Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1134: Do you dare to marry me ...

"No." . "

"Just in this hundred years?" The field was boiling.

"The road to becoming a **** is about to start?" Xiao Yun's heart also moved.

"This is a prosperous world. If you can become the emperor, you will have the opportunity to set foot on the road to becoming a god!" Said the old emperor leisurely.

"Really?" Wen Yan said, many young people moved.

Even the sons of Longteng and others also moved their eyes slightly.

At this time, their breath has obviously changed.

Become a god!

Even for their geniuses, it has great appeal.

"But I don't know when to start the road to becoming a god? Where is that road to becoming a god?" Asked a young man.

"This is a secret, even if I wait, I don't know." The old man waved his hand, unwilling to say more.

This is the result of their ancestors of the Xuanwu tribe.

The Xuanwu tribe is good at astronomy, so they know some geniuses.

"Thank you all for coming here for the little girl He Shou. The battle for the ranking of Tian Yao will start in my Peacock City stage in three days." At night, Kong Siye stood up and said to the young people under the stage. Everyone of the various ethnic groups in the region enters the infant market, and the children of non-queen descendants who are less than 30 years old can participate in the rank of Tian Yao, and children of all races can come to watch at Peacock Terrace!

"Is Tianyaotai going to open?" After hearing the words, the big demon of all races in the demon domain were all hot.

Here, the clan of the demon domain is almost brought together.

Hundreds of them are enough.

Some of the demon clans with insufficient knowledge failed to enter.

Only the Tianxiu station was opened, but the children of all races in the Tianxiu ranking battle can come and watch.

The geniuses of the major races retreated.

There are also geniuses in groups of three or five, and the various ethnic groups leave, so that they can take advantage of this exchange.

Xiao Yun came to the house of Princess Peacock together with the swallowing tit.

The larynx met the peacock princess, and the two loved each other so much that Kong Qigong, Xiao Yun and others were quite awkward.

Then they withdrew, letting the two men talk.

"Eight years!" The Skyfinch and Princess Peacock stood on top of a mountain and stared into the distant void.

There is a chill on this mountain top, like a snowy mountain.

Because of the physique of the peacock princess, the ancestors of the clan have drawn a cold pulse.

"Yeah, it's been eight years." They gathered again, sighing slightly.

"Why were you so obsessed then?" Princess Peacock looked back, looking at the youth around her, and there was sadness in those eyes.

Now the young man is futile.

Sustaining the human body for such a long time makes the exhaustion of the larynx origin huge.

"Now I'm not physically there, I'm afraid it's hard to set foot on the royal road!" Swallowed a deep sigh.

In the heart of the woman who swallowed to the side of the bird, the emotion was inexplicable.

What a beautiful woman next to her, the silver hair flutters, and the cold air is like the fairy from the cold palace.

This fairy doesn't eat fireworks on earth, and it doesn't stain red dust. Anyone who sees it must be self-defeating.

The princess is still the princess of that year.

But Chu Tianming is not the same as it was then.

"Oh, proud, like you, do you feel inferior?" Suddenly, she felt so embarrassed, but Princess Peacock smiled inexplicably, but her eyes were obviously ridiculed, and she had some inexplicable sadness.

Her heart is hurting.

Pain for this youth.

How arrogant was the Skyfinch?

Even though he knows that his bloodline talent is not as good as his brother, he has never been discouraged.

Instead it went to the forbidden land to find the supreme heritage.

But today, its tone is clearly changing.

That's no longer the confidence of the year.

"Humble inferiority?" The swallowing cockade leaned its head away, instead of gazing at Princess Peacock, but looking at the distant void, smiling bitterly, "I am physically inaccessible today, it is difficult to set foot in the royal road, and you have unlimited potential, and I will surely Achieve the royal road. "

"Not only that, if God ’s Road is really open, maybe you can set foot on Shinto. At that time, do you still have inferiority to talk about?" Chu Tianming's eyes flickered, and his heart was extremely bitter. "At that time, you will really be like The fairy in that palace is beyond reach. "

"Is this what you think?" Princess Peacock trembled slightly. The jade hands clenched and tried to suppress the undulating emotions in her heart. Her frosty eyelashes trembled, and she darted to the side who was afraid to look at herself. Youth, whispered.

The swallowing queen was bitter, looking at the void in the distance, afraid to look directly at the peacock princess.

Even though it is usually arrogant, it is still inexplicable pressure in the face of this girl.

Because Princess Peacock is too good.

She is even more talented than Kong Qigongzi.

"If you really think so, why should you pick that snowdrop and send it to me?" Princess Peacock's eyes filled with resentment.

"Because I promised you, I will give this thing to you," said the swallowtail.

In fact, it wanted to say it, because it was a testimony of their love.

The same is true, it chooses to use it as a birthday gift.

Because it felt that nothing could be more meaningful than this snow lotus.

