Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1113: Little beast

Clan Wars!

This is a trivial matter, even if the peacock tribe is no matter how strong it is, it is not dare to magnify it.

At that time, we will certainly encounter the situation of the siege of demon monsters like today.

Maybe there are invincible emperors carrying artifacts.

It wasn't that the snow-white beast could turn things around!

"Oh, Yang Xiao, did you wake up?" Kong Siye strolled away, feeling instinctively, and found that Yang Xiao also woke up, and now it laughed aloud, but this laughter came out, but it was angry Yang Xiao's face turned pale and he said nothing for a long time.

It even restrained its breath, and seemed to want to prove that he was fainted.

This attitude makes it extremely depressed.

How aggressive they were then.

The fake artifact thought it could sweep the emperors.

How do you know that such a change will occur.

Seeing the three emperors silent, Kong Siye didn't say much.

Then, Xiao Yun and others came to Yiyi together.


Yi Yi's body changed into a white light and fell on Xiao Yun's shoulder.

The little guy changed the fierceness just now. It was restrained and seemed to be clever. The long eyelashes blinked at Xiao Yun.

That attitude seems to be waiting for Xiao Yun's praise.

"Yi Yi is really good." Seeing Yi Yi's lovely appearance, Xiao Yun smiled slightly and stroked the little guy's fluff.


Complimented by Xiao Yun, Yi Yi's white fluff turned directly into crimson. It kept rubbing Xiao Yun's neck with that little head of melon seeds. It seemed that the little guy at this time also seemed very happy, just like a beast The gesture made many people startled.

How powerful was this little beast just now?

It continued to suppress the three emperors, but at this time, it was like a pet beast trying to please its owner.

This scene caused a stormy sea in many people's hearts.

At the same time, the enchanting eyes showed envious eyes to Xiao Yunshi.

"If only I had such a little beast!" Even Princess Kirin was envious.

"Why did this Terran boy accept such a terrible beast?" Qingzi Yao could not help but sigh.


Just as everyone was envious, Yi Yi said lightly.

Then the little guy handed several bone rings to Xiao Yun.

This is the loot it crushed from the queens.

"This ..." Seeing this, the demon Xiu completely dumbfounded, "Did you even hand in the booty?"

Many people feel dizzy and this is incredible.

Even the seventh son of Kong revealed his envy.

Mo said that Kong Qigongzi, next to Chu's father, Kong Siye also looked envious.

You know, this little beast has acquired the heritage of God, and its own blood is also extremely amazing. If it grows up, it may become the master of the demon tribe and sweep the emperors, but this is the existence, but at this time it is so to Xiao Yun.

How can this not be envied?

"At that time, my brother will make a lot of sugar for you to eat." Xiao Yun smiled lightly, took off the bone, and then stroked Yi Yi's small head of melon seeds. After hearing this, Yi Yi's eyes were immediately With fine light flashes.

It seems that this little beast can't wait to eat those candy.

"What's the origin of this little beast?" At that time, Chu Tianxia was also curious and asked about swallowing the tit.

"This beast is a little strange. It should be a strong man who has carried out Nirvana, and wants to re-cultivate and go out of the other way."

Said the swallow.

"Nirvana?" Hearing the words, even that Siye Kong was surprised.

The emperors rushed to Yi Yi with curiosity.

"Presumably the same." Then they nodded slightly.

Yi Yi shot just now, and he sent out a terrifying bloodline.

That kind of might is by no means ordinary ordinary demon, but rather similar to those pure blood holy beasts.

So it makes sense.

Maybe this little beast is really a Nirvana who has performed Nirvana, and is now re-cultivating.

It's the same, it can integrate the Kirin Temple so easily.

Although surprised, Ji Huang did not bother Yi.

"This matter has come to an end for a while. Is Xiao Xian's nephew joining the Celestial Clan with my son?" Chu father laughed.

"The junior entered the domain of the demon at the beginning, and had nowhere else to go, so they followed the predecessor to live in the Celestial Clan for a while," Xiao Yun laughed.

"That brother Kong?" Father Chu said to Kong Siye.

"Oh, Tianming's return is a happy event, I'll wait for the nobles to disturb me." Kong Siye smiled.

"So good." Father Chu nodded slightly.

"Tianming returned, but at this time lost his physical body. The old men in the clan will certainly make things difficult. If Kong Si goes together, it means that they still support Tianming, and presumably the old ghosts will not be excessive. Chu Huang nodded slightly.

Then the old emperor flicked away, and led everyone away from this world.

After the peacock and swallow queen left, the descendants of the Qilin and Qianyi Shenpeng were relieved.

It was only at this point that they gnawed at the deep pit, and behind each other they did not know what to do.

The Kong Emperor just said that several emperors were pretending to be dizzy. If they were calling now, would they have lost the face of the old emperor?

Slightly groaned, the younger generation decided to stay in place.

After half an hour, the old emperor in the deep pit came out.

At this time they were extremely embarrassed and not badly injured.

But after half an hour, it also recovered a lot of vitality.

"Old ancestors!" When the old emperor Yang ran out of the pit, the descendants of the Kirin tribe bowed their heads.

But everyone did not dare to say one more thing, it seemed that they were afraid that the emperor would be angry.

