Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1143: Amazing momentum!

After a cold hum, Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and he punched out at that Peng Aotian.


The punch blasted out, and the void in front of them collapsed.

Then those gold feathers were defeated.

A mighty war was sweeping towards Peng Aotian like a stormy sea.

Hey, hey!

Under the impact of this war will, Peng Aotian retreated seven steps in a row.

"Peng Yu Jin Yi!" When the war sentiment came, Peng Ao Tian's eyes were condensed, and Peng Yu evolved immediately in front of him, turning it into a golden coat to cover it. Resisted, at the same time, Jin Yu behind it flickered and chopped forward.


Jin Yu cut off and hit Xiao Yun's fist.

Suddenly, Xiao Yun's momentum was blocked.

However, everyone in this scene was stunned.

"This Xiao Yun actually resisted the offensive of Aotian's son 3000 Jinyu?" Everyone was shocked.

How easily did Peng Aotian defeat Chu Tianming before?

But this ethnic youth can resist such offensives.

From this perspective, he really has some means!

Many people could not help but glance at Xiao Yun at this moment.

No one is more surprised than Peng Aotian on the platform.

It has the most powerful attack power of the three thousand gold feathers.

However, such offensives were unable to win this tribal youth.

"You have a bit of strength." Peng Aotian's eyes condensed, and his momentum was condensing.

Just to fight, its Jin Yu cut on the opponent's palm but failed to hurt it.

This is shocking.

However, Peng Aotian didn't mean to be discouraged.

The light in his eyes grew hotter, and Jin Peng's blood in his body kept rolling.

Among them are ancient veins that are activated.

And Xiao Yun was staring forward, the whole body's warfare became more and more intense, and there was a war pattern flashing in his brows.

"I'd like to see how strong your physique is!" At this time, Peng Aotian's eyes were frozen.

But I saw the Jin Yu behind it became brighter.

You can even see the lines flowing on those golden feathers.

An ancient wave permeated and breathtaking.

"Shen Yu Ning Bing!" Peng Aotian stared at the light, only to see it pulling by his hands, and immediately behind him ten ten feathers flickered out.

The ten pupa feathers were suspended in front of it, like a ten-edged blade shining with a dazzling light. The golden light pierced the void and trembled, all the golden light was like radon, which could kill people invisible. Faced with these golden lights, those who are bound to fall down.

"Ning!" After ten Jinyu appeared, Peng Aotian pulled by both hands.

Then the ten feathers flickered.


A golden light pattern flickered, and then ten pupa feathers began to superimpose, constantly merging under the golden light pattern combination.

The integration of the feathers has made its momentum soar.

The feathers, which were originally only wide by feet, were also thicker. Not only that, the textures became more perfect.

"What is this Peng Aotian doing?" Seeing those fused feathers mingling, some outsiders were surprised.

"This is the town myth of the Golden-winged Dapeng!" Someone said, "Golden-winged Dapeng can condense gold feathers in one vein. At the same time, these gold feathers can be stacked. Jin Yu's power has doubled, but it will also drain a lot of blood. "

"That's it." Many eyes were stunned.

By this time, the ten feathers had been merged.


The sound of crickets sounded, but a huge golden feather appeared in front of Peng Aotian.

This golden feather is dazzled by lines, like a sharp sword, exuding a sharp breath.

At this time, Jin Yu's mighty power was amazing, and he had surpassed the ordinary king spirit soldiers.

It's hard to imagine who can take this Jin Yu with his bare hands without using Wang Bing?

"This Jin Yu's power is several times stronger than before!"

"The township divine magic in the veins of the Golden-winged Dapeng is really extraordinary!" Many people felt envious when they felt the fluctuation of the Jin Yu.

"Can this human race Xiao Yun still fight this Jin Yu?"

"But I don't know what magic power Xiao Yun has?" Many people were curious at this moment.

Even when everyone rushed to Xiao Yun, they had a little more taste of watching the theater.

If this young man does not have enough powerful magical power, how can he crush Peng Aotian?

"Dare to challenge the proud son of Ao Tian, ​​it is simply to die!" The youth of the Golden Wing Dapeng all smiled coldly.

Even Peng Yuan grinned.

It asks itself that it has a good talent, a rare genius in Demon Realm.

But in the face of this brother, it often sighs.

The same is true, it will go deep into the secret world of Kirin to temper the flesh, in order to make up for its own shortcomings.

But after seeing the three thousand golden feathers condensed by this brother, he felt the gap between the two sides deeply.

"If this Xiao Yun doesn't have a powerful magical power, I'm afraid it will be difficult to fight this Peng Aotian." Prince Kirin secretly murmured.

Although it knows Xiao Yun's physique is strong.

But this Peng Aotian and Jin Yu are even more against the sky.

"Take out your magical power!" When this Jin Yu merged, Peng Aotian's eyes were cold and he shouted.

Then it drew a hand, and the long sword that evolved in front of it was cut down towards Xiao Yun ahead.