But at this time, it was unable to say this.

"Have you promised me?" After hearing the words, Princess Peacock smiled sweetly, and the face that was so cold was like a lotus blooming suddenly on the snowy mountain. It looked extremely beautiful and beautiful. The silver hair blown by the mountain breeze, staring at the youth around him with all kinds of styles, smiling, "You once promised to marry me, can you honor it now?"

"Marry you?" Wen Yan said, swallowing the titmouse, and the memories of that childhood began to come to mind.

It vaguely remembered, and that was also the time.

They came back from that cold mountain with scars.

At that time, the peacock princess carefully applied Tuntian, and the young girl stared at those innocent eyes.

"Brother Tianming, how would I be your wife when I grow up?" The little girl said seriously.

"Okay!" The little boy agreed, and said in a slightly overbearing tone, "My dad said, we already have a marriage contract. You will be my woman in the future. Do n’t want to take it away, you only You can marry me, you can't marry someone. "

"Really?" The little girl blinked her eyes, showing her face rejoicing. "Then you have to talk, you must marry me."

"Sure," said the little boy.

"Should we tick off," said the little girl with joy.


The past is like smoke, not now, but so intoxicating.

Although young then, the feelings at that time were the most innocent feelings.

Until the two grew up, the relationship remained unchanged.

Thinking of those memories, a swallowing smile arose from the corner of the swallowing mouth.

How happy it was when I was young.

Unfortunately, as he grows older, and with the cold eyes of his people, he knows the burden on his shoulders.

"Why don't you dare to marry?" Seeing Tian Tianlu's reminiscence, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, Princess Peacock asked with a bit of provocative taste. At this moment, her eyes blinked, and there was a little flicker in it. Looks glamorous.

Seeing the woman's mouth slightly tilted, her face looked provocative, and swallowed her eyes, and then said quite arrogantly, "As long as you dare to marry, why can't I dare to marry, but do you dare to marry?" His face was cold, his eyes stared at the Peacock Princess.

"Don't you dare?" Princess Peacock whispered the silver hair and said with a grin, "I'm afraid that someone would not dare to marry because of too much pressure? People have a lot of geniuses to remember." She blinked her eyelashes, When I swallowed the tit, it was full of provocation.

She seemed to know the temper of this young man well.

"What genius?" Said the swallow queen coldly, "One day, God will step on them all the way."


Seeing the swallowing queen was restored to its former arrogance, the peacock princess smiled, and her heavy mood was finally relieved.

This is Chu Tianming in her memory!

"That's natural." Swallowing Sky Finch was confident, and then his eyes fixed, "Just do you believe me?"

"I naturally believe in you." Princess Peacock laughed loudly, but her heart was dark. "Even if you can't set foot on the top of the royal road? I love yours!" But she knew that the youth had a high spirit Pride, if this is said, it will inevitably make it lose confidence.

"You can rest assured that I will set foot on the peak of Emperor Road, even if the blood is not enough? I Chu Tianming will go against the sky, your man will never be weaker than others." Teng Tianque said firmly, at this moment in his heart That trace of inferiority was also dispersed, and the endless fighting spirit was exchanged.

It was originally fearless.

But it was scared when faced with this beloved woman.

I'm afraid this woman will change her heart because of her situation at this time.

But now this peacock princess is still, still love it so much, what fear does it have?

Seeing the swallowing queen restored confidence, Princess Peacock was also extremely happy.

As soon as she moved her hands, she flew into the arms of the swallowtail.

Swallowing the skyfinch slightly hugs it, and embraces it.

Although she lost her physical body, her original evolution at this time made her like a real person hugging the peacock princess.

But this evolution is extremely costly.

On the top of the mountain, the snow drifted, and two long-standing lovers embraced each other, which looked exceptionally romantic and touching in that moonlight.

Three days passed in a blink.

In the past three days, many children of the Yao Clan were retreating, preparing to meet the battle of the Tian Yao Bang in the best state.

Xiao Yun also closed his retreat for two days after discussing some opinions on martial arts with Kong Qigongzi and others.


On this day, melodious bells rang in Peacock City.

"The battle for the ranks of the demon is finally coming."

After the sound rang, countless young demons in the city moved.

There are also demons coming out of the city ~ ~ 咻, 咻!

Inside the city of Peacock, light beamed across the void, and numerous demon darted toward the Peacock Terrace.

There are younger generations and many elders.

Battle of the ranks of the sky monster.

This is a great age of the demon realm, a war of concern for all ethnic groups.

"Is this day finally here?" At this time, Xiao Yun got up, and he pushed out the door.

He is also full of expectations for this day.

After hearing the name of Genius Genius, now he can finally see the combat power of those geniuses!

"But I don't know where I can go if I participate in the battle of the ranking of the Tian Yao list?" Xiao Yun secretly murmured.


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