"Seven ancestors, this is your tower!" Princess Qilin presented the tower to the old emperor.

The pagoda was hit and many people's eyes were hot.

But no one dared to rob, otherwise the Kirin tribe would definitely be excited.

In the end the tower was acquired by Princess Kirin.

"Um." The old man put away the pagoda.

Then Yang Xiao also plundered from the deep pit.

It was surrounded by fire patterns and evolved into a fire armor.

At this point it was stripped and had to be so.

The emperor of the Qianyi Shenpeng tribe is also the same. Its body is shining with blue light, like a piece of feathers attached to the skin.

"Go!" The Emperor of Qianyi Shenpeng snorted, and left with the clan.

"Go!" The old emperor of the Kirin tribe also walked away from here.

Blinking, this world is no longer visible.

It was just a battle here, but it spread to the whole demon domain in the shortest time.

"A big deal has happened in Tianshu domain recently!"

"What's the big deal?"

"The young beast of a human race has won the Kirin Temple in the Unicorn's Secret. To this end, the demon of various ethnic groups have dispatched to seize that temple, and the emperor of the Kirin tribe is holding a fake artifact in order to remove that The Kirin Temple was seized. "

"So cruel, even the fake artifacts are carried on?" After hearing the news, there was an uproar.

"What's the result? Did the emperor of the Kirin tribe capture the Temple of Kirin?" Many demon eyes showed curiosity.

Not long ago they heard about the opening of the Kirin Temple.

But the demon did not get the news that the Kirin Temple has been obtained.

Now it sounds, it has suddenly attracted the interest of countless monsters.

"It was said that the young man of the tribe was found in the rat field, and as a result he slashed several kings, and fled to the empty and chaotic field of the rat field, where the emperors of all ethnic groups gathered and forced the young man into desperation. The queen's emperor took refuge, but was still incapable. "

"Have the peacocks been shot?"

"Because there are too many emperors of various ethnic groups, a dozen emperors have appeared."

The man talked about the battle of the mouse field in a thrilling manner, which caused a lot of people's curiosity.

"How's it going?" Many big monsters asked with anticipation.

"Finally?" Said the deity of the man. "The little beast shot at the moment of crisis. By virtue of the cultivation of the infant market, it crushed the emperors and plucked off the armor of the two emperors of the Kirin tribe. Also suppress the emperor of the Qianyi Shenpeng tribe. "

"This little beast is really cruel. It not only suppressed the emperors, but also ransacked them ..."

That battle was explained in detail.

"What a cruel little beast!" After hearing Yi Yi stripped away several emperors and ransacked them, scared countless emperors and monsters fleeing in horror, countless demon repairs are not very much Hush, showing a startled expression.

In the demon realm, I'm afraid it's the first time that the emperor was stripped?

Suddenly, they crowned Yi Yi with the name of a cruel beast.

This story spreads ten and ten times.

Soon, almost all the practitioners in the demon domain knew this.

"A snowy white cruel beast?"

Many people are curious.

Especially those demon women, they have a little more interest in Yi Yi.

Yi Yi's reputation spread quietly in the demon domain.

Of course, the monsters are also curious about the owner of this cruel beast.

"If you can get this little beast, you will undoubtedly get a big assistant." There are also the elders of the clan with hot eyes.

It's just that many people just think about it.

Even if you have the heart, don't dare to rush.

Even the old emperor was stripped of this fake artifact.

Ordinary emperors are afraid that they will only be suppressed?

At this time, in the Kirin tribe, the old emperor and Yang Xiao sat with gloomy faces on the throne.

At this moment, the elders in the hall couldn't help laughing when they looked at the two.

Because they also heard that these two peoples were suppressed by the small beasts, and they were also killed.

"Hum." Seeing that some people wanted to laugh, Yang Laoqi snorted coldly.

Suddenly, the emperors suppressed the volatile mood.

But the first old patriarch in the hall was with his eyes narrowed and said, "It seems that this little beast is really not simple."

"This little beast is very rich in blood, I'm afraid it's a pure blood sacred beast." Yang Laoqi said with a look of surprise.

"Pure blood sacred beast?" After hearing the words, all the emperors in the hall were moved.

"If we can get this beast, we Kirin tribe will become the first tribe of the demon domain!" Some of the emperor's eyes showed fiery colors.

"It's just that this little beast is a little weird. Although it's very powerful, it can't speak, just babble."

Yang Xiao said ~ ~ Can't speak at this level? Wen Yan said that the heads of the Kirin clan were surprised.

"Look!" Yang Xiao flicked his hand, and a picture appeared in front of him.

That's the picture of Yi Yi's fingers, babbling.

"It's strange." Many of the emperor's eyes were surprised.

"In the ancient times, the children of the demon clan did not spit words. Only after they learned the Tao could they spit out words and incarnate. After countless sage cultivation and demon evolution, some large clan children can be transformed into human figures. Saying people, but there are also legends that there are big demon in order to pursue the avenue, re-Nirvana, and fall back to the original, to find the original way. "

The patriarch of the Kirin murmured, "The legend can only become the immortal supreme if it has the origin of the sermon."

"Is this little beast a Nirvana of the Most Powerful, looking for the origin?" After hearing the words, many demon emperors looked suspicious.

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