This Jin Yuhua soldier is like a sword cut off, and the void is cut off directly. A horrible wave oscillates, like a wave of the sea swinging towards the side, but the sword of Jin Yu carries a cut All momentum cut to Xiao Yun.

Such a blow, how many times stronger than before.

Even the practitioners in the Nine-Border Realm of the Infant Ruins were trembling in the face of this blow.

This is the power of the town's divine magic in the veins of the Golden-winged Dapeng.

"Who can resist such a blow?" Many outside practitioners in the Baby Market Yae and the Baby Market Nine Realms were taken by that momentum.

Even some practitioners in the half-step king realm feel scalp hair.

Such a powerful blow was only played when oppressed to the point of the baby market.

Under such oppression, Peng Aotian's blood could not be pushed to the extreme, and the magical powers could not be fully exerted.

Ke Rao is so, still has such terrible power.

It is not difficult to imagine, if this person shot with a paranormal power, how powerful would it be?

"It is worthy of the ancient clan!" Many of the clans of the clan are all with a look of awe.

Only then did they understand what a clan is.

Only then did I understand what is the pride of heaven.

"What magical power does Xiao Yun have?" Under this shock, many people stared at the end of the Jin Yublade, where the young human race Xiao Yun was still standing still. There was no trace of fear on his face.

In this way, many people are curious.

Curious what kind of magical power this young man can withstand the attack of Peng Aotian.

"The demons have some means!" On the battle platform, Xiao Yun felt the momentum brought by the Jin Yu, and his eyes could not help but condense slightly. At this moment, he had to admit that Peng Aotian had some means. , The top ten sons of the demon domain are well-deserved.

It's just that.

Even these geniuses are amazing. But how does Xiao Yun stop?

"Since you want to see what magical powers I have, let you see it!" Xiao Yun evoked a faint smile, and he looked very indifferent. When the blade of the golden feather was cut off, his pace was fierce. Take a step forward.

Then his eyes narrowed.

"Kirin God Pattern!" Came out of Xiao Yun's mouth with a soft sigh.

Then he saw a flicker of fire on his right arm.

When the fire pattern flickered, an ancient breath wave filled with it.

The kind of fluctuations actually carried a mighty power.


Then everyone saw the blood spurting out in front of Xiao Yun.

The extremely hot air also burst out like a stormy sea.

The air flow instantly burned the void in front of it and twisted it.

The golden light from the blade of the golden feather was burned a little bit by this air current.

"Kirin!" Then Xiao Yun could only see his heart move, and there seemed to be a divine pattern wrapped around his arm.


A roar came when the divine pattern wrapped around his arm.

The roar was full of power, and the battlefield shuddered.

The Jin Yu's blades shook for the shock.

After everyone saw Xiao Yun's fist waving, he seemed to have a unicorn thrown out.

This unicorn is very large, full of flames lingering on the whole body, and there are flowing lines, which is as powerful as the ancient unicorn **** beast.

Its unicorn giant palm came out, and it was patted towards the blade of the golden feather.


The palm of Kirin collided with the blade of the golden feather, and the void was sunken.

Followed by horrible waves swept away.

The kind of fluctuation is completely hot air. The fluctuations owned by Jin Yu's Blade were burned by the hot air to nothing, and replaced a little bit. When this air came out, the outside practitioners changed their colors. The emperor was even more surprised.

"This is Kirin Real Fire!"

"That's Kirin's blood!"

"How can this young man be a unicorn?"

Suddenly, exclaimed exclaimed.


When everyone stared at the battle platform in front of them with surprise, the golden feather giant blade trembled and was directly shattered.

The giant blade collapsed and turned into ten pupa feathers flying backwards.

At this time, Peng Aotian trembled and felt an irresistible storm in front of him.

Under this momentum, its body receded again and again.

At the same time, its entire body of gold feathers flickered and turned into a golden suit to resist the front.

Unfortunately, Rao is so, the hot flame still burns the gold garment a little bit, and then hits it.

Even though the flame was dissipated by a lot of resistance, under this shock, Peng Aotian's blood rolled inside his clothes, his clothes were burned to ashes, and even his skin was almost burned. Blood spit out of it immediately ~ ~ 噗!

Blood spit out, and Peng Aotian's body also withdrew two kilometers, and was already close to the edge of the battle platform.

"Peng Aotian was repelled?"

"Aunt Tian is vomiting blood!" Seeing this, the outside world immediately exclaimed.

Then one by one, the demon with an unbelievable expression fell on the young man of the ethnic group opposite Peng Aotian.

On the battle platform, Xiao Yun's face was indifferent, the fire pattern flickered in front of him, and the hot fire flowed towards him.

Then he was absorbed a little bit.

But on his right arm there was still a divine pattern.

This divine pattern was wrapped around his arm like a unicorn.

"Is this the unicorn **** pattern?" After seeing the **** pattern, an elder exclaimed.

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