Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1129: The boys gather

In the living room, women of all races bid farewell to Xiao Yun.

"Brother Kong Yan, you have to make a match with this Xiao Xiaozi for me."

Before leaving, Kong Yingying drew a small voice from Kong Qigong.

"Sure, sure." Kong Qigong smiled bitterly.

"Brother Kong Yan ..." After Kong Yingying left, someone came to Kong Qigong again, hoping that it would help arrange the opportunity.


% 猪% 猪% 岛% Novel ww. After a while, the women of all ethnic groups gradually dispersed.

"Finally, it's all gone!" Xiao Yun was relieved, looking at those who left.

He really couldn't parry with so many women.

"How about, my demon beauty is enthusiastic?" At this time, the swallowing **** smiled and walked forward, "Which one do you like? Would you guys help you pull the line? Anyway, you are going back to Tianduyu, now Whoever wants to overthrow is not afraid that someone will bother you. "

It looked smirk.

"Do I want to push the girl down and ask you to pull the line?" Xiao Yun shrugged and despised, "Did you see these girls asking me to talk to them about life, ideals?"

"This ..." The swallowing queen was speechless, and my heart was extremely depressed.

"Oh, my sisters are pretty good, brother Xiao should consider it?" Kong Qigong said with a smile.

"But I want to return to the human race!" Xiao Yun sighed.

He has too much nostalgia in Terran.

There are his loved ones there, and those he loves.

There was still deep hatred waiting for him to report.

As for the demon domain, he didn't think too much.

"Oh, who's right in the future?" Kong Qigong laughed loudly.

In its view, Xiao Yun didn't want to go to the Terrans from the Demon Realm so easily.

After hearing these people talking, the **** beside him was full of resentment.

It was just that she knew her status was low, even if she was a little bit attractive, but she was a little worse compared to the women of the big families just now, especially those women of the Peacock family. Their status was extremely honorable!

"It seems that Miss Manci also likes Brother Xiao." Kong Qigong next to him saw the sad expression on Manci, and he secretly said in his heart that he wouldn't say more at the moment, and he was very calm about it. There are also many suitors around the dignified Kong Qigong son.

After a few greetings, Xiao Yun and other talents dispersed.

Xiao Yun also benefited a lot from fighting with Kirin Boys today.

Based on this, he not only set foot in the triple state of the infant market, but also knew his strength.

Of course, after being tempered by the sky, his physique is a little stronger than when he was fighting with Kirin.

Under the calamity of Tian Jie, the Qilin essence that was originally integrated into the body was continuously absorbed and fused by his flesh, veins and bones.

At this time, Xiao Yun's bones were as red as jade, just like refined iron.

After the robbery, Xiao Yun's skeleton meridians were in a state of extreme hunger.

At the moment, he started to swallow Tianji to absorb the essence of the unicorn spirit blood.

Although Qilin's essence and blood cannot be fully integrated, Xiao Yun can always absorb the essence of it and grow up.

With this energy supply, his physique is bound to become stronger and stronger.

"If I try my best, I don't have the ability to fight this Kirin boy, but that's the end card."

Xiao Yun murmured.

At this time, the fluctuations contained in the five unicorn **** patterns in his body became thicker and thicker.


"Xiao Yunli, the ethnic young man, defeated Kirin."

In Peacock City, the story of the battle between Xiao Yun and the Unicorn Prince soon spread.

"This young ethnic group is so powerful?" Many young people who came to Peacock City questioned.

"He led Tianjie to step under the feet of Kirin!" Someone said, feeling very excited when referring to the scene.

"Leading the scourge?" I heard, some people were surprised, and some people disagreed. "Even if he is talented, he can drag the scourge to suppress others, but can he haul the scourge every time he fights? Isn't it because of repression? "

"Otherwise, he's very powerful even without the scourge." Those who had seen the battle were full of awe.

"Bad?" Someone said, "I have so many geniuses in the demon field. How can I be scared by a human race?"


Many people are dissatisfied and think that there are many talents in the demon field, and they should not be deceived by a human race.

"You can ask the top ten geniuses to suppress this Xiao Yun."

"When suppressing this Xiao Yun, you can't lose my demon face."

"I have a lot of monster talents, Longteng son, Junshan son, Seven kill son, which one is not the best talent?"

"Yes, if they do, they must suppress this Xiao Yun!" Someone urged people to ask the top ten people to take the shot.

But those geniuses have not yet appeared, and everyone has to wait for the opportunity.

Ordinary geniuses are unsure to fight this young man of this ethnic group!

More and more people come together in Peacock City.

At the same time, the events of Xiao Yun and Kirin's battle were also spread.

In this regard, the people of the Kirin can be described as extremely depressed.

It ’s just that the son of Kirin is extremely calm. It has been retreating and has not calmed down these unfavorable remarks.

Since that war, it has looked much lower-key.

When the story spread, many of the geniuses on the Tian Yao list appeared.

Such as Niu Qingtian, that Bai Yunfei.

Even Wu Tai and Jin Sangong came to Peacock City.

