Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1076: Only the weak need people ...


Niu Qingtian wolf fell to the ground with blood spit in his mouth. (Starting)

"This ..." Seeing this, everyone was stunned.

"The Prince of Heaven is defeated?" The practitioners who stepped on Tian Niu's veins looked at each other and couldn't believe this fact.

"How is this possible?" The monsters of all races blinked, seemingly trying to determine whether the incident was true again.

How heroic was Niu Qingtian just now?

The auspicious clouds condensed at his feet, like a cow and a natural charm.

From a distance, it really looks like Shenniu Linchen.

Who can compete with such characters in the same level?

But Niu Qingtian was defeated in this state?

On the other hand, Xiao Yun on the opposite side was light and light, and the long hair fluttered with an inexplicable charm.

"This youth is victorious?" Looking at Xiao Yun with a faint look on his face, the youth of all ethnic groups were all surprised.

"Sure enough, he was a genius. He just said ten moves to defeat Niu Qingtian, but he was defeated in just two confrontations at this time!"

"So talented, I'm afraid I can already make it into the top 20 of the Tian Yao list, right?"

"Which clan does this young man come from?" Suddenly, an uproar sounded above the mountain.

The monsters of all races gathered their eyes on Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun's strength is too scary.

Even Niu Qingtian was defeated. With such a powerful force, who in the same level can compete with him?

"This Xiao Yun's talent is very strong." Bai Yunfei's eyes lightened, and a dignified color appeared on his face.

He originally thought that Xiao Yun and Niu Qingtian were just between Bozhong.

However, Niu Qingtian was vulnerable.

From this we can see how amazing Xiao Yun's combat power is?

"If this person grows up, his future is limitless!" Bai Yunfei murmured in his heart.

"This youth is so strong?" Even Jin Wutai was surprised, "Only three brothers can compete with it."

At this time Xiao Yun suddenly became a genius in the eyes of the demons.

"I'm defeated?" Niu Qingtian wolf fell to the ground with blood on the corner of his mouth. At this moment, his eyes narrowed and he stared at the front. After seeing the lightness of the face, he looked down at his youth lightly. That heart felt inexplicably lost.

How powerful is he?

The blood is strong, and he also has unique insights into the magical powers of the Tiantian Protoss.

Although he hasn't set foot on the royal road today, the power of that foot is also extremely powerful.

That's it, but he still lost.

Under the blow of the opponent.

"How could that blow be so powerful?" Niu Qingtian's eyes flickered, remembering the feeling brought by that blow just now.

Xiao Yun stepped forward. He stared at Niu Qingtian lightly, and said, "Power can be enlightened and break the void. In this case, martial arts can also be enlightened. Why can't my attack be so powerful?" Or, they are summing up what they just realized.

After this battle, he had a little more understanding of martial arts.

He even felt that he had a vague idea of ​​the divine realm.

Perhaps he can become a magical power by martial arts.

"Can power be enlightened or martial art be enlightened?" Niu Qingtian muttered to himself, thinking.

At this moment, Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and his eyes fell on the eight demon black bulls in front of him. At this time, these big demon were suppressed in the palace, when Xiao Yun's eyes When they fell on them, they all looked terrified.

Even Niu Qingtian lost in the same realm. How can they compete with this young man?

"There are very few people who can defeat me in the demon domain. You have this talent, which is rare, but if you want to move the one-cornered black bull, you have to ask me first!" He got up and his hair fluttered. Although there was blood on the corner of his mouth, he still had a strong momentum spreading out. His eyes were staring at Xiao Yun like a knife.

Although the battle was lost, he was still full of confidence.

"You want to protect them?" Seeing Niu Qingtian so strong, Xiao Yun frowned, and a corner of his mouth evoked an arc.

"Exactly!" Niu Qingtian's eyes flashed.

"Oh, I am the one Xiao Yun is going to kill, I'm afraid you are not sheltering." Xiao Yun smiled and looked up, then he took a step forward, "There is a rule of God here, How much strength can you give, even if you have the treasure? "

After stepping out, Xiao Yun took another step.

He had no fear of Niu Qingtian.

If the powerful imprisonment is urged on this mountain, I am afraid that it will lead to the calamity of the might.

It was undoubtedly self-immolation.

He believed that Niu Qingtian didn't dare to do so.

How could this genius plunge himself into the Jedi for some outsiders?

So Xiao Yun has no fear at all.

After taking a step, a strong war will burst out from him.

Now that he has avenged himself with the one-cornered black bull, he has no intention of letting go of the other.

You know, just now these people still wanted to use Niu Qingtian's hand to remove Xiao Yun!

If no lessons are given to these people, the world will think he will be weak.

"Dare you!" Seeing Xiao Yun step forward, Niu Qingtian's eyes suddenly became gloomy.

Few people dare to confront him in this demon domain.

"Don't you dare?" Xiao Yun's tone was indifferent, but the uttered words were full of hegemony.


At this moment Yi Yi came, the little guy was holding Baoding and looked very excited.

Look at it, it's obviously broken, and I really want to do it.

"Boy, you dare to leave. Those who walk on the pulse of Tenjin Niu will chop you!" Seeing this, almost everyone on the pulse of Tenjin Niu is angry.

