weakened, and his body fell down.


When the raccoon's body fell down, she felt that her waist was tight, and she was tightly embraced by a big hand. A strong masculinity was also coming out of the nose. Her body temperature made her blush.

She also felt a strong anger.

"Gongzi!" This kind of breath made Manju's heart beat like a little deer, and she was an inexplicable ecstasy. Her narrow eyes blinked, she couldn't help looking at her, she could see that. After embracing her youth, she was ashamed and said softly.

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