"That's Junshan!"

"That was the seventh killer!" After the top ten youths on the day appeared in Peacock City, there was an uproar immediately.

Junshan son.

This is the genius of Xuanwu, and now he has set foot in the quasi-king state.

At this time, it can set foot on the king at any time.

However, it has been suppressing Xiuwei, intending to impact the kingship after obtaining the blood of the ancient gods in the Tianyu Ancient Realm.

"Is that Dragon Boy?" After seeing these geniuses, many people looked up.

"It is said that Longteng has set foot on the royal road," someone said, saying.

"What, you have stepped on the royal road!" Wen Yan, many people envy, "This dragon dragon boy has obtained a trace of true dragon blood. It has long reached the realm of the quasi-king, and has been suppressing it. Push forward and sing loudly and be respected among the kings. "

Suddenly, there was a flicker of fire outside Peacock City.

But a young man and a woman were seen flying on the fly.

There can be phoenix patterns on this flying slug.

The two youths sit on top of a flying magpie, with blood behind them, and a phoenix evolved.

An immense amount of ancient might spread from them.

That kind of goodwill is awe-inspiring.

"This is the Son of the Phoenix!"

"That's Phoenix Girl!" When the two men appeared, many young talents exclaimed.

"This son of God Phoenix is ​​so temperamental!" The appearance of Son of God Phoenix has attracted the attention of many demon women.

This is definitely a stunning man.

Wind howling!

This is the contemporary pride of the Phoenix family.

It has a sharp eyebrow, a sharp edge, and a sharp feeling.

Feng Xiaotian didn't smile sternly, and seemed extremely cruel. Those eyes flashed like a sea of ​​fire when they flickered. Within the sea of ​​fire, there was a fire of a phoenix. A natural king was spreading out, making people dare not to get close. But she wants to give birth to love.

Such characters are destined to capture the hearts of countless young girls.

"This God Phoenix son has a strong breath like the sea. Has it already entered the royal road?" Someone exclaimed when the God Phoenix son appeared.

"The Son of the Phoenix has indeed set foot on the royal road." Someone said.

"The Phoenix Girl is still beautiful and touching!" After a little marvel at the strength of the God Phoenix Son, many young people set their sights on the Phoenix Girl. The girl's long hair was curled up, leaving a trail of green silk hanging down. Swaying in the wind.

The flames of fire dangled on her, as if the phoenix was dancing.

Her face was covered by a trace of red veil, making it impossible for her to see the whole picture.

But many people know that Phoenix Girl is definitely one of the most beautiful women in Demon Realm.

Compared with it, Princess Kirin is also one point less cool and gorgeous.

Of course, Princess Kirin also has its own advantages.

When she wore a battle armor, her charming and charming posture also fascinated the thousands of young people in the demon domain.

In front of the flying phoenix, there are several old men.

However, these old men are just a realm of pseudo-emperors.

The emperor of the Phoenix did not come.

They don't seem to be afraid of their descendants being ambushed.

This is their confidence.

The pulse of Phoenix is ​​that there are few big clan comparable in the demon domain.

After ten thousand years of development, they have faint signs that they have overwhelmed the peacock family and become the imperial clan royal family.

Who dares to touch such a tribe?

Even the clans like Lianlong did not dare to rush.

Otherwise it will inevitably lead to clan wars.

"Hehe, God Phoenix son, Phoenix girl, please!" When the two men came here, Grand Master Kong personally greeted him.

Moreover, Kong Qigong accompanied him.

Many peacock geniuses come here, and it seems that they dare not neglect.


Just three days.

The geniuses of the various tribes of the monster domain were gathered in the Peacock City.

"Now these geniuses are gathered, but I don't know who will shoot at that Xiao Yun?"

"A human race has defeated my demon domain genius. Certainly someone will make a shot." The top ten boys of the Tian Yao list arrived, and immediately attracted countless people's attention. Many people were expecting how many of the top ten boys would go. That Xiao Yun shot.

"Ten sons are proud and proud, I'm afraid they won't easily fight Xiao Yun!"

"Otherwise, there is already a son who has released a word and will fight Xiao Yun on the Sky Monster Stage!"

"who is it?"

"It's the son of Junshan ~ ~ It's going to be a little bit for Princess Unicorn." Someone said.

"It turned out to be it." After hearing the words, someone's eyes were stunned and said, "Many of the top ten boys adore Princess Kirin. This Xiao Yun suppressed the Princess Kirin for a month. Hehe, these people will take this shot. It's normal, too. "

Suddenly, many people began to look forward to that day.

Xiao Yun has been steadily repairing.

During the period, a demon woman came to visit, but she was also unable to see it.

"Huh!" On this day, Xiao Yun took a deep breath and retreated from the practice.

"At this time, my physique has reached a peak." Xiao Yun looked at the meridian bones in the body with a smile.

After a few days of practice, he incorporated a large amount of Qilin Shen blood essence into his body, making his physique stronger.

Not only that, his Yuanying and Wuhun are also full of strength after absorbing the Qilin essence.

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