Xiao Yun's move is undoubtedly provoking the majesty of the **** of the gods.

There are seventeen demon behind Niu Qingtian.

These people have a baby market, and some have even reached the half-step king level.

It is just that the divine power is suppressed here, causing them to play only the realm of the palace.

Xiao Yun was so ignored at this time, how could they not be angry?

Suddenly, these bull spirits all spurred the power of blood, and the momentum of the bully burst out on them.

The single-horned black cow had several cows in the same vein, which was directly transformed into a cow head with a height of several feet.

"Who can fight with me in the same realm?" Xiao Yun's eyes froze, turning a blind eye to the menacing appearance of these bull monsters, he looked around the four sides, and then took a step forward, a powerful momentum permeated from him. Come.

"Is this youth going to be herds alone?"

"Is this boy too domineering?" Seeing Xiao Yun actually dared to move forward, those monsters on the mountain were surprised.

You know, Niu Qingtian has more than 20 big monsters on his side!

Moreover, the shot at this time is undoubtedly provoking the pulse of the one-horned black cow and the stepping **** of the cattle.

"Isn't he afraid of the revenge of these two monsters?" Many people were very surprised.

"Brother Xiao, make you a genius, give you a chance, let this matter go, otherwise don't blame me Niu Qingtian's cruelty."

Seeing Xiao Yun step by step, Niu Qingtian's eyes flashed, at this time he also urged out the power of blood.

At the same time, a king soldier was sacrificed in his palm.

Although this is not a forbidden device, it can also exert amazing combat power.

"Give me a chance?" Xiao Yun shook his head and said, "Only the weak need to be given the opportunity, and the strong is to create the opportunity. Why should you give me the opportunity?"

The one-cornered black bull's pulse did not hesitate to kill him at this point. The matter is no longer possible to resolve. Why should he be fearless?

Xiao Yundao was firm in heart, and this Niu Qingtian's words could not affect him at all.

"That being the case ..." Niu Qingtian's eyes sank.

Who knows, before he finishes the following words, a strange wave has swept from the front.

That kind of fluctuation is extremely amazing, carrying a mighty power.

Niu Qingtian felt his heart tremble under this wave of attack.

"Phantom eyes!" At this moment Xiao Yun stepped forward, with a dazzling pattern in his brows.

He was urged by Phantom's eyes.

God's eyes urged, although not condensed into God's eyes, but the gods are lingering around, but the power of God is still extremely amazing.

This kind of fluctuation swept the Quartet in no time, and the monsters who stepped on the God Bull and the one-horned black cow were shrouded in this magical power. These monsters suddenly felt a dazzle in their eyes, the world was spinning, and the heavens and clouds were upside down. There is a world that evolved.

Their minds are getting confused.

"Dead!" At this moment, Xiao Yun shot.

The spear of extermination flashed out, straight to the one-horned black bull.

At the same time, his fingers flickered with finger flashes.

Binghuo refers to the mang directly freezing a cow demon, and then piercing it.

The Spear of Destruction flickered through a sea monster.


At the same time, Phantom's eyes spurred the power of dementors.

Under this divine power, the babies of the unicorn black bulls were photographed.


When the fairy baby was photographed, Xiao Yun shot.

The power of the ice-fire martial spirit was urged and turned into a spirit seal to freeze several demon babies.

Immediately after the frozen baby was frozen, a force of fire burned it into nothingness.

It was only momentarily that the eight demon monsters with a single horn were stunned.

At this time, the power of Xiao Yun's phantom eye was recovered.

At this point, the consciousness of the person who has the pulse of Niu Qingtian and Tian Tian Niu gradually became clear.

Not only them, but even some other monks on the mountain felt their own hearts tremble.

When their minds were restored, the eight big demon in the vein of the one-horned black bull had fallen.

Hey, hey!

Eight loud sounds shook the Quartet, and the huge bodies of the eight demon who could only see a single horned black bull fell to the ground, shaking the mountain, and the shaking shook the mountain. This kind of fluctuation immediately attracted countless people on the mountain. The eyes of the monster repair, when the scene was changed behind the scenes.

"What happened just now?" Many people looked surprised.

Just just momentarily, how could a person with a one-horned black bull be dead?

"Both are dead?" Bai Yunfei was also stunned, and at the same time he looked at Xiao Yun's eyes with a look of jealousy.

This ability made him feel chilled ~ ~ dead? "After seeing this scene, the people who stepped on the ox of the gods were all stuck in place.

At the same time, a ray of fear kept rising from their eyes.

Even Niu Qingtian's face looked extremely ugly.

He was ready to take a shot just now, but when the mind is confused, but when the mind recovers, the person with this one-horned black cow is stunned. What does this mean? Is it possible that in the blink of an eye, you may be ridiculed?

Thinking of this, his body retreated two steps involuntarily.

At the same time, he looked at Xiao Yun with a little horror in his eyes.

This kind of eyes is the first time he has revealed to a peer youth since his debut.

[Please ask for a monthly ticket, the plot in the demon field will also be very exciting, Xiao Yun will kill back when you rise, everyone will support you and introduce your friends to see